2 06, 2023

The Great Snow Cover Debate: Are we seeing more snow or less?

By |2023-06-02T09:51:52+02:002 June 2023|IPCC, Ireland, News, USA, Videos|Comments Off on The Great Snow Cover Debate: Are we seeing more snow or less?

Willie Soon, Ronan and his father Michael Connolly released a new interesting video about the snow cover debate. Clintel covers this debate in chapter 4 of our report The Frozen Climate Views of the IPCC. The three scientists published a paper in 2019 comparing snow cover in climate models with observations. In [...]

1 06, 2023

Open letter to Dr Hoesung Lee, Chair of the IPCC

By |2023-06-04T11:20:06+02:001 June 2023|IPCC, News|Comments Off on Open letter to Dr Hoesung Lee, Chair of the IPCC

Professor Dr. Hoesung Lee, Chair of the IPCC, c/o World Meteorological Organization 7bis Avenue de la Paix C.P. 2300 CH -1211 Geneva 2, Switzerland. The Hague, May 25, 2023 Dear Dr. Hoesung Lee, With the recently published Synthesis Report, the IPCC finished its sixth assessment cycle, consisting of seven reports in [...]