30 01, 2025

“Are my works wrong for several reasons?”

By |2025-01-30T16:22:32+01:0030 January 2025|CLINTEL, Greece, News|Comments Off on “Are my works wrong for several reasons?”

Professor Demetris Koutsoyiannis has written a reaction to Michel Thizon's earlier article on anthropic CO2. I am grateful to Clintel for reposting almost all of my Climath posts. I also welcome Clintel’s posting of an article criticizing my findings (hereafter “Comment”). This is authored by Michel Thizon (hereafter “Commentator”) and is entitled “Anthropic CO2, the real [...]

29 01, 2025

Wind turbines in the sea and whales

By |2025-01-29T18:48:24+01:0029 January 2025|CLINTEL, Germany, News|Comments Off on Wind turbines in the sea and whales

In our recent report The Wind Turbine Tragedy Clintel pointed out the health dangers for humans of infrasound (vibrations we cannot hear) produced by wind turbines. In the following article guest author and biophysicist dr. Dietmar Hildebrand writes about the effects of wind turbines on whales. For the effects on humans also see [...]

27 01, 2025

Infrasound, LFN and our health

By |2025-01-27T15:57:35+01:0027 January 2025|CLINTEL, Germany, News|Comments Off on Infrasound, LFN and our health

In our recent report The Wind Turbine Tragedy Clintel pointed out the health dangers of infrasound (vibrations we cannot hear) produced by wind turbines. In the following article guest author and biophysicist dr. Dietmar Hildebrand writes about the same subject. (LFN means Low Frequency Noise and refers to very low frequencies that we [...]

24 01, 2025

Anthropic CO2, the real %

By |2025-01-24T15:05:13+01:0024 January 2025|France, Greece, News|Comments Off on Anthropic CO2, the real %

Michel Thizon, a retired CNAM Paris engineer and former researcher at Ecole Polytechnique, has written a reaction to the research by Professor Demetris Koutsoyiannis, who argues that rising CO₂ levels are not the cause of global warming but its consequence (see for instance this article and YouTube video). Thizon writes: “Based on the measured [...]

24 01, 2025

“US needs to reestablish its world-leading role in nuclear power”

By |2025-01-24T13:00:25+01:0024 January 2025|News, USA|Comments Off on “US needs to reestablish its world-leading role in nuclear power”

Insight into today’s worldwide development of nuclear power is provided from the history of nuclear generated electricity, say Ronald Stein, Oliver Hemmers and Steve Curtis. First Published January 20, 2025 at America Out Loud NEWS  American ingenuity advanced nuclear technology to a world-class innovation to benefit all. Interestingly, the methods used in the rest [...]

22 01, 2025

Trump’s “Drill, Baby, Drill” Energy Policy Will Enjoy the Enthusiastic Support of the Global South

By |2025-01-22T13:14:30+01:0022 January 2025|News, United Kingdom, USA|Comments Off on Trump’s “Drill, Baby, Drill” Energy Policy Will Enjoy the Enthusiastic Support of the Global South

The inauguration of Donald Trump on Monday, January 20th as 47th President of the United States promises to dramatically change the trajectory of U.S. energy policies pursued by the outgoing Biden administration as well as the previous two-term Obama presidency. Reposted from THE DAILY SCEPTIC by Tilak Doshi In a speech and Q&A session on [...]

22 01, 2025

Climate models completely fail in simulating precipitation

By |2025-01-22T12:52:42+01:0022 January 2025|Greece, News|Comments Off on Climate models completely fail in simulating precipitation

For those unfamiliar with hydrology, here is its definition by UNESCO:¹ Hydrology is the science which deals with the waters of the earth, their occurrence, circulation and distribution on the planet, their physical and chemical properties and their interactions with the physical and biological environment, including their responses to human activity. As [...]

22 01, 2025

Willie Soon going back to the age of the dinosaurs in brilliant video

By |2025-01-22T10:07:39+01:0022 January 2025|News, USA, Videos|Comments Off on Willie Soon going back to the age of the dinosaurs in brilliant video

Dr. Willie Soon is firing up his coal fired time machine and travelling back to the age of the dinosaurs. Brilliant and very entertaining 5 minute video by Soon and the team of Gorilla Science (Martin Durkin and Tom Nelson, who also produced Climate: The Movie last year). Just watch it [...]

22 01, 2025

Marcel Crok speaking at MCC Brussels

By |2025-01-22T09:44:08+01:0022 January 2025|News|Comments Off on Marcel Crok speaking at MCC Brussels

MCC Brussels is one of the most interesting thinktanks in Brussels. It's a Hungarian foundation with their base in Budapest. A few years ago they decided to open a branch in Brussels as well. Good decision. The Brussels branch is led by sociologist Frank Furedi, author of many interesting books. On February [...]

21 01, 2025

Key climate alarmist Mark Carney now bidding for leadership of Canadian Liberal Party

By |2025-01-21T13:24:21+01:0021 January 2025|Canada English, News|Comments Off on Key climate alarmist Mark Carney now bidding for leadership of Canadian Liberal Party

After Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced he will step down, influential climate alarmist Mark Carney is now a candidate for federal Liberal leadership in Canada, ahead of the federal election later this year. Carney debuted his bid on The Daily Show, talking climate and Canadian wildfire emissions, Friends of Science Society reports in a [...]