About Marcel Crok

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So far Marcel Crok has created 27 blog entries.
22 01, 2025

Willie Soon going back to the age of the dinosaurs in brilliant video

By |2025-01-22T10:07:39+01:0022 January 2025|News, USA, Videos|Comments Off on Willie Soon going back to the age of the dinosaurs in brilliant video

Dr. Willie Soon is firing up his coal fired time machine and travelling back to the age of the dinosaurs. Brilliant and very entertaining 5 minute video by Soon and the team of Gorilla Science (Martin Durkin and Tom Nelson, who also produced Climate: The Movie last year). Just watch it [...]

15 12, 2024

Is the detection and attribution of climate change really settled science?

By |2024-12-15T12:16:20+01:0015 December 2024|IPCC, Ireland, News, USA|Comments Off on Is the detection and attribution of climate change really settled science?

The CERES team (Willie Soon, Ronan and Michael Connolly) was invited by the Heritage Foundation to contribute a Special Report on what is known about the causes of global warming since the 1850s. Although they were offered payment for this report, they did it pro bono for the reasons they outline [...]

15 12, 2024

Benny Peiser: “The political consensus around climate is broken”

By |2024-12-15T11:36:16+01:0015 December 2024|New Zealand, News, Videos|Comments Off on Benny Peiser: “The political consensus around climate is broken”

Benny Peiser, director of the Global Warming Policy Foundation for the last 15 years, gave a talk for the Clintel Foundation in The Netherlands in late November. Peiser gave examples from around Europe showing how the Net Zero agenda is crumbling down. He also talks about international climate policy after the Trump [...]

6 11, 2024

Benny Peiser talk in The Netherlands: voter revolts & the end of the Net Zero consensus

By |2024-11-06T22:08:50+01:006 November 2024|News|Comments Off on Benny Peiser talk in The Netherlands: voter revolts & the end of the Net Zero consensus

Benny Peiser, director of the Global Warming Policy Foundation for the last 15 years, will give a talk in The Netherlands about the latest (geo)political and economical developments around climate policy. What does the Trump win mean for climate policy? Will the COP29 in Baku flop? Peiser talks from his longtime experience [...]

24 11, 2023

A historical victory, also for climate realism

By |2023-11-24T23:06:36+01:0024 November 2023|Climate policy, CLINTEL, News|Comments Off on A historical victory, also for climate realism

The historical victory of Geert Wilders of the PVV (Party for Freedom) in the Dutch General Elections of November 22nd was primarily linked to the theme of immigration. But let’s not forget that the PVV has also been a climate sceptic party for many years now. The party doesn’t want money-consuming climate plans [...]

2 06, 2023

The Great Snow Cover Debate: Are we seeing more snow or less?

By |2023-06-02T09:51:52+02:002 June 2023|IPCC, Ireland, News, USA, Videos|Comments Off on The Great Snow Cover Debate: Are we seeing more snow or less?

Willie Soon, Ronan and his father Michael Connolly released a new interesting video about the snow cover debate. Clintel covers this debate in chapter 4 of our report The Frozen Climate Views of the IPCC. The three scientists published a paper in 2019 comparing snow cover in climate models with observations. In [...]

3 06, 2022

Looking at the sun

By |2022-06-03T17:05:35+02:003 June 2022|Canada English, Ireland, News, Videos|Comments Off on Looking at the sun

John Robson, a historian, makes excellent short videos about climate change. You can subscribe to his channel. Yesterday he posted a somewhat longer video focussing on the role of the sun. It is very well done and I encourage everyone to look at the full 20 minutes. It discusses in quite some detail [...]

28 04, 2022

David Siegel: “To me, it’s clear that CO2 has almost nothing to do with climate”

By |2022-04-29T18:48:33+02:0028 April 2022|Interviews, News, USA, World Climate Declaration|Comments Off on David Siegel: “To me, it’s clear that CO2 has almost nothing to do with climate”

Earlier this week we announced the thousandth signatory of the Clintel World Climate Declaration. It is American entrepreneur and author David Siegel. He has been following the climate debate for a long time. He has a climate page with links to lots of interesting talks. He also has [...]

14 02, 2022

Joe Rogan interviews Steven Koonin about climate

By |2022-02-14T10:46:02+01:0014 February 2022|News, USA, Videos|Comments Off on Joe Rogan interviews Steven Koonin about climate

By now most people will have heard about the podcast of Joe Rogan. His concept is simple: invite an interesting guest, don't prepare the interview too much and talk for a couple of hours. Rogan was accused of spreading 'misinformation' about Covid during interviews with Robert Malone and Peter McCullough. Rogan has become [...]

2 12, 2021

Benny Peiser: “we are entering a new phase in the climate debate”

By |2021-12-02T17:57:04+01:002 December 2021|Ireland, News, Videos|Comments Off on Benny Peiser: “we are entering a new phase in the climate debate”

Benny Peiser, director of the Global Warming Policy Foundation, gave a talk for the Irish Climate Science Forum and CLINTEL. His online presentation was titled: After COP26, with a looming energy crisis, is there a realistic alternative to Net Zero? The GWPF recently rebranded the name of their campaigning arm to Net [...]