5 12, 2024

Shrnutí odborných informací z konference

By |2024-12-05T14:05:38+01:005 December 2024|Czech Republic|Comments Off on Shrnutí odborných informací z konference

„Klimatické změny, fakta a mýty ve světle vědy“, pořádané českou pobočkou CLINTEL 12.–13.11. 2024 v PS PČR Czech Parliament Prague Tento text se nezabývá okolnostmi pořádání konference (včetně různých obstrukcí, nátlaku a naschválů ve snaze konferenci překazit nebo aspoň potrestat její účastníky a organizátory), ani nemá ambice vyvracet všechny lživé a manipulativní zprávy, [...]

5 12, 2024

Europe’s German Problem

By |2024-12-05T13:55:29+01:005 December 2024|News|Comments Off on Europe’s German Problem

With Merkel gone, Germany finds itself on an accelerating trajectory of impoverishment. One might have hoped that the German Right would learn a few lessons from the Merkel disaster. It has not. The European People's Party (EPP), the largest political group in the European Parliament -- in which the CDU is a member [...]

4 12, 2024

Climate Change over the past 4000 Years

By |2024-12-04T15:30:35+01:004 December 2024|News, USA|Comments Off on Climate Change over the past 4000 Years

I last wrote about Climate Change and Civilization for the past 4,000 Years in 2016. Since then, a lot has changed, and I’ve learned a lot more about the subject. First, we learned that various air and sea temperature proxies, such as ice core δ18O or tree rings, are all different. For a discussion of some temperature [...]

3 12, 2024

Natural Climate Change Factors

By |2024-12-10T11:31:45+01:003 December 2024|News, USA|Comments Off on Natural Climate Change Factors

“Consensus” scientists do not believe that solar variability, internal climate variability (in this model simplified to the ~67-year stadium wave), or volcanism influence net global warming or climate change since 1750, yet considerable evidence exists that these factors have an impact. I’ve previously built a model of the HadCRUT5 global average temperature (see here) from seven [...]

27 11, 2024

Oceans Warms Atmosphere, with Meteorologist Bill Kininmonth

By |2024-12-04T15:30:08+01:0027 November 2024|Australia, News|Comments Off on Oceans Warms Atmosphere, with Meteorologist Bill Kininmonth

Australia experienced severe drought during the 1990s, and for much of that decade Australia’s National Climate Centre was headed by meteorologist Bill Kininmonth.  He provided advice to government and also to the IPCC.  Bill subsequently published an important book entitled ‘Climate Change: A Natural Hazard’.  In it he explains that the model of [...]

23 11, 2024

Introducing climath, a new blog by Demetris Koutsoyiannis

By |2024-11-23T13:19:05+01:0023 November 2024|Greece, News|Comments Off on Introducing climath, a new blog by Demetris Koutsoyiannis

Climate is a hot topic, but I have been studying it in a cool way. I have used math in my studies, as it is something that I have learned and appreciate. And I fully embrace Stendhal’s maxim about math: What is more I loved, and still do love, mathematics for itself as not [...]

20 11, 2024

Ertrinken in der Täuschung

By |2024-11-20T16:04:02+01:0020 November 2024|Climate change, Extreme weather, Germany, News, Spain|Comments Off on Ertrinken in der Täuschung

Überschwemmungen in Valencia, Spanien Wie Politiker und Medien Naturkatastrophen für eine Klima-Agenda instrumentalisieren Eines wollen wir klarstellen: Die jüngsten Überschwemmungen in Valencia, Spanien, haben nichts mit dem Klimawandel zu tun, sondern mit ignorierten Schwächen der Infrastruktur und schlechter Stadtplanung. Es ist fast schon lächerlich, wie schnell Politiker und Mainstream-Medien (MSM) sich [...]

15 11, 2024

A Klímaintelligencia Csoport (Clintel) hivatalos közleménye

By |2024-12-05T14:08:07+01:0015 November 2024|CLINTEL, Hungary|Comments Off on A Klímaintelligencia Csoport (Clintel) hivatalos közleménye

Nemzetközi Clintel konferencia a Cseh Parlament Képviselőházában   Klímatudósok hivatalos közleménye szerint a ‘klímavészhelyzetnek’ vége 2024 november 13. https://clintel.org/climate-scientists-officially-declare-climate-emergency-at-an-end/ Sokkoló kutatói nyilatkozat: a „klímavészhelyzet” szertefoszlott. A nemzetközi Klímaintelligencia Csoport (Clintel) cseh tagozata által november 12-én és 13-án a Cseh Köztársaság prágai képviselőházában megrendezett kétnapos klímakonferencia ’kijelenti és megerősíti, hogy a képzelt és a [...]

14 11, 2024

Climate scientists officially declare ‘climate emergency’ at an end

By |2024-11-25T23:03:38+01:0014 November 2024|CLINTEL, News|Comments Off on Climate scientists officially declare ‘climate emergency’ at an end

Official press release by the Climate Intelligence Group (Clintel) Clintel international climate conference in Czech Parliament Climate scientists officially declare ‘climate emergency’ at an end Prague, 14 November 2024 Climate scientists have issued a shock declaration that the ‘climate emergency’ is over. A two-day climate conference in Prague, organised by the Czech [...]

14 11, 2024

Climate case of the century won, but threat remains 

By |2024-11-14T12:11:09+01:0014 November 2024|News|Comments Off on Climate case of the century won, but threat remains 

In the ‘climate case of the century’ Friends of the Earth Netherlands (FoE) demanded that Shell reduce emissions throughout the entire chain by at least 45% by 2030. Clintel also applied to intervene in this case but the Court rejected its application on incoherent grounds. On the 12th of November, the Hague Court [...]