Interview with Geoff Sherrington
Geoff Sherrington Name: Geoff Sherrington Country: Australia What is your background? Two years at Royal Australian Air Force Academy to be test pilot (terminated by car crash); two years plant nutrition research CSIRO; five years manager or part owner of analytical chemistry laboratories; twenty years mineral exploration with Peko-Wallsend Limited; two years [...]
Interview with actor and voice over Michael Danisch
Michael Danisch On September 27th, a special version of Climate: The Movie premieres in Germany, near Hamburg. This version has a German voice over, a solo job by Michael Danisch, who spoke and recorded all the lines by himself and will also be present at the premiere. His effort was very well [...]
Interview mit Michael Danisch
Michael Danisch Am 27. September feiert eine Sonderausgabe von Climate: The Movie in Deutschland in der Nähe von Hamburg Premiere. Diese Fassung hat eine deutsche Sprachausgabe, eine Soloarbeit von Michael Danisch, der alle Zeilen selbst gesprochen und aufgenommen hat und auch bei der Uraufführung anwesend sein wird. Seine Arbeit wurde von Regisseur [...]
Interview Massimo Nespolo
Massimo Nespolo Name: Massimo Nespolo Country: France What is your background? I hold a MSc in Chemistry from the University of Torino and a DrSc in mineralogy from The University of Tokyo. After a three-year post-doctoral experience at the National Institute for Materials Science, Tsukuba (Japan), I work, since 2002, at the [...]
Interview Ian Magness
Ian Magness Name: Ian Magness Country: UK What is your background? I studied Earth Sciences for my BSc at Imperial College, after which I worked in the geophysics department of an oil company. I became a Fellow of the Geological Society of London although, frankly, I suspect that was less on merit [...]
Interview Tadej Ian
Tadej Ian Name: Tadej Ian Country: Slovenia What is your background? When I was seven years old, I was already reading between 200 and 300 pages a day. I was reading the entire day, because I was incredibly curious. One day, when I was nine years old, I momentarily ran out of [...]
scientists and experts around the world have signed the CLINTEL World Climate Declaration. Who are these signees and what motivates them to sign the declaration? That’s what we explore in the interviews on this page.