Climate is a hot topic, but I have been studying it in a cool way. I have used math in my studies, as it is something that I have learned and appreciate. And I fully embrace Stendhal’s maxim about math:
In a series of posts (in both English and Greek) I will try to explain the results of my studies using non-mathematical language. For those who want math, I will provide links to my studies.

Proper environment for doing climate math
But I must make it clear from the outset that climate is not a hot topic because of global warming, nor because of the demanding mathematics and physics required to study it.
It’s because of politics. The whole thing is political, nasty, ugly and brutal.
Our politicians, followed by mainstream media and a very wide audience, speak about “climate change”, “climate emergency” or “climate crisis”.
Viewed scientifically, the term “climate change” has the same significance as “time change” or “weather change”. Like time and weather, climate has always changed during the 4.5 billion years of Earth’s history. Hence, “climate change”, if seen in a scientific context, is a tautology, a pleonasm. It is just a popular slogan that belongs to the political vocabulary.
In Greece, we have a Ministry of Climate Crisis. The European Parliament has declared a state of climate emergency. Yet, the Clintel’s World Climate Declaration, of which I am a signatory, states: “There is no climate emergency/crisis”. To elucidate my point of view: as a physical reality, there is no climate crisis, but as a political issue, there is—and it’s much more dangerous than a physical climate crisis.
In brief, the political landscape around climate is this. A climafia feeds its climinions with climillions, while a much wider number of climorons spread the propaganda fabricated by the climafiosi. And given the extent of the climandate agenda, we may assume that it also includes climoles, who present themselves as climate sceptics, while serving the agenda. This is the entire climess around.
Some examples about the climafia are given in the following quite elucidating post.
Most of the research about the stage and the backstage of climandate is due to Jacob Nordangård. I warmly recommend watching the following talk that Nordangård gave during the Clintel conference in June in The Netherlands.
I have myself verified several of the claims contained in the above post and video, as I have done historical research on the climandate. The story is not a conspiracy theory. It is a series of well-documented facts.
As this series of posts is not only about climate math but also about climate aftermath, in subsequent posts I will give more details and references about the political climandate. I had personal encounters with it in trying to publish my papers, and I will refer to my personal experiences in some of the posts.
But my main theme will remain the climate per se, on which my scientific research, based on mathematics—and especially stochastics—focuses. My research was mostly unfunded and was conducted out of scientific curiosity. I believe it is obvious to everybody that the climafia and all climess around would never fund one who thinks independently.
In addition to scientific curiosity, I have one more reason that I have undertaken this research and that I am doing the climath posts. Science is tightly linked with freedom of thought and expression. If the climandate prevails, freedom will evaporate.
The following X post by the UN Secretary-General reveals how desperately they fear freedom of expression and the dissemination of information—how fearful they are of revealing and spreading the truth. Historically, the practice of censoring information has been common in totalitarian systems. And now we have a UN-level campaign against freedom of information, characterizing what goes against the climandate as disinformation.

So, there are many signs about censorship and silencing, and I came to a close encounter with some of them. Therefore, if I hadn’t undertaken these activities, I should have to ask myself what my role is. A climafioso? A climinion? A climoron? A climole? In any of these cases, I would betray what I was taught in the Greek school about the classical moral ideals, including the ideal of science as the pursuit of the truth. Well, the readers who do not know me in person, may feel free to dispute my word that I am not in one of these categories. But I hope by reading my posts they would make a better-informed opinion.
In closing this introductory post, I have to reveal that, as I am a stochastic character, I have not made a plan for how to proceed with the series of posts that will follow. I hope there will be comments by readers, which will certainly help the formation of the sequence.
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