Willie Soon going back to the age of the dinosaurs in brilliant video
Dr. Willie Soon is firing up his coal fired time machine and travelling back to the age of the dinosaurs. Brilliant and very entertaining 5 minute video by Soon and the [...]
What If Everything You Thought About CO2 Was Wrong?
[There is also a Greek version of the post—Υπάρχει και ελληνική έκδοση της ανάρτησης] In my web browsing today, I stumbled upon a video posted yesterday by Robin Horsley, which is based on my [...]
Benny Peiser: “The political consensus around climate is broken”
Benny Peiser, director of the Global Warming Policy Foundation for the last 15 years, gave a talk for the Clintel Foundation in The Netherlands in late November. Peiser gave examples from around [...]
Clintel talk Budapest now online
László Szarka, the Hungarian ambassador of Clintel, recently invited Clintel director Marcel Crok to give a talk in Budapest for the Energy Working Group of the Batthyány Society of Professors. It was [...]
Watching the Sun: 45 years of satellite data (Video)
CERES co-team leader, Dr. Ronan Connolly, has just launched his own YouTube channel, @RonanConnollyScience. His first video describes the paper we posted about yesterday. We have also uploaded the video to the CERES [...]