What If Everything You Thought About CO2 Was Wrong?
[There is also a Greek version of the post—Υπάρχει και ελληνική έκδοση της ανάρτησης] In my web browsing today, I stumbled upon a video posted yesterday by Robin Horsley, which is based on my [...]
Benny Peiser: “The political consensus around climate is broken”
Benny Peiser, director of the Global Warming Policy Foundation for the last 15 years, gave a talk for the Clintel Foundation in The Netherlands in late November. Peiser gave examples from around [...]
Clintel talk Budapest now online
László Szarka, the Hungarian ambassador of Clintel, recently invited Clintel director Marcel Crok to give a talk in Budapest for the Energy Working Group of the Batthyány Society of Professors. It was [...]
Watching the Sun: 45 years of satellite data (Video)
CERES co-team leader, Dr. Ronan Connolly, has just launched his own YouTube channel, @RonanConnollyScience. His first video describes the paper we posted about yesterday. We have also uploaded the video to the CERES [...]
Dr. Willie Soon’s interview by Tucker Carlson
Reposted from CERES-Science Source: CERES-Science In December 2023, CERES-Science co-founder, Dr. Willie Soon, was invited to talk to Tucker Carlson about energy policy, climate change and approaches to science. The full interview [...]