Benny Peiser: The tide has turned but lawfare is now the problem
In his last speech as director of the Global Warming Policy Foundaton, Benny Peiser concluded that climate alarmists are now basically on their own. But “the main [...]
“Are my works wrong for several reasons?”
Professor Demetris Koutsoyiannis has written a reaction to Michel Thizon's earlier article on anthropic CO2. I am grateful to Clintel for reposting almost all of my Climath posts. I also [...]
Wind turbines in the sea and whales
In our recent report The Wind Turbine Tragedy Clintel pointed out the health dangers for humans of infrasound (vibrations we cannot hear) produced by wind turbines. In [...]
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Climate Intelligence (Clintel) is an independent foundation informing people about climate change and climate policies. Clintel was founded in 2019 by emeritus professor of geophysics Guus Berkhout and science journalist Marcel Crok.