There is no climate emergency
A global network of
scientists and professionals has prepared this urgent message. Climate science should be less political, while climate policies should be more scientific. Scientists should openly address uncertainties and exaggerations in their predictions of global warming, while politicians should dispassionately count the real costs as well as the imagined benefits of their policy measures.
Natural as well as anthropogenic factors cause warming
The geological archive reveals that Earth’s climate has varied as long as the planet has existed, with natural cold and warm phases. The Little Ice Age ended as recently as 1850. Therefore, it is no surprise that we now are experiencing a period of warming.
Warming is far slower than predicted
The world has warmed significantly less than predicted by IPCC on the basis of modeled anthropogenic forcing. The gap between the real world and the modeled world tells us that we are far from understanding climate change.
Climate policy relies on inadequate models
Climate models have many shortcomings and are not remotely plausible as global policy tools. They blow up the effect of greenhouse gases such as CO2. In addition, they ignore the fact that enriching the atmosphere with CO2 is beneficial.
CO2 is plant food, the basis of all life on Earth
CO2 is not a pollutant. It is essential to all life on Earth. Photosynthesis is a blessing. More CO2 is beneficial for nature, greening the Earth: additional CO2 in the air has promoted growth in global plant biomass. It is also good for agriculture, increasing the yields of crops worldwide.
Global warming has not increased natural disasters
There is no statistical evidence that global warming is intensifying hurricanes, floods, droughts and suchlike natural disasters, or making them more frequent. However, there is ample evidence that CO2-mitigation measures are as damaging as they are costly.
Climate policy must respect scientific and economic realities
There is no climate emergency. Therefore, there is no cause for panic and alarm. We strongly oppose the harmful and unrealistic net-zero CO2 policy proposed for 2050. If better approaches emerge, and they certainly will, we have ample time to reflect and re-adapt. The aim of global policy should be ‘prosperity for all’ by providing reliable and affordable energy at all times. In a prosperous society men and women are well educated, birthrates are low and people care about their environment.
183 Signatories from Australia
2 WCD Ambassadors
- Viv Forbes, Geologist with Special Interest in Climate, Founder of www.carbon-sense.com, Queensland, Australia
- Ian Plimer, Professor Earth Sciences, The University of Melbourne
181 Signatories
- D.Weston Allen, Physician and Medical Director of Kingscliff Health, New South Wales, Author of a number of Climate-related papers
- Don Andersen, Retired Teacher, Programmer
- David Archibald, Research Scientist
- Rick Armstrong, retired metallurgist and strategic planner
- Michael Asten, Retired Professor in Geophysics and Continuing Senior Research Fellow at the Monash University, Melbourne
- József Balla, retired teacher and manager of a small business
- Stuart Ballantyne, PhD, Senior Ship Designer, Sea Transport Corp.
- Dr. Priyanka Bandara, PhD, former academic medical researcher operating as a freelance researcher in environmental health since 2012.
- Jim Bannister, industry researcher for many years but recently a high school educator.
- Jeremy Barlow, Energy and Mining professional, Director and CEO
- Dr. Colin M. Barton, Geologist, Retired Civil Engineer with Experience in Project Control, Research and Professional Training, Honorary
Fellow RMIT University, Australia - Gordon Batt, Director GCB Investments Pty Ltd.
- Maxwell C.S. Beck, B.Juris.LLB, lifetime experience in law, Retired Magistrate and Coroner
- Robert M. Bell, Retired Geologist, Victoria
- Karen Benn, PhD, Biologist and Environmental Scientist, Educator and University Lecturer in Sciences, Biology, Environmental Sciences,
Water Quality and Water Resource Management - Richard Blayden†, Professional Engineer
- Colin Boyce, Engineer, Member of Parliament, Queensland State Parliament, Engineer, Farmer and Entrepreneur
- Howard Thomas Brady, Member Explorers Club of New York, Member of the Australian Academy of Forensic Sciences
- Geoff Brown, Organizer of a Critical Climate Group
- Andrew Browne, Exploration Geoscientist, Fellow AusIMM (CP), 50 Years Global Experience
- Frank Brus, holds a B. Comm from UNSW, spent most of his working life with the Electricity Commission of NSW
- Ernest Buchan, Chartered Engineer MIET, Kardinya, W. Australia
- Alan Douglas Buerger, Fellow Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Member of Australian Institute of Comapany Directors
- Mike Bugler, Retired Environmental Consultant
- Paul Buncle, Medical Practitioner
- Tony Burns, PhD in Chemical Engineering
- Paul Callander, Retired Geologist BSc Melbourne, Extensive experience in energy economics
- Charles Camenzuli, Structural Engineer specializing in Remedial Work, Catcam Group, Sydney
- Ray Carman, Organic Chemist, Honorary Fellow University of Queensland
- Dr. Larry Cashion, PhD in Psychology, Consultant Psychologist, Special interest in cognition and language of climate science
- Peter Champness, Retired Radiologist
- Andrew E. Chapman, Expert on Rainfall and Flood Events
- Michael F. Clancy, Retired Civil Engineer, Brisbane
- Martin Clark, Expert in Building Design, Planning and Landscaping, Townsville NQ
- Richard Corbett, Member Royal Australian Chemical Institute, Member of The Clean Air Society of Australia and New Zealand
- Dr. Michael Creech, lifetime active as Geologist; Dr. Creech informs the public by giving presentations on Climate Change
- Matt Crisanti, BSc, UniSA, Science Faculty Coordinator at St. Columba College in 2008
- Majorie Curtis, Retired Geologist, Stratigrapher and Palaeoclimatic Studies, Canberra
- Eric Daniel, Retired IT Consultant
- Arthur Day, Earth Scientist, Specialist in Geochemical Modelling of Volcanic Processes
- Dr. Geoff Deacon, PhD., MSc., BSc (hons), geologist, palaeontologist, advocate for geological truth in Climate Science
- David H. Denham, lifetime experience as Architect (B Arch), active in giving talks and writing opinion articles on climate change
- Geoff Derrick, Geologist
- Trish Dewhirst, Retired Geologist, Queensland
- Bevan Dockery, BSc (UWA), Grad.Dip.Computing (Curtin U), Exploration Geophysicist in minerals world-wide
- Aert Driessen, Geologist, Fellow Australian Institute of Geoscientists
- John A. Earthrowl, Retired Geologist, Brisbane
- Mike Elliott, Dux of School in Mathematics, Co-Founder of Climate Realists of Five Dock
- Jeremy K. Ellis, Retired Chairman of BHP, now Chairman of the Saltbush Club in Australia
- Dr. Stephen David English, PhD in Crop Physiology from University of New England, Retired Agricultural Scientist
- Matthew J. Fagan, Founder and President of FastCAM Inc.
- Michael Foley, BSc Microbiology, PhD Biochemistry, Professor of Biochemistry, La Trobe University Austra
- Paul S. Forbes, Financial Advice Specialist
- Nick Franey, MSc Mineral Exploration, NJFconsulting Pty Ltd (founder, MD), Director Australian Institute of Geoscientists
- Dr. Rodney Fripp, Mining Geologist and Chemist by education, lifetime experience in the fields of Mining and Exploration Geology, Analytical
Chemistry and Physics of the Earth - Michael Fry, PhD, retired Professor, ex Head of School and Dean of IT
- Christopher J.S. Game, Retired Neurophysiologist
- Robin George, PhD Geology Geologist and mining company executive, Canterbury
- David Gibson, Experimental Physicist
- Andrew Gillies, Geologist
- Gavin Gillman, Former Senior Principal Research Scientist with SCIRO Australia, Founding Director of the IITA Ecoregional Research Centre
- Paul R.C. Goard, BSc Sydney University, Physics & Maths, + Two years geology, one year Chemistry, member of the Australian
Meteorological & Oceanographic Society - Brendan Godwin, Weather Observations and General Meteorology, Radio (EMR and Radar) Technical Officer, Retired from Bureau of
Meteorology - Hamish Grant, MR Spectroscopy & Imaging Consultant, Victoria
- Dr. Kesten C. Green, University of South Australia. Forecasting for public policy; author of “The Scientific Method: A Guide to Finding Useful
Knowledge” thescientificmethod.info - Jeffrey R. Grimshaw, MSc Information Technology, Author of Trigger Warming, Everything You Wanted To Know About Global Warming But
Were Afraid To Ask - Guy Grocott, MSc Engineering Geology, Retired Consulting Engineering Geologist/ Geotechnical Engineer
- Lindsay Hackett, BSc, Author of the paper “Global Warming Misunderstood” and the paper “The Impact of Greenhouse Gases on Earth’s
Spectral Radiance” - Markus O. Haering, PhD Geologist, Energy geoscientist, Natural resources professional, retired
- Maureen Hanisch, PhD Biochemistry, Medical Research 1997, Australian National University, Retired
- Erl Happ, Managing Director at Happs
- John Happs, Geoscientist, Retired University Lecturer
- Peter J.F. Harris, Retired Engineer (Electronic), now Climate Researcher
- Paul Leonard Harrison, Geophysicist with an M.Sc in Geology and Geophysics, over 45 years experience in research and exploration for the
geo-energy industry - Jarvis Hayman, Retired Surgeon, Recently retired Archaeologist and Visiting Fellow at the Australian National University
- Mark Henschke, Retired Geologist in Mining, Oil and Gas
- Frederick Stewart Hespe, Consulting Civil and Forensic Engineer, Critic of Government Policy on Climate Related Matters
- Gerhard Hofmann, Geologist and Palaeontologist, Former Director of the Geological Survey of Queensland
- Robert Ian Holmes, PhD in Climate Science/Mitigation, University Lecturer (retired) and Climate Scientist
- Selwyn Hopley, MSSSI, Retired Land and Engineering Surveyor
- Antonia Howarth-Wass, Mathematician, Author on Local Climate Articles
- Geraint Hughes, Climate Researcher, Mechanical Building Engineer, Climate Researcher
- Douglas Hutchison, BSc and MSc degrees in geology, consulting geologist in the mining industry, member of the Australian Institute of
Geoscientists - David Hyde, MEnvSt, Environmental Biology, Former Scientific Chairman of Australian Underwater Federation (NSW)
- Paul Ingram, Qualified Geologist, Member of the Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, studying Palaeoanthropology and Human
- Mr. Anthony Jackson, Bachelor of Arts degree, Bachelor of Laws degree, retired
- Ian Johnson, Bachelor of Engineering, consultant
- Mike Jonas, IT consultant, retired, frequent contributor to Watts Up With That?
- Prof. Aynsley Kellow, Professor emeritus of Government, College of Arts, Law and Education, University of Tasmania
- Alison Kelsey, PhD, Palaeoclimatogist and Archaeologist, University of Queensland
- Kevin Kemmis, Climate Researcher, Expert in Information Technology
- Neil Killion, Occupational Psychologist, author and Chairman and Co-Founder of Climate and Energy Realists Queensland
- Bill Kininmonth, BSc (UWA), MSc (CSU) M. Admin. (Monash), Former Superintendent of the Bureau of Meteorology National Climate
Center - David Knox, IT professional, bachelors in business (Uni of South Australia) and a Masters degree in business administration (Charles Sturt
University) - Rosemarie Kryger, PhD, Biochemistry, Retired, University of Queensland, Brisbane
- Hugh H. Laird, Retired Tropical Agriculture Executive
- Peter Laznicka, retired Professor of Economic Geology, co-founder of Data Metallogenica
- John Leahey, retired Geologist and Finance Director, with career long interest in the natural resources sector,
- John Leisten, OBE, Expert in Physical Chemistry
- Brian Levitan, Worked for NASA, now Technology Consultant to Multinationals
- Ian Levy, CEO Australian Bauxite Ltd.
- Matthew David Linn, Fellow of the Institution of Engineers of Australia
- Ian Longley, Geologist, Bsc (Hons) Petroleum Geologist, Fellow of the Geological Society
- Kevin A. Loughrey, LtCol(Ret’d) BAppSc, BE Mech(hons), psc, jssc, Grad Dip Strategic Studies
- David Z. Lubowski, Conjoint Professor in Surgery, University of New South Wales
- Finlay MacRitchie, Professor Emeritus in the Department of Grain Science and Industry at Kansas State University USA
- John Ross May, Bsc, Adip, Cres., Management of Forests and National parks in Victoria
- Sandy McClintock, BA(Science)TCD, MSc, PhD, Lifetime experience in modeling and data analysis; in retirement, 20 years of interest in
climate data analysis - Gerard McGann, Technical Director Eon NRG
- Jim McGregor-Dawson, Geologist and informed scientist on the subject of Climate Science
- Rodney McKellar, Retired Geologist, Queensland
- John McLean, PhD, independent climate data analyst
- Toby McLeay, General Medical Practitioner AM, MBBS, FRACGP, FACRRM
- Ross McLeod, Retired Environmental Health Officer
- Peter R. Meadows, Agricultural Scientist
- Paul Messenger, PhD, Earth Science
- John Michelmore, Retired Industrial Chemist
- Des Moore†, Former Deputy Secretary of the Federal Treasury, Founder and Leader of the Institute for Private Enterprise
- Alan Moran, Contributor and Editor of the Mark Steyn Compilation: “Climate Change, the Facts”, Author of Climate Change: “Treaties and
Policies in the Trump Era” - Hugh M. Morgan, Prominent Australian Mining Executive, Fellow of the Australian Academy of Technology, Science and Engineering
- Peter Murphy, PhD, Adjunct Professor, Social Sciences, La Trobe University (Melbourne) and the Cairns Institute, James Cook University
- John Edward Nethery, BSc in Geology, DipEd in Geology, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Consultant Geologist
- John Nicol†, PhD, Retired Senior Lecturer Physics and one time Dean of Science, James Cook University, North Queensland
- Vasily Novozhilov, Honorary Research Professor in Mathematics, Victoria University, Australia
- Paul John O’Keeffe, MB, BS, FRCS, FRACS, Retired Surgeon
- Clifford David Ollier, DSc, Geologist, Emeritus Professor of Geology and Honorary Research Fellow
- David Parsons, B.E Mech. FIE Aust CPEng NER, Principal Design Engineer, specialised in boiler design and gas radiation analysis
- M. Louise Petrick, MSc Applied Science, Materials and Welding Engineer
- Suzana Podreka, Environmental Scientist
- Alistair Pope, PSc, CM, Sceptical Scientific Contrarian in the Climate Debate
- Robert Pyper, Geologist and Director of Minnelex Pty Ltd.
- Tom Quirk, Nuclear Physicist
- Art Raiche, PhD, Mathematical Geophysics, Retired CSIRO Chief Research Scientist
- Geoff Rankin, BVSc (Hons), MVSc, Veterinarian, retired, A long-time interest in Meteorology, Climate, and Geology
- Campbell Rankine, Barrister and Solicitor
- Peter Ridd, Oceanographer and Geophysicist
- Tim Riley, Mining Geologist
- John Cameron Robertson, Author of CO2 Feeds the World and The Climate Change Delusion
- Philip Lance Robinson, Chemical Engineer, lifetime experience in the aluminium and steel industry
- Nigel Rowlands, Retired from Mining and Exploration Industry
- Judy Ryan†, Editor Principia Scientific Institution Australia
- George (Rob) Ryan, Professional Geologist
- Tony Schreck, Managing Director, 35 yrs experienced geologist, Member of the Australian Institute of Geoscientists, Member of the Australian
Institute of Company Directors - Pasquale Seizis, Mechanical Engineer, climate critic
- Geoffrey Sherrington, Geoffrey Sherrington, Retired Chief Geochemist, Geopeko Limited
- Jim Simpson, Retired after 45 years in the international Telecoms industry – OTC(A), then Telstra. Nowadays Convenor, The Climate &
Energy Realists of Five Dock’, Sydney Australia - Case Smit, Retired Scientist; co-founder of the Galileo Movement
- Lee Smith, University Lecturer in Spatial Technology, Responsible for State Government Precise Monitoring of Sea Level and International
Sea Boundaries - Edward Smith, Charted Chemist, member of the Royal Australian Institute of Chemistry (RACI), lifetime of experience in the Pharmaceutical
industry - Peter Smith, Geologist (Retired), New South Wales
- Mark Sonter, MSc(Hons)(Physics – Space Resources), Consultant & Principal, Asteriod Enterprises Pty Ltd at Asteroid Enterprise
- Dr. Libor Spacek, PhD in Computer Science, Modelling & AI
- Darren Speirs, Independent Business Owner, Rangeland NRM Consultants
- Geoffrey Stocker, Professor and Head of Department of Forestry, PNG University of Technology, Director of PNG Forest Research
Institute - Dr. Nancy Enid Stone, BSc (Hons), University of Western Australia (1950), PhD Cantab. (1956), Retired Research Biochemist
- John Stone, Former Head of the Australian Treasury and Executive Director of both the IMF and the World Bank
- Rodney R. Stuart, Retired Expert in Energy Industry, Tasmania
- Roger Symons, Professional Engineer, Expert in Temperature Control of Industrial Buildings
- James Taylor, Electrical Aerospace and Astrophysics Engineer, Computer Modelling Researcher
- Tony Thomas, MA, B.Ec, journalist and author for more than 60 years
- Rustyn Wesley Thomas, Retired Aircraft Engineer
- Baki M. Top, Senior Agricultural Scientist, Freelance Consultant Agricultural and Food Production & Agribusiness
- John W. Turner, Science Educator, Noosa Heads
- Ralph J. Tyler, Retired Senior Principal Research Chemist, CSIRO, expert in conversion of coal and natural gas to liquid fuel
- Peter Tyrer, Project Controls Engineer in Mining Industry
- Dr. Julian Vearncombe, PhD, Geologist, Fellow Australian Institute of Geoscientists
- Terrence Vincent, Security Engineer, Small Business Adviser AIST, ASIAL, SMBE
- John Vucko, Electrical Engineer, Nationally Awarded Consultant
- James Walter, Medical Doctor
- John Warnock, Astro Economist
- Chris Warren, Retired Engineer, Design and Construction of Dams and feasibility of Coal Mines
- Colleen J. Watts, Retired Environmental Scientist with specialization in Aquatic Chemistry and Environmental Consequences of Renewable
Energy - Alan C. Watts, Medical Practitioner specialized in Effects of Infrasound on Human Health
- Glyn Weatherall, Energy Resources Advisor
- Neil Wilkins, Retired Geologist
- Richard Willoughby, retired electrical engineer with thirty years experience in the Australian mining and mineral processing industry
- Lawrence A. Wilson, Professional Chemical Engineer, Melbourne
- P.C. Wilson, Former Journalist with the A.B.C. Queensland
- Michael Wilson, PhD, DSc, Emeritus Professor, former Executive Dean UWS, Former Chief Research Scientists CSIRO, Low Emissions
- Philip Wood, Qualified Lawyer in four Jurisdictions (Australia, New York, UK and Hong Kong), CEO of two ASX-listed Companies operating in
the Mining and Minerals Processing Fields - Michael Wort, BSc Geology, MSc Mineral Process Design, PhD Mineral Technology, Geologist interested in impact of high levels of
atmospheric CO2 as trigger for formation of limestone deposits