There is no climate emergency
A global network of
scientists and professionals has prepared this urgent message. Climate science should be less political, while climate policies should be more scientific. Scientists should openly address uncertainties and exaggerations in their predictions of global warming, while politicians should dispassionately count the real costs as well as the imagined benefits of their policy measures.
Natural as well as anthropogenic factors cause warming
The geological archive reveals that Earth’s climate has varied as long as the planet has existed, with natural cold and warm phases. The Little Ice Age ended as recently as 1850. Therefore, it is no surprise that we now are experiencing a period of warming.
Warming is far slower than predicted
The world has warmed significantly less than predicted by IPCC on the basis of modeled anthropogenic forcing. The gap between the real world and the modeled world tells us that we are far from understanding climate change.
Climate policy relies on inadequate models
Climate models have many shortcomings and are not remotely plausible as global policy tools. They blow up the effect of greenhouse gases such as CO2. In addition, they ignore the fact that enriching the atmosphere with CO2 is beneficial.
CO2 is plant food, the basis of all life on Earth
CO2 is not a pollutant. It is essential to all life on Earth. Photosynthesis is a blessing. More CO2 is beneficial for nature, greening the Earth: additional CO2 in the air has promoted growth in global plant biomass. It is also good for agriculture, increasing the yields of crops worldwide.
Global warming has not increased natural disasters
There is no statistical evidence that global warming is intensifying hurricanes, floods, droughts and suchlike natural disasters, or making them more frequent. However, there is ample evidence that CO2-mitigation measures are as damaging as they are costly.
Climate policy must respect scientific and economic realities
There is no climate emergency. Therefore, there is no cause for panic and alarm. We strongly oppose the harmful and unrealistic net-zero CO2 policy proposed for 2050. If better approaches emerge, and they certainly will, we have ample time to reflect and re-adapt. The aim of global policy should be ‘prosperity for all’ by providing reliable and affordable energy at all times. In a prosperous society men and women are well educated, birthrates are low and people care about their environment.
148 Signatories from Canada
2 WCD Ambassadors
- Reynald du Berger, Retired Professor of Geophysics, Université du Québec a Chicoutimi, French Canada
- Patrick Moore, Ecologist, Chair CO2 Coalition, Co-Founder Green Peace
146 Signatories
- Steven Ambler, PhD, Full Professor University of Quebec, Dept. of Economics
- John Andersen, BSc, Honours, University of Alberta
- Peter Andreadis, Satellite Systems Engineer
- Dr. Grant Armstrong, Leadership development and coaching
- Russ Babcock, retired biochemist, lifetime experience in the mining and smelting industry with emphasis on pollution abatement
- Tim Ball†, Emeritus Professor Geography, University of Winnipeg and Advisor of the International Science Coalition
- Ron Barmby, M.Eng in Engineering with major in Geoscience, Author of ‘Sunlight in Climate Change: A Heretic’s Guide to Global Climate
- Timothy J. Barrett, PhD, Geochemical Researcher, Ore Systems Consulting
- Robert Douglas Bebb, Professional Engineer (Mechanical), MBA
- Callum Beck, PhD in Religious Studies, Sessional Professor in Religious and University Studies
- Rick Beingessner, BSc, BA and LLB University of Alberta, lifetime experience in the Geo-Energy Industry, recently involved in researching
Climate Change Matters
- Jean du Berger, Ingénieur Retraité, Bell
- Mario Blais, Science and Mathematics Teacher
- Alain Bonnier, PhD, Physique, INRS-Centre de Recherche en Énergie, Montréal
- Andrew Bonvicini, Professional Geophysicist, President of Friends of Science Society
- Dr. Don Bowen, PhD population ecology, Emeritus Research Scientist, Bedford Institute of Oceanography
- Jacques Brassard, Minister of Recreation (1984), Minister of Environment (1994), Minister of Transport and Intergovernmental Affairs of
Canada (1996), Minister of Natural Resources and House Leader
- Kevin Burke, MSc in Marine Biology, author/co-author of 2 technical report with the Departement of Fisheries and Oceans and 2 scientific
article published in the Journal of Shellfish Research
- Chris Carr, BSc (Hons) Engineering Geology and Geotechnics, retired Geoscientist
- Michel Chapdelaine, MSc, Géologie, Montréal
- Michel Chossudovsky, PhD of Economics, Professor of Economics, Emeritus, University of Ottawa
- Henry Clark, Thermal/Power Engineer
- Ian Clark, Professor of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Ottawa
- Edmond (Ted) Clarke, MSc, Engineering, Member of Friends on Science Society
- Paulo N. Correa, Biophysicist and Oncologist, Inventor, Author of numerous books and research papers, Director of Research at Aurora
Biophysics Research Institute
- Hortense Côté, Ingénieur Géologue, Goldminds
- Susan Crockford, Zoologist and Polar Bear Expert, Former Adjunct Professor University of Victoria
- Norman Curry, Technical College, Design Engineering-Mechanical Engineering, President of National Zephyr Research
- Charles Danten, former veterinarian, scientific translator, author, and free-lance journalist.
- John Bruce Davies, BSc Pysics and Mathematics, MSc Geoscience, PhD Geophysics and Astrophysics, awards for research on cosmology
and fundamental physics.
- Ronald Davison, Professional Chemical Engineer
- Dr. E. David Day, BSc, PhD, Chemistry
- A.E. Dixon, PhD, Emeritus Professor of Physics, University of Waterloo
- Eric Ducharme, MSc, Géologie, Abitibi
- Michel Dumais, Ingénieur Civil Retraité, Université d’Ottawa
- Dr. George Duncan, PhD, Retired environmental consultant from A &A Environmental Consultants Inc.
- Claude Duplessis, BcSc, Géologie, Ingénieur Géologue, Goldminds
- Craig A. Elliott, MSc Mechanical Engineering, Design Consultant, President at CAElliott Inc
- Ashton Embry, Research Geologist, Embry Holdings
- Christopher Essex, Emeritus Professor of Mathematics and Emeritus Professor of Physics, University of Western Ontario
- David Fermor, Anaesthesiologist, B.A., M.D., FRCPC
- Chris Fleming, PhD, Senior Metallurgical Consultant
- Len Flint, Ph.D, P.Eng. (Life Member). A 54 year career in oil and gas and renewable energies. Advisor on GHG footprints for several
companies in Canada. Follower of the broad science.
- André Forgues, Meteorologist/Aerologist
- Jeffrey Foss†, Professor of Philosophy of Science, University of Victoria; Former WCD Ambassador
- Joseph Fournier, PhD, Expert in Physical Chemistry
- Anita Frayne, farmer and firm adherent of science realism-based decision making.
- Paul M. Gagnon, Professional Engineer
- George Gale, PhD Geology, Mineral Deposit Geoscience
- Thomas P. Gallagher, Earth Scientists, life-long career in the study of paleoclimate, geology and earth ocean systems, see
- J. Claude Gobeil, BSc, Geology
- Douglas Goodman, Engineer, life of time experience in the geo-energy industry
- Kenneth B. Gregory, Professional Engineer, Director Friends of Science Society
- Jean-Francois Guay, PhD in Environmental Science and Decision System, Regional Planner and Associate Professor
- Dr. Paul Hamblin, Retired Research Scientist Environment Canada, Advisor to the Georgian Bay Association
- John Hastie, MSc Soil Physics, Reclamation and Soil Scientist
- Mark T. Hohm, Professional Engineer registered with the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta (APEGA)
- R.G. Holtby, profesional agrologist
- Patrick Hunt, former member of the Royal Canadian Navy, former member of the Legislative Assembly of Nova Scotia, retired entrepreneur in
the high-tech field (35 Years)
- Rick Ironside, Director Fortress ESG, provides specialized expertise to help clients map out their journey to attempt to achieve the goal of net
- Eric Jelinski, M. Eng. P. Eng., Alumni and Contract Lecturer, University of Toronto, Department of Chemical Engineering and Applied
Chemistry, CHE568 Lecturer, Nuclear Plant Engineering
- Paul A. Johnston, Associate Professor, Paleontology, Paleoecology, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Mount Royal
University, Calgary, Alberta
- Richard T. Jones, experimental physicist, researched in the field of fission energy
- E. Craig Jowett, Geologist and Environmental Researcher PhD University of Toronto
- Andre Julien, MSc Mechanical Engineering, Thermodynamics Expert, over 40 patents published
- Klaus L.E. Kaiser, Retired Research Scientist, National Water Research Institute, Author of Numerous Press Articles
- Bogdan Kasprzak, Professional Geoscientist, life time experience in data modelling, data analysing and data interpretation
- Madhav Khandekar, Expert Reviewer IPCC 2007 AR4 Report
- David Koop, BSc,Analytical Chemist
- Kees van Kooten, Professor of Economics and Canada Research Chair in Environmental Studies and Climate, University of Victoria
- Emil Koteles, PhD in Solid State Physics, Max Planck Institute in Stuttgart, National Research Council of Canada, visiting professor at
Zhejiang University in Hangzhou, retired
- Jean Laberge, Professeur Retraité de Philosophie, CEGEP du Vieux Montréal
- Sherri Lange, CEO North American Platform Against Wind Power, Great Lakes Wind Truth
- M.J. Lavigne, MSc, Professional Geologist
- Douglas Leahey, PhD, Meteorology, past President of Friends of Science
- Professor Denis Leahy, PhD in Astrophysics, Full Professor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Calgary
- Dr. Catherine Lebrun, PhD, Management, HEC Montreal
- Robert Ledoux, PhD, Professeur Retraité en Géologie, Université Laval
- Dick Leppky, Retired businessman and Independent Truth Seeker
- Richard Lewanski, BsC (Hons) in Geophysics from the university of Manitoba, Exploration Geophysicist, Founder and CEO of several
exploration and production companies in the oil industry
- H. Douglas Lightfoot, Research Engineer in the Chemical Industry, Co-Founder of the Lightfoot Institute, papers on Alternative Energy and
Atmospheric CO2
- Gerald Machnee, Retired Meteorologist, Environment Canada
- Allan M.R. MacRae, Retired Engineer
- Paul MacRae, Independent Climate Researcher
- Joanne Marcotte, Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Engineering and Author of “Inconvenient Doubts – Climate Change Apocalypse: Really?”
- Michael Martinz, Radio Podcast Host, Climate Realist, Activist, former Industrial Consulting Forester
- J. David Mason, Applied Geologist, BASc, Applied Geology, MEng., Mining
- Stuart McDonald, Retired Canadian Insurance Broker
- Dwight McIntosh, degree in physics and geology at the University of Alberta, lifetime of experience in the geo-energy industry, advisor on how
to cope with financial penalties for GHG emissions
- Norman Miller, Former P.Eng, now Retired
- Ron Mills, Geologist/geochemist Emeritus NS Geological Survey
- Randall S. Morley, veterinary epidemiologist, retired
- Dr. Thomas F. Moslow, PhD, P. Geol., President Moslow Geoscience Consulting Ltd., Adjunct Professor Department of Geoscience,
University of Calgary
- Roland Moutal, Teacher Physics and Chemistry at Vancouver Community College
- Prof. Frank Mucciardi, retired Professor in the Department of Mining and Materials Engineering at McGill University Montreal, research focus
on energy, heat transfer, fluid mechanics and modeling
- Eiichiro Ochiai, Emeritus Professor, Juniata College (USA)
- Christian Olivier, former Postdoc @ UC Berkeley
- Robert Orr, Historical Linguist
- Scott Patterson, Professional Geologist
- Andy Pattullo, Associate Professor of Medicine at the University of Calgary
- Steven Pearce, PhD, Lecturer
- Prof. David A. Penny, PhD, Former Associate Professor, Dept. of Computer Science, University of Toronto, currently CTO at BlueCat
- Gregory Phillips, Retired Agrifood Industry Professional, with research background in biology, economics and policy formulation.
- Jozinus Ploeg, retired Vice-President, Engineering and Technology, National Research Council, Canada. Field of expertise: Energy transfer
from atmosphere to surface of ocean, wave mechanics
- Joe Postma, Research Analyst, Physics & Astronomy, University of Calgary
- Brian R. Pratt, Professor of Geological Sciences, University of Saskatchewan
- Michael Priaro, BSc Chem. Eng, P.Eng, Member of Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta
- Gerald Ratzer, Professor Emeritus, Computer Science McGill University, Montreal
- John Angus Raw, aerospace engineer, specialised in aerodynamics, life time career in the international aerospace industry
- Dr. Michael Raw, PhD in Mechanical Engineering, specialization in computer modelling of fluid flow and heat transfer, current field of work in
technology management
- Robert James Reid, BSF degree, Registered Professional Forester, lifetime experience in the forestry industry
- Norman Reilly, Professor Emeritus of Mathematics, Simon Fraser University, British Columbia
- Gérald Riverin, PhD, Géologie, Géologue Retraité
- John Robson, Historian, Journalist, Documentary Filmmaker
- Peter Salonius, Retired Research Scientist, Natural Resources
- Marcelo C. Santos, Professor of Geodesy, University of New Brunswick
- Paul R. Schmidt, BSc, Professional Engineer Ontario, Research Scientist, Author/Lecturer ‘Review & Analysis of Climate Change’, Member
Friends of Science
- Ian de W. Semple, Retired Exploration Geologist and Mining Investment Analyst of McGill University
- Afshin Shahzamani, Retired professional (Medical Science Liaison) pharmaceutical industry
- Élie Shama, Ingénieur Retraité en Électromécanique, Président d’Éconoden, Montréal
- Wayne Shepheard, MSc Geology, Retired oil and gas explorer
- H.F. (Gus) Shurvell, Emeritus Professor of Chemistry, Queen’s University
- Brian Slack, Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Concordia University Montreal, Department of Geography, Planning and Environment
- Aize Smit, MSc Climatology on Global Warming, retired high school science and A.P. environmental science teacher
- Nigel Southway, Business and Manufacturing Engineering Consultant, Educator, and Author
- Rodolfo (Rudy) Spatzner, graduated from Environmental/Civil Engineering Technology, Humber College, Ontario, lifetime experience in
wireless networks across North America
- Robert Sproule, PhD, Professor of Economics, Bishop’s University, Quebec, Canada
- Michelle Stirling, Writer/Researcher with focus on ‘consensus’ social proofs, Top 10% downloaded author on SSRN, Communications
Manager, Friends of Science Society
- Mary Taitt, PhD Zoology, MSc Ecology, retired
- Mario Thomas, B.Sc., Ph.D. Chemistry, CEO and Chairman of Precision Biomonitoring Inc.
- Graydon Tranquilla, BScEE, Electrical Power, Senior Electrical Engineer (retired), now an energy advisory consultant
- V Ismet Ugursal, Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Dalhousie University
- Marc Vallée, PhD, Geophysicien
- Petr Vanícek, Dr. Sc, Professor Emeritus of Geodesy, University of New Brunswick
- Duncan Veasey, psychiatrist with a particular interest in mass hysteria, authoritarianism and social compliance
- Prof. Dr. Ir. Frank C.J.M. van Veggel, Full Professor at the University of Victoria, M.Eng and PhD in Chemical Technology, University of
Twente, The Netherlands, Since 2015 Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada
- Jean-Joel Vonarburg, PhD, Professeur Ingénieur, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi
- Dr. Ronald Voss, PhD Chemistry, lifetime career in the environment department of a research consortium
- Robert Wager, BSc and MSc, Microbiological Sciences and Immunology, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Retired
- Dr. Helen Warn, PhD in Fluid Dynamics from McGill University
- Dr. Thorpe W. Watson, material science, lifetime career in the mining industry with focus on intellectual property protection
- Larry Weiers, energy engineer, retired, author of “Sustainability of the Modern Human Economy”
- William van Wijngaarden, Professor of Physics, York University
- Kenneth W. Wilson, Professional Engineer (retired)
- Daryl Youck, MSc, PEng, Oil Sands Pioneer
- AL ZEEPER, Physicist, Mathematically discovered the Unification of Gravity with Electricity and Magnetism
Climate Change Matters
Canada (1996), Minister of Natural Resources and House Leader
article published in the Journal of Shellfish Research
Biophysics Research Institute
and fundamental physics.
companies in Canada. Follower of the broad science.
the high-tech field (35 Years)
Chemistry, CHE568 Lecturer, Nuclear Plant Engineering
University, Calgary, Alberta
Zhejiang University in Hangzhou, retired
exploration and production companies in the oil industry
Atmospheric CO2
to cope with financial penalties for GHG emissions
University of Calgary
on energy, heat transfer, fluid mechanics and modeling
from atmosphere to surface of ocean, wave mechanics
technology management
Friends of Science
wireless networks across North America
Manager, Friends of Science Society
Twente, The Netherlands, Since 2015 Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada