12 03, 2025

“Clean Energy Sector is Dead”

By |2025-03-12T14:46:30+01:0012 March 2025|Australia, Climate change, Climate policy, News|Comments Off on “Clean Energy Sector is Dead”

“The whole sector — solar, wind, hydrogen, fuel cells — anything clean is dead for now”, says Nishant Gupta, founder and chief investment officer at London-based Kanou Capital LLP. First published by Jo Nova. Nishant Gupta set up a green energy hedge fund last year managing about $100m in assets, but [...]

12 03, 2025

First CERES podcast is online

By |2025-03-12T14:42:58+01:0012 March 2025|Climate change, Extreme weather, News, USA, Videos|Comments Off on First CERES podcast is online

In this new podcast series, the CERES team will talk about science – reviewing the latest science, revisiting old scientific questions, and discussing some of CERES’s own scientific research. Often their discussions can be quite controversial because the team is more interested in figuring out what is scientifically correct than what is politically [...]

5 03, 2025

ICSF/Clintel lecture by Prof Kees de Lange 

By |2025-03-05T16:35:25+01:005 March 2025|Climate change, CLINTEL, Ireland, News, Presentation, The Netherlands|Comments Off on ICSF/Clintel lecture by Prof Kees de Lange 

In this lecture Prof Kees de Lange goes back to the basics, learning from observations rather than models, thereby demonstrating that there is no credible climate crisis, and that there is much more to climate than CO2 alone. He then focuses on cloud composition and the lack of experimental data, now hampering progress [...]

5 03, 2025

Willie Soon gets wet; Jo Nova comments

By |2025-03-05T15:13:30+01:005 March 2025|Australia, Climate change, News, USA|Comments Off on Willie Soon gets wet; Jo Nova comments

Jo Nova enjoyed Willie Soon's third hilarious 'time traveller' video and gives her own view on the subject of rising sea levels. Willie Soon People with a good education are hard to fool, which is why the curriculum buries the good stuff until it disappears under a kiloton of culture, engagement and sustainability blah. Then [...]

28 02, 2025

EPA’s endangerment finding needs to go

By |2025-03-04T11:58:30+01:0028 February 2025|Climate change, Climate policy, News, USA|Comments Off on EPA’s endangerment finding needs to go

The new EPA head recommends the Whitehouse rewrite the important past conclusion that 'CO2 endangers the public'. Vijay Jayaray of the CO2 Coalition explains the backgroud of this important 'endangerment finding' of 2009. Having declared carbon dioxide (CO₂) and other greenhouse gases (GHGs) to be harmful pollutants, the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) 2009 endangerment [...]

28 02, 2025

EPA recommends dropping ‘endangerment finding’

By |2025-02-28T14:11:07+01:0028 February 2025|Australia, Climate change, Climate policy, News, USA|Comments Off on EPA recommends dropping ‘endangerment finding’

The new EPA head just finished his 30 day consideration and recommends the White House rewrite the important past conclusion that 'CO2 endangers the public'. Jo Nova calls this 'dropping napalm on the whole Climate Blob'. Marc Morano of ClimateDepot calls this the “holy grail” of the climate agenda. Most of the climate [...]

24 02, 2025

Debunking losses in agricultural outputs

By |2025-02-24T15:10:44+01:0024 February 2025|Canada English, Climate change, News|Comments Off on Debunking losses in agricultural outputs

An influential 2017 study argued that warming would cause large losses in agricultural outputs on a global scale. Ross McKitrick shows that there is no evidence of yield losses even out to 5 C warming (first published at judithcurry.com). I have a new paper out in the journal Nature Scientific Reports in which I re-examine [...]

13 02, 2025

Underestimating Clouds: A Climate Mistake We Cannot Afford

By |2025-02-13T12:23:45+01:0013 February 2025|Climate change, News, USA|Comments Off on Underestimating Clouds: A Climate Mistake We Cannot Afford

A new paper by physicists W. A. van Wijngaarden and William Happer, Radiation Transport in Clouds, suggests that clouds affect atmospheric temperature more than CO2, says Vijay Jayaray of the CO2 Coalition. Carbon dioxide (CO₂) has been predominantly portrayed as the chief culprit driving global warming. For decades, this misconception has [...]

10 02, 2025

Obsessed anesthesiologists fret over climate change

By |2025-02-10T15:24:06+01:0010 February 2025|Climate change, Climate policy, News, USA|Comments Off on Obsessed anesthesiologists fret over climate change

Scientists at the CO2 Coalition say a fuss over the greenhouse-warming effect of anesthetic gases is much ado about something so close to nothing as to be undetectable, tiny fractions of degrees in temperature. “In fact, compared to the stakes at risk in many surgical procedures, fretting over climate change in an operating [...]

20 11, 2024

Ertrinken in der Täuschung

By |2024-11-20T16:04:02+01:0020 November 2024|Climate change, Extreme weather, Germany, News, Spain|Comments Off on Ertrinken in der Täuschung

Überschwemmungen in Valencia, Spanien Wie Politiker und Medien Naturkatastrophen für eine Klima-Agenda instrumentalisieren Eines wollen wir klarstellen: Die jüngsten Überschwemmungen in Valencia, Spanien, haben nichts mit dem Klimawandel zu tun, sondern mit ignorierten Schwächen der Infrastruktur und schlechter Stadtplanung. Es ist fast schon lächerlich, wie schnell Politiker und Mainstream-Medien (MSM) sich [...]