21 02, 2025

“Carney Climate Plan is more of the same”

By |2025-02-21T14:30:13+01:0021 February 2025|Canada English, Climate policy, News, Uncategorized|Comments Off on “Carney Climate Plan is more of the same”

Mark Carney, candidate for the leadership of the federal Liberal party in Canada and potentially the next prime minister, released a new platform on climate and carbon taxes that is 'just more of the same' says Friends of Science Society in a new report. Carney was formerly head of the Canadian Central Bank, [...]

21 02, 2025

“The EU’s propaganda machine: funding NGOs to promote EU values”

By |2025-02-21T14:25:32+01:0021 February 2025|Climate policy, Hungary, News, Uncategorized|Comments Off on “The EU’s propaganda machine: funding NGOs to promote EU values”

Following a new report about the scale of EU funding for propaganda, including climate issues, think tank MCC Brussels calls for the establishment of EU DOGE. Read the full report here. From the MCC Brussels Press Release: A bombshell report reveals the European Commission's brazen misuse of taxpayer funds, funnelling billions into [...]

11 02, 2025

Trump’s energy agenda: beware of government overreach

By |2025-02-11T12:23:41+01:0011 February 2025|Climate policy, News, USA|Comments Off on Trump’s energy agenda: beware of government overreach

Rather than 'invest' American tax-payer dollars in 'green R&D', it may well be more appropriate for government departments to offer tax credits to the private sector to pursue their own lines of R&D, says economist dr. Tilak K. Doshi. A version of this article was published in The Daily Sceptic. President [...]

10 02, 2025

Obsessed anesthesiologists fret over climate change

By |2025-02-10T15:24:06+01:0010 February 2025|Climate change, Climate policy, News, USA|Comments Off on Obsessed anesthesiologists fret over climate change

Scientists at the CO2 Coalition say a fuss over the greenhouse-warming effect of anesthetic gases is much ado about something so close to nothing as to be undetectable, tiny fractions of degrees in temperature. “In fact, compared to the stakes at risk in many surgical procedures, fretting over climate change in an operating [...]

17 10, 2024

Profeti di Sventura: La Guerra dell’Élite Verde al Progresso Umano

By |2024-10-17T21:59:36+02:0017 October 2024|Climate policy, CLINTEL, IPCC, Italy|Comments Off on Profeti di Sventura: La Guerra dell’Élite Verde al Progresso Umano

Perché il rapporto sul clima 2024 è più una questione di paura che di fatti. Il recente articolo pubblicato su BioScience, "The 2024 state of the climate report: Perilous times on planet Earth", è una sfilata di affermazioni esagerate e mezze verità, un pezzo di propaganda progettato per spaventare il pubblico e [...]

16 10, 2024

Propheten des Untergangs: Der Krieg der grünen Elite gegen den menschlichen Fortschritt

By |2024-10-16T14:35:05+02:0016 October 2024|Climate change, Climate policy, CLINTEL, Extreme weather, Germany, IPCC|Comments Off on Propheten des Untergangs: Der Krieg der grünen Elite gegen den menschlichen Fortschritt

Warum es im Klimabericht 2024 mehr um Angst als um Fakten geht Der kürzlich in BioScience veröffentlichte Artikel "The 2024 state of the climate report: Perilous times on planet Earth" ist eine Parade übertriebener Behauptungen und Halbwahrheiten, ein Propagandastück, das darauf abzielt, die Öffentlichkeit zu verängstigen, damit sie eine fehlgeleitete Politik verfolgt, [...]

16 10, 2024

Les prophètes du destin : la guerre de l’élite verte contre le progrès humain

By |2024-10-16T12:50:38+02:0016 October 2024|Belgium French, Canada French, Climate change, Climate policy, CLINTEL, Extreme weather, France, IPCC|Comments Off on Les prophètes du destin : la guerre de l’élite verte contre le progrès humain

Pourquoi le rapport sur le climat 2024 est plus une question de peur que de faits. Le récent article publié dans BioScience, « The 2024 state of the climate report : Perilous times on planet Earth », est un défilé d'affirmations exagérées et de demi-vérités, un article de propagande conçu pour effrayer le [...]

16 10, 2024

Profetas de la perdición: la guerra de la élite verde contra el progreso humano

By |2024-10-16T12:48:25+02:0016 October 2024|Chile, Climate change, Climate policy, CLINTEL, Ecuador, Extreme weather, IPCC, Paraguay, Spain|Comments Off on Profetas de la perdición: la guerra de la élite verde contra el progreso humano

Por qué el informe sobre el clima de 2024 tiene más que ver con el miedo que con los hechos. El reciente artículo publicado en BioScience, "Informe sobre el estado del clima en 2024: Tiempos peligrosos para el planeta Tierra", es un desfile de afirmaciones exageradas y medias verdades, una pieza propagandística [...]

16 10, 2024

Προφήτες της Καταστροφής: Ο Πόλεμος της Πράσινης Ελίτ κατά της Ανθρώπινης Προόδου

By |2024-10-16T12:43:24+02:0016 October 2024|Climate change, Climate policy, CLINTEL, Extreme weather, Greece, IPCC|Comments Off on Προφήτες της Καταστροφής: Ο Πόλεμος της Πράσινης Ελίτ κατά της Ανθρώπινης Προόδου

Γιατί η έκθεση για το κλίμα του 2024 σχετίζεται περισσότερο με το φόβο παρά με τα γεγονότα. Το πρόσφατο άρθρο που δημοσιεύθηκε στο περιοδικό BioScience,, "The 2024 state of the climate report: Perilous times on planet Earth", (Εκθεση για την κατάσταση του κλίματος το 2024: Επικίνδυνοι καιροί για τον πλανήτη Γη)» είναι [...]

16 10, 2024

Profetas do Apocalipse: A Guerra da Elite Verde contra o Progresso Humano

By |2024-10-16T12:41:18+02:0016 October 2024|Brasil, Climate policy, CLINTEL, IPCC, Portugal|Comments Off on Profetas do Apocalipse: A Guerra da Elite Verde contra o Progresso Humano

Por que o relatório climático de 2024 é mais sobre medo do que fatos. O recente artigo publicado na BioScience, "O relatório sobre o estado do clima de 2024: tempos perigosos no planeta Terra", é um desfile de afirmações exageradas e meias-verdades, uma peça de propaganda projetada para assustar o público e [...]