5 03, 2025

ICSF/Clintel lecture by Prof Kees de Lange 

By |2025-03-05T16:35:25+01:005 March 2025|Climate change, CLINTEL, Ireland, News, Presentation, The Netherlands|Comments Off on ICSF/Clintel lecture by Prof Kees de Lange 

In this lecture Prof Kees de Lange goes back to the basics, learning from observations rather than models, thereby demonstrating that there is no credible climate crisis, and that there is much more to climate than CO2 alone. He then focuses on cloud composition and the lack of experimental data, now hampering progress [...]

30 01, 2025

“Are my works wrong for several reasons?”

By |2025-01-30T16:22:32+01:0030 January 2025|CLINTEL, Greece, News|Comments Off on “Are my works wrong for several reasons?”

Professor Demetris Koutsoyiannis has written a reaction to Michel Thizon's earlier article on anthropic CO2. I am grateful to Clintel for reposting almost all of my Climath posts. I also welcome Clintel’s posting of an article criticizing my findings (hereafter “Comment”). This is authored by Michel Thizon (hereafter “Commentator”) and is entitled “Anthropic CO2, the real [...]

29 01, 2025

Wind turbines in the sea and whales

By |2025-01-29T18:48:24+01:0029 January 2025|CLINTEL, Germany, News|Comments Off on Wind turbines in the sea and whales

In our recent report The Wind Turbine Tragedy Clintel pointed out the health dangers for humans of infrasound (vibrations we cannot hear) produced by wind turbines. In the following article guest author and biophysicist dr. Dietmar Hildebrand writes about the effects of wind turbines on whales. For the effects on humans also see [...]

27 01, 2025

Infrasound, LFN and our health

By |2025-01-27T15:57:35+01:0027 January 2025|CLINTEL, Germany, News|Comments Off on Infrasound, LFN and our health

In our recent report The Wind Turbine Tragedy Clintel pointed out the health dangers of infrasound (vibrations we cannot hear) produced by wind turbines. In the following article guest author and biophysicist dr. Dietmar Hildebrand writes about the same subject. (LFN means Low Frequency Noise and refers to very low frequencies that we [...]

15 11, 2024

A Klímaintelligencia Csoport (Clintel) hivatalos közleménye

By |2024-12-05T14:08:07+01:0015 November 2024|CLINTEL, Hungary|Comments Off on A Klímaintelligencia Csoport (Clintel) hivatalos közleménye

Nemzetközi Clintel konferencia a Cseh Parlament Képviselőházában   Klímatudósok hivatalos közleménye szerint a ‘klímavészhelyzetnek’ vége 2024 november 13. https://clintel.org/climate-scientists-officially-declare-climate-emergency-at-an-end/ Sokkoló kutatói nyilatkozat: a „klímavészhelyzet” szertefoszlott. A nemzetközi Klímaintelligencia Csoport (Clintel) cseh tagozata által november 12-én és 13-án a Cseh Köztársaság prágai képviselőházában megrendezett kétnapos klímakonferencia ’kijelenti és megerősíti, hogy a képzelt és a [...]

14 11, 2024

Climate scientists officially declare ‘climate emergency’ at an end

By |2024-11-25T23:03:38+01:0014 November 2024|CLINTEL, News|Comments Off on Climate scientists officially declare ‘climate emergency’ at an end

Official press release by the Climate Intelligence Group (Clintel) Clintel international climate conference in Czech Parliament Climate scientists officially declare ‘climate emergency’ at an end Prague, 14 November 2024 Climate scientists have issued a shock declaration that the ‘climate emergency’ is over. A two-day climate conference in Prague, organised by the Czech [...]

5 11, 2024

Dutch coalition party BBB calls for stop on wind turbines on land after devastating Clintel report

By |2024-11-10T10:46:30+01:005 November 2024|CLINTEL, News|Comments Off on Dutch coalition party BBB calls for stop on wind turbines on land after devastating Clintel report

Investigative journalist Elze van Hamelen and MP Henk Vermeer The drawbacks of the massive deployment of wind turbines on land, especially regarding public health, are very serious but don’t receive enough attention. That is the conclusion of a new Clintel report Het Windmolendrama (The Wind Turbine Tragedy). Following the report, the Dutch [...]

5 11, 2024

Clintel talk Budapest now online

By |2024-11-05T11:05:34+01:005 November 2024|CLINTEL, Hungary, News, Videos|Comments Off on Clintel talk Budapest now online

László Szarka, the Hungarian ambassador of Clintel, recently invited Clintel director Marcel Crok to give a talk in Budapest for the Energy Working Group of the Batthyány Society of Professors. It was the last talk in the lecture series "How much? What is how much?". Crok focused his talk on the Clintel [...]

17 10, 2024

Profeti di Sventura: La Guerra dell’Élite Verde al Progresso Umano

By |2024-10-17T21:59:36+02:0017 October 2024|Climate policy, CLINTEL, IPCC, Italy|Comments Off on Profeti di Sventura: La Guerra dell’Élite Verde al Progresso Umano

Perché il rapporto sul clima 2024 è più una questione di paura che di fatti. Il recente articolo pubblicato su BioScience, "The 2024 state of the climate report: Perilous times on planet Earth", è una sfilata di affermazioni esagerate e mezze verità, un pezzo di propaganda progettato per spaventare il pubblico e [...]

16 10, 2024

Propheten des Untergangs: Der Krieg der grünen Elite gegen den menschlichen Fortschritt

By |2024-10-16T14:35:05+02:0016 October 2024|Climate change, Climate policy, CLINTEL, Extreme weather, Germany, IPCC|Comments Off on Propheten des Untergangs: Der Krieg der grünen Elite gegen den menschlichen Fortschritt

Warum es im Klimabericht 2024 mehr um Angst als um Fakten geht Der kürzlich in BioScience veröffentlichte Artikel "The 2024 state of the climate report: Perilous times on planet Earth" ist eine Parade übertriebener Behauptungen und Halbwahrheiten, ein Propagandastück, das darauf abzielt, die Öffentlichkeit zu verängstigen, damit sie eine fehlgeleitete Politik verfolgt, [...]