1 06, 2024

“Bonus” Gets it wrong about May and Crok, 2024

By |2024-06-05T14:01:42+02:001 June 2024|CLINTEL, IPCC, News|Comments Off on “Bonus” Gets it wrong about May and Crok, 2024

By Andy May Wow! Our new paper “Carbon Dioxide and a Warming Climate are not problems,” in the American Journal of Economics and Sociology has struck a nerve, judging by the traffic about it on twitter. An anonymous twitter troll who calls himself “Bonus @TheDisproof” has published what he (or she) calls a list of [...]

31 05, 2024

Carbon dioxide and a warming climate are not problems

By |2024-05-31T13:21:20+02:0031 May 2024|CLINTEL, IPCC, News|Comments Off on Carbon dioxide and a warming climate are not problems

© Clintel Foundation / Thursday May 30, 2024 Clintel publication in the American Journal of Economics and Sociology Press release by the Climate Intelligence Foundation (Clintel) “Carbon Dioxide and a Warming Climate are not problems”, that is the somewhat provocative title of a newly published paper by Andy May [...]

30 05, 2024

Our paper “carbon dioxide and a warming climate are not problems” now published

By |2024-06-05T14:01:12+02:0030 May 2024|CLINTEL, IPCC, News|Comments Off on Our paper “carbon dioxide and a warming climate are not problems” now published

By Andy May and Marcel Crok We were charged by Marty Rowland and the American Journal of Economics and Sociology (AJES) with writing a literature review paper supporting the skeptical (aka “denier”) position with regard to dangerous man-made climate change. Our paper is fully peer-reviewed and presents what we think is the most convincing argument. Unfortunately, the [...]

25 09, 2023

Request to Dr. James Skea of the IPCC

By |2023-09-25T15:37:18+02:0025 September 2023|CLINTEL, IPCC, News|Comments Off on Request to Dr. James Skea of the IPCC

Professor Dr. James Skea, Chair of the IPCC, c/o World Meteorological Organization 7bis Avenue de la Paix C.P. 2300 CH -1211 Geneva 2, Switzerland. Dr. A.J. (Guus) Berkhout President of Clintel The Hague, September 20, 2023  Dear Dr. Skea, On August 25 Clintel has [...]

19 09, 2023

The orchestrated disinformation campaign by RealClimate.org to falsely discredit and censor our work

By |2023-09-25T20:55:20+02:0019 September 2023|IPCC, News|Comments Off on The orchestrated disinformation campaign by RealClimate.org to falsely discredit and censor our work

Article by Ronan Connolly, Michael Connolly and Willie Soon, originally published at Ceres Science. In July and August 2023, several of us at CERES-Science were involved in three important new peer-reviewed scientific papers. So far, most of the feedback from the scientific community and the public on these papers has been very positive. [...]

10 09, 2023

Reply to erroneous claims by RealClimate.org on our research into the Sun’s role in climate change

By |2023-09-25T20:57:01+02:0010 September 2023|IPCC, News|Comments Off on Reply to erroneous claims by RealClimate.org on our research into the Sun’s role in climate change

Article by Ronan Connolly, Michael Connolly and Willie Soon, originally published at Ceres Science. In the last month, we have co-authored three papers in scientific peer-reviewed journals collectively dealing with the twin problems of (1) urbanization bias and (2) the ongoing debates over Total Solar Irradiance (TSI) datasets: Soon et al. (2023). [...]

2 09, 2023

New study suggests global warming could be mostly an urban problem

By |2023-09-25T15:19:17+02:002 September 2023|IPCC, News|Comments Off on New study suggests global warming could be mostly an urban problem

Reposted from CERES-Science A new study published in the scientific peer-reviewed journal, Climate, by 37 researchers from 18 countries suggests that current estimates of global warming are contaminated by urban warming biases. The study also suggests that the solar activity estimates considered in the most recent reports by the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel [...]

25 08, 2023

Open Letter to Dr. James Skea of the IPCC

By |2023-09-25T16:28:58+02:0025 August 2023|CLINTEL, IPCC, News|Comments Off on Open Letter to Dr. James Skea of the IPCC

Professor Dr. James Skea, Chair of the IPCC, c/o World Meteorological Organization 7bis Avenue de la Paix C.P. 2300 CH -1211 Geneva 2, Switzerland. Dr. A.J. (Guus) Berkhout President of Clintel The Hague, August 25, 2023  Dear Dr. Skea, Congratulations on your position as [...]

5 07, 2023

A Twitter Debate on Clintel’s IPCC AR6 Critique

By |2023-07-05T12:01:36+02:005 July 2023|CLINTEL, IPCC, News, USA|Comments Off on A Twitter Debate on Clintel’s IPCC AR6 Critique

By Andy May In May 2023, Clintel published a book (see figure 1) criticizing AR6 (IPCC, 2021), a publication that was supposed to summarize climate science research to date. We found that AR6 was biased in its reporting of recent developments in climate science, and they ignored published research contrary to their narrative that [...]

28 06, 2023

Open Letter from Clintel to the UN Secretary-General António Guterres

By |2023-06-28T14:03:35+02:0028 June 2023|Climate policy, CLINTEL, IPCC, Letter, News|Comments Off on Open Letter from Clintel to the UN Secretary-General António Guterres

Amsterdam, June 23, 2023 Professor A.J. (Guus) Berkhout office@clintel.org António Guterres, Secretary-General, United Nations, United Nations Headquarters, New York, NY 10017, United States of America. Dear Mr. Guterres, On 23 September 2019 we have sent you a registered letter, expressing our major concerns about your idealistic plans to stop [...]