22 11, 2023

COVID, climate and manufactured consensus

By |2023-11-22T13:49:40+01:0022 November 2023|News, USA|Comments Off on COVID, climate and manufactured consensus

by Judith Curry reposted from Climate Etc. Politically-motivated manufacture of scientific consensus corrupts the scientific process and leads to poor policy decisions An essay with excerpts from my new book Climate Uncertainty and Risk. In the 21st century, humankind is facing a myriad of complex societal problems that are characterized by deep uncertainties, [...]

21 11, 2023

Steven Koonin’s visit to The Netherlands: the science is not settled

By |2023-11-22T14:58:21+01:0021 November 2023|CLINTEL, News, The Netherlands, USA|Comments Off on Steven Koonin’s visit to The Netherlands: the science is not settled

The science is not settled. That is the central message in prof. Steven Koonin’s climate bestseller: Unsettled. Koonin, former Undersecretary for Science in the Obama Administration (2009-2011), demonstrates in his book that the climate problem is often exaggerated and that the proposed energy transition is unfeasible. On the occasion of the launch of the [...]

15 11, 2023

The cause of the high temperatures in recent months

By |2024-01-30T12:08:05+01:0015 November 2023|News|Comments Off on The cause of the high temperatures in recent months

By Antero Ollila The media has reported record-high temperatures for the recent months. Climate change has been blamed, which the IPCC claims is solely due to the increase in greenhouse gases. Nowhere has there been any news that the Earth received about 3 W/m2 more solar radiation in August 2023 than in the [...]

31 10, 2023

Interview with Demetris Koutsoyiannis

By |2023-11-15T15:47:01+01:0031 October 2023|News|Comments Off on Interview with Demetris Koutsoyiannis

by FRANCO BATTAGLIA It is not the CO₂ levels that influence temperatures but the exact opposite The Greek academic: It's the hen or egg dilemma applied to the climate. Italy? Beautiful but it's difficult to do science Demetris Koutsoyiannis Demetris Koutsoyiannis is Professor Emeritus of Hydrology at the [...]

11 10, 2023

“Hottest Ever September” — is just headline clickbait for heat loving mammals that live across a 90 degree range

By |2023-10-11T18:32:51+02:0011 October 2023|Australia, News|Comments Off on “Hottest Ever September” — is just headline clickbait for heat loving mammals that live across a 90 degree range

By Jo Nova The “hottest ever” headline ignores most of history While the UAH satellite measurements are the hottest by far of the 44 year satellite record, nothing about the “hottest ever” media frenzy makes sense — not for health, history, the long term, or human biology. It’s only the “hottest ever” if [...]

26 09, 2023

World’s largest reef secretly recovers and has record high coral cover two years in a row

By |2023-10-13T17:43:44+02:0026 September 2023|Australia, CLINTEL, News|Comments Off on World’s largest reef secretly recovers and has record high coral cover two years in a row

Wise Hok Wai Lum Almost no one is aware that the Great Barrier Reef has had two bumper years of record high coral cover. The excellent results of 2022 were repeated in 2023, showing that the grand recovery of the corals, after years of bleaching, was no fluke result. The Great Barrier Reef [...]

25 09, 2023

Request to Dr. James Skea of the IPCC

By |2023-09-25T15:37:18+02:0025 September 2023|CLINTEL, IPCC, News|Comments Off on Request to Dr. James Skea of the IPCC

Professor Dr. James Skea, Chair of the IPCC, c/o World Meteorological Organization 7bis Avenue de la Paix C.P. 2300 CH -1211 Geneva 2, Switzerland. Dr. A.J. (Guus) Berkhout President of Clintel The Hague, September 20, 2023  Dear Dr. Skea, On August 25 Clintel has [...]

19 09, 2023

The orchestrated disinformation campaign by RealClimate.org to falsely discredit and censor our work

By |2023-09-25T20:55:20+02:0019 September 2023|IPCC, News|Comments Off on The orchestrated disinformation campaign by RealClimate.org to falsely discredit and censor our work

Article by Ronan Connolly, Michael Connolly and Willie Soon, originally published at Ceres Science. In July and August 2023, several of us at CERES-Science were involved in three important new peer-reviewed scientific papers. So far, most of the feedback from the scientific community and the public on these papers has been very positive. [...]

10 09, 2023

Reply to erroneous claims by RealClimate.org on our research into the Sun’s role in climate change

By |2023-09-25T20:57:01+02:0010 September 2023|IPCC, News|Comments Off on Reply to erroneous claims by RealClimate.org on our research into the Sun’s role in climate change

Article by Ronan Connolly, Michael Connolly and Willie Soon, originally published at Ceres Science. In the last month, we have co-authored three papers in scientific peer-reviewed journals collectively dealing with the twin problems of (1) urbanization bias and (2) the ongoing debates over Total Solar Irradiance (TSI) datasets: Soon et al. (2023). [...]

6 09, 2023

Do CMIP5 models skillfully match actual warming?

By |2023-09-08T09:57:56+02:006 September 2023|News, United Kingdom|Comments Off on Do CMIP5 models skillfully match actual warming?

Why matching of CMIP5 model-simulated to observed warming does not indicate model skill Guest post by Nicholas Lewis. Originally published at Judith Curry's blog Climate Etc. A well-known Dutch journalist, Maarten Keulemans of De Volkskrant, recently tweeted an open letter to the Nobel-prizewinning physicist Professor Clauser in response to his signing of the Clintel [...]