To: Borge Brende
President World Economic Forum
Professor Guus Berkhout
President of CLINTEL
January 20, 2020
Your Excellency,
Despite global warming, the past 150± years has resulted in an unprecedented increase in the quality and duration of human life all over our planet. For example, poverty was never as low as today. And statistics tell us that – thanks to intelligent adaptation policies – the number of deaths from natural disasters has sharply decreased.
There is no planetary emergency, climate or otherwise. The climate crisis only exists in computer models. Yes we can, and will, continue to strive to do better for all people, on multiple fronts — including understanding climate and knowing how to adapt to changes.
One dire consequence of current model-induced panic is that we are abandoning key elements of our successful, low-cost and reliable energy systems. These are the basis for the quality and duration of human lives! The energy erosion will inevitably result in economic decline and increased poverty, particularly in non-OECD countries.
Therefore, the so-called ‘climate mitigation’ is an irresponsible policy. The fundament of social and economic development is adaptation to the climate evolution.
Despite heated political rhetoric, we urge all world leaders to accept the reality that there is no climate emergency. There is ample time to use scientific advances to continue improving our society. Meanwhile, we should go for adaptation; it works whatever the causes are.
We also invite you to organize with us a constructive, open meeting between world-class scientists on both sides of the climate debate. Such an event complies with the sound and ancient principle that all pertinent parties should be fully heard: Audiatur et altera pars.
Yours sincerely, ambassadors of CLINTEL,
Nobel Laureate Professor Ivar Giaever, Norway
Professor Guus Berkhout, The Netherlands
Professor Reynald Du Berger, French speaking Canada
John Droz jr, USA
Terry Dunleavy, New Zealand
Viv Forbes, Australia
Professor Jeffrey Foss, English speaking Canada
Jens Morton, Hansen Denmark
Morten Jødal, Norway
Professor Demetris Koutsoyiannes, Greece
Rob Lemeire, Dutch speaking Belgium
Professor Richard Lindzen, USA
Dr. Thiago Maia, Brazil
Dr. Henri A. Masson, French speaking Belgium
Professor Ingemar Nordin, Sweden
Jim O’Brien, Republic of Ireland
Professor Ian Plimer, Australia
Douglas Pollock, Chile
Professor Alberto Prestininzi, Italy
Professor Benoît Rittaud, France
Professor Fritz Vahrenholt, Germany
The Viscount Monckton of Brenchley, United Kingdom