Jobst Landgrebe
Name: Jobst Landgrebe
Country: Germany
What is your background?
I am a scientist and entrepreneur, specialised in Artificial Intelligence and Theory of Science. My education is in medicine, biochemistry and mathematics. My professional experience in the private sector is in pharmaceutical R&D and applied mathematics (Artificial Intelligence); in academia: theory of science (theory of artificial intelligence, theory of modelling and philosophy of physics).
Since when and why are you interested in climate change and how did your views on climate change evolve?
Since 2012. Until the early 2000s, I was not interested in climate. Then the magazine The Economist reported (approximately in 2004) that the question of climate change had been scientifically settled and that the climate change we observe since the middle of the 19th century is to a large extent anthropogenic. I believed this for a while until I met a geophysicist in 2012 who showed me the mathematical structure of the models used by the IPCC and explained to me their low degree of modelling adequacy. Since then I began to look at the problem from a theory of science perspective and understood that the attempt to model the complex system global climate synoptically (in a way that allows an adequate simulation) is not possible from a mathematical perspective due to the thermodynamical properties of this dynamic system. We can only partially model subsystems of the climate system which exhibit (cyclical) regularities.
Is climate change a big issue in your country and how do you notice this?
In reality, the climate change we experience, a return to the normal climate of the Holocene, has little impact on Germany. But the ideology of the danger of anthropogenic climate change and the policies derived from it, have a massive impact on our society since the goal of the policies is to change Germany’s economy into a ‘net zero carbon’ economy, which is technically impossible, harmful for the natural environment and also unnecessary. This attempt to realise what is impossible, slowly deindustrialises the country and leads to a decline of the standard of living for the vast majority of the population.
What would climate policy ideally look like in your view?
We should evolve towards an energy mix based on nuclear fission and fossil fuels, and stop ‘renewable’ (neotoxic) forms of energy production. On the midterm, move to transportation fueled by nuclear fission-based energy. Fossil fuels should then mainly be used in industrial production and as raw material for chemical synthesis – they are too valuable to be burned.
What is your motivation to sign the CLINTEL World Climate Declaration?
To support the scientific truth and help policy makers to stop policies which harm society and do not lead to the preservation of the natural environment, but damage it.