Again we reached a milestone, 1200 signees of the World Climate Declaration in August.
We normally welcome these new signees in our newsletter (subscribe here!) but now we have so many we do it here in a separate post. We will also start doing new interviews again with signees. If you want to participate in such an interview (by email) please contact us at office@clintel.org.
We also added new Countries to our list:
Here follows the list of new signees:
- Jaap Wijsman, The Netherlands, Mechanical Engineer, active in the offshore industry
- Engel van Spronsen, The Netherlands, PhD in Physics, Lifetime career in Shell as researcher, reservoir engineer, and technical manager. After Shell he also worked for Maersk OiI, IMPaC Engineering, and Eneco
- Robert Hanson, China / Hong Kong, PhD, BA (Hons), MA, LL.M, PGCE, CPE, Barrister
- Hans Wolkers, The Netherlands, PhD in Dierfysiologie en natuurbeheer en ruim 20 jaar onderzoekservaring, onder andere in arctische ecotoxicologie, nu actief als wetenschapsjournalist en universitair docent in ‘Schrijven over Wetenschap’
- Tony Thomas, Australia, MA, B.Ec, journalist and author for more than 60 years
- Rob Jeffrey, South Africa, Economic Risk Consultant: Senior Economist and Managing Consultant, leading expert in energy and electricity
- Steen Rasmussen, Denmark, Bsc in Electrical Engineering from Denmark Technical University, lifetime career at IBM Denmark Aps
- Mirco Poletto, Italy, Geologo libero professionista, registered at ‘Ordine dei geologi del Veneto’
- Kerem Cankocak, Turkey, Professor in Particle Physics at Istanbul Technical University, author of more than 200 books in different scientific areas
- Kevin A. Loughrey, Australia, LtCol(Ret’d) BAppSc, BE Mech(hons), psc, jssc, Grad Dip Strategic Studies
- Philip Linden Wilkes, UK, Life time Experience in Marine Biology
- Philip George Davies, UK, Principal Lecturer in the Department of Computing and Informatics at Bournemouth University
- Alan Gill, UK, Retired Engineer in South Wales
- Andrew Edmonds, UK, data scientist with a strong background in AI, past CTO of a publicly traded US tech company, currently CEO of a private US company, ThinkBase LLC
- Debra Eddy, UK, Entrepreneur and Guest Lecturer in Business Management
- David Jessop, UK, C.Eng., M.I.C.E., lifetime career in the water industry
- Richard Reaney, New Zealand, Climate Researcher, Post Graduate Qualification in Antarctic Studies, University of Canterbury New Zealand
- Francesco Lamberti, Italy, PhD in Material Science of the University of Padova, working on next generation PV
- Paolo Martini, Italy, consultant petroleum geologist with 30+ years of experience
- Ricardo Augusto Felicio, Brazil, BSc Meteorology – USP, MSc Antarctic Meteorology and Satellites – INPE, PhD in Climatology – Physical Geography – USP
- Marc Wathelet, Belgium, PhD in Molecular Biology, Free University of Brussels
- Timothy Dunne, Ireland, DPsych, MSc, BA, ASFBPS, AFPSI, Consultant Clinical Psychologist, full member of the Psychological Society of Ireland and of the British Psychological Society
- Victor Privalsky, USA, PhD, ScD in physics and mathematics, UT Oceanographer and specialised in random processes, retired from Space Dynamics Laboratory, Logan
- David L. Black, USA, Clinical and Forensic Toxicologist (Microbiology, Immunology, Pathology, Pharmacology), Vanderbilt University Nashville, currently adjunct and member of Department of Medicine Board of Visitors
- Timothy W. Gordon, USA, Retired USAF/USN Veteran, Independent Researcher
- Roger Sheley, USA, Ecologist, USDA-Agricultural Research Service; Editor-in-Chief of the international journal-Rangeland Ecology and Management
- Francis Cheng, USA, Professor of Chemistry with specialties in carbon materials, batteries and energy conversion, University of Idaho
- Jess L. Stark, USA, Founder and CEO of Stark Industries, Houston, Texas
- Peter B. Merkle, USA, Associate Professor in the School of Engineering at Benedictine College, educator in the area of environmental science and engineering, previously served in the U.S. government in an advisory role with respect to modeling and simulation of catastrophic events
- James E. Enstrom, USA, PhD, MPH, FFACE, Retired UCLA Research Professor in Epidemiology, President of the Scientific Integrity Institute, Los Angeles
- Dr. Agronomo Fausto Cavalli, Italy, Agronomist, specialisation in meteorology
- Graeme Phipps, UK, geologist and geophysicist, Jersey Channel Islands
- David Todd, retired Associate Member of the Institute of Bankers, Post Graduate Certificate in Business and Management
- James M. Leverentz, USA, Instructor UCI, Manager, California
- Dr Matthew Wilecki, USA, PhD in Geochemistry from UCLA, Assistant Professor of Geological Sciences at the University of Alabama
- Donald Langmuir, USA, PhD in Geological Sciences from Harvard University, Emeritus Professor of Chemistry and Geochemistry at the Colorado School of Mines, served on and chaired multiple committees related to water quality, and nuclear waste disposal; held also a US Presidential appointment to the US Nuclear WasteTechnical Review Board
- Shmuel Ben-Shmuel, USA, PhD in Aerospace & Mechanical Engineering, retired aerospace engineer, worked on the Space Shuttle, doing Computational Fluid Dynamics simulations
- Eric L. Nelson, USA, PhD, Assistant Clinical Professor, Department of Public Health Sciences, University of California
- Daniel Brimhall, USA, MS Extractive Metallurgy, University of Utah, retired Vice President Operations, American Chemet, East Helena, MT, now active as consultant
- Rick Bernard Spielman, USA, Senior Scientist & Professor of Physics, University of Rochester, Laboratory for Laser Energetics
- William Glassco, USA, PhD in Medicinal Chemistry, former researcher, currently Instructor
- Joe Bastardi, USA, chief meteorologist Weatherbell.com, Author of Amazon weather/climate best sellers : The Climate Chronicles: Inconvenient Revelations you Won’t Hear from Al Gore and others; 2cnd Book: The Weaponization of Weather in the Phony Climate War
- Rob Mooij, The Netherlands, PhD in Nuclear Physics at University of Utrecht, MS Computer Science at Drexel University, Philadelphia, Retired as Medical Physicist from University of Pennsylvania
- David A. Penny, Canada, PhD, Former Associate Professor, Dept. of Computer Science, University of Toronto, currently CTO at BlueCat Networks
- Andreas Hoppe, Germany, Systems biologist, Institute for Bee Research
- David Parsons, Australia, B.E Mech. FIE Aust CPEng NER, Principal Design Engineer, specialised in boiler design and gas radiation analysis
- Vladimir N. Bashkin, Russian Federation, DrSc (biol), Professor in Biogeochemistry and Risk Assessment in Moscow State University, Cornell University, Seoul National University, Bangkok King Mongkut Technological University; vice-chairperson of WG of UN Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution and PR in the Institute of Physico-chemical and Biological Problems of Soil Sciences RAS, Pushchino, Russia
- José Brechner, Bolivia, retired Congressman and Ambassador for the Bolivian Government, Chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee, currently Syndicated Columnist and Senior Political Analyst
- Yakov Itenberg, Israel, BSc of Meteorology and Climatology, MSc of Physics Education, 25 years reserve meteorological officer of Israeli Defense Forces Home Front Command
- Phillip A. W. Bratby, UK, Physicist, Member of the Institute of Nuclear Engineers, retired energy consultant
- Ian Mortimore, UK, BSc, Phd, MB, BS, FRCP, retired Consultant Respiratory Physician in the NHS with research affiliations to Edinburgh and Newcastle Universities
- William James McAuley, UK, M.Sc. from Imperial College and an M.B.A. from Lehigh University, retired Chemical Engineer with a 40+ year international career in energy, industrial gas and chemical industries
- Kevin Foo, UK, MSc, DIC, Dip. Met, AusIMM, IOM3, SME, Ch.Eng., President Tianshan Jade (UK) Ltd
- Derek Tipp, UK, BSc honours degree in chemistry, former research chemist and retired science teacher, currently councillor on New Forest District Council
- Rodolfo (Rudy) Spatzner, Canada, graduated from Environmental/Civil Engineering Technology, Humber College, Ontario, lifetime experience in wireless networks across North America
- Richard Lewanski, Canada, BsC (Hons) in Geophysics from the university of Manitoba, lifetime experience as an exploration geophysicist, founder and CEO of several exploration and production companies in the oil industry, as well as several private companies
- Willis Eschenbach, USA, Generalist and Author of many (peer-reviewed) critical Climate Articles with numerous Citations
- Robert B. Phillips, USA, retired from radio astrophysics, specialised in calibration and validation of orbital IR and visible sensors (GOESS, STSS-1 and -2)
- Jennifer Runquist, USA, PhD from Northwestern Unv, Evanston IL related to photosynthesis
- Krishnan Chittur, USA, emeritus-professor in chemical engineering and biotech, Univ of ALabama Huntsville, cofounder of medical diagnostics startup (genecapture)
- Matthew Eric Shultz, USA, University of Delaware, Dept. of Physics & Astronomy, specialised in Stellar Astrophysics, Annie Jump Cannon Fellow
- Daniel P. Taggart, USA, PhD in Experimental Plasma Physics, life time career in Controlled Thermonuclear Research and Radiation Protection at Los Alamos National Laboratory
- William H. Pound, USA, PhD Major in Industrial Engineering with Minor in Materials Science, lifetime experience in the manufacturing industry with focus on technical, engineering, environmental, and quality assurance
- Laurence N. Johnson, USA, Lt Col, USAF (Ret), MS in meteorology, MSE in aerospace engineering
- Ryan Shrout, USA, Environmental Attorney with a Masters of Law in Environmental Law practicing in the air emissions field
- Michael Antonetti, USA, P.G., Professional geologist for 35+ years in Pennsylvania with Ms in glacial geomorphology
- Paul Manner, USA, MD FRCSC, Joint Replacement/Hip and Knee Arthritis, Department of Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine, University of Washington
- John L.D. Kerr, UK, B.A. (Hons) in Environmental Science & Technology; B.Sc. (Hons) in Chemistry, active as Environmental Consultant
- Paolo Sebastiano Valvo, Italy, PhD – Associate Professor of Solid and Structural Mechanics, University of Pisa
- Jan-Olov Strömberg, Sweden, Emeritus Professor of Mathematics at Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm
- Martin R. Sharpe, South Africa, PhD from University of Exeter, retired Geologist, Geochemist, Analyst and Field Mapper at University of Pretoria, Founder of geological consulting and exploration companies in Southern Africa
- Richard Meissner, South Africa, Associate Professor, Department of Political Sciences, University of South Africa
- Axel Janke, Germany, PhD, professor for evolutionary genomics at the Goethe University / Frankfurt, coordinator for the LOEWE program “Translational Biodiversity Genomics”
- Wolfgang Strehlau, Germany, Phys. Chemist, Technology Fellow in Johnson Matthey Plc, UK
- Knut Löschke, Germany, studied crystallography, chemistry, physics, mathematics and computer science. He is an honorary professor at the University of Technology, Economics and Culture in Leipzig. As part of his work at the university, he deals with the energy industry and climate change
- Julian Vearncombe, Australia, PhD, Geologist, Fellow Australian Institute of Geoscientists
- Stephen David English, Australia, PhD in Crop Physiology from University of New England, Retired Agricultural Scientist
- Paul Leonard Harrison, Australia, Geophysicist with an M.Sc in Geology and Geophysics, over 45 years experience in research and exploration for the geo-energy industry
- Tony Schreck, Australia, Managing Director of ASX listed Pacgold Limited, Member of the Australian Institute of Geoscientists, Member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors
- Peter Brian Bayley, Brazil, PhD, lifetime experience in Aquatic Ecology and Fisheries, retired from Dep. Fisheries & Wildlife, Oregon State University
- Ivan Stefanovic, Serbia, Curator of collection, Faculty of Mining and Geology, University of Belgrade
- Eugenio G. Araya, Costa Rica, Theoretical Physicist, Researcher, former scientist at University of Costa Rica
- Thi Thuy Van Dinh, Vietnam, PhD in environmental law, University of Limoges, former official of the UN Secretariat, former Environment and Health Lead at Intellectual Ventures Global Good Fund, Bellevue, Washington, USA