We can still avoid the Net Zero trap
Essay by Kees de Lange and Guus Berkhout Former politician prof. Kees de Lange and Clintel co-founder prof. Guus Berkhout state in a new essay that [...]
All things Equal
By Andy May In an interesting linkedin debate between Tinus Pulles and me, two subjects came up that are related to one another and too complicated for a comment. [...]
Tinus Pulles Critique of May and Crok, 2024
By Andy May Tinus Pulles critique of our paper begins by admitting that, at present there are no adverse effects from climate change, but that we ignored possible future climate change effects. This [...]
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Climate Intelligence (Clintel) is an independent foundation informing people about climate change and climate policies. Clintel was founded in 2019 by emeritus professor of geophysics Guus Berkhout and science journalist Marcel Crok.