28 02, 2025

EPA’s endangerment finding needs to go

By |2025-03-04T11:58:30+01:0028 February 2025|Climate change, Climate policy, News, USA|Comments Off on EPA’s endangerment finding needs to go

The new EPA head recommends the Whitehouse rewrite the important past conclusion that 'CO2 endangers the public'. Vijay Jayaray of the CO2 Coalition explains the backgroud of this important 'endangerment finding' of 2009. Having declared carbon dioxide (CO₂) and other greenhouse gases (GHGs) to be harmful pollutants, the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) 2009 endangerment [...]

10 02, 2025

Obsessed anesthesiologists fret over climate change

By |2025-02-10T15:24:06+01:0010 February 2025|Climate change, Climate policy, News, USA|Comments Off on Obsessed anesthesiologists fret over climate change

Scientists at the CO2 Coalition say a fuss over the greenhouse-warming effect of anesthetic gases is much ado about something so close to nothing as to be undetectable, tiny fractions of degrees in temperature. “In fact, compared to the stakes at risk in many surgical procedures, fretting over climate change in an operating [...]