13 02, 2025

Underestimating Clouds: A Climate Mistake We Cannot Afford

By |2025-02-13T12:23:45+01:0013 February 2025|Climate change, News, USA|Comments Off on Underestimating Clouds: A Climate Mistake We Cannot Afford

A new paper by physicists W. A. van Wijngaarden and William Happer, Radiation Transport in Clouds, suggests that clouds affect atmospheric temperature more than CO2, says Vijay Jayaray of the CO2 Coalition. Carbon dioxide (CO₂) has been predominantly portrayed as the chief culprit driving global warming. For decades, this misconception has [...]

27 06, 2022

Critical comments by Happer and Lindzen on SEC Rule

By |2022-06-27T18:03:24+02:0027 June 2022|Climate policy, IPCC, News, USA|Comments Off on Critical comments by Happer and Lindzen on SEC Rule

By Andy May The U.S. Constitution was finally approved in 1787, after much debate. It reserved a specific list of powers for the federal government and the first ten amendments, or the “Bill of Rights,” reserved many powers for the citizens and states. The Bill of Rights imposed clear limitations on the federal [...]