5 07, 2021

Climate Sensitivity to CO2, what do we know? Part 1.

By |2021-07-08T11:23:20+02:005 July 2021|News, USA|Comments Off on Climate Sensitivity to CO2, what do we know? Part 1.

The IPCC claims, in their AR5 report, that ECS, the long-term temperature change due to doubling the atmospheric CO2 concentration or the “Equilibrium Climate Sensitivity,” likely lies between 1.5° and 4.5°C, and they provide no best estimate (IPCC, 2013, p. 85). But their average model computed ECS is 3.2°C/2xCO2. Here, “°C/2xCO2” is the temperature change [...]

3 06, 2021

Unsettled: “most important book on climate science in decades”

By |2021-06-03T13:52:57+02:003 June 2021|Book review, News, United Kingdom, USA|Comments Off on Unsettled: “most important book on climate science in decades”

Reviewed by Rupert Darwall May 20, 2021 On January 8, 2014, at New York University in Brooklyn, there occurred a unique event in the annals of global warming: nearly eight hours of structured debate between three climate scientists supporting the consensus on manmade global warming and three climate scientists who dispute it, moderated by [...]