28 02, 2025

EPA’s endangerment finding needs to go

By |2025-03-04T11:58:30+01:0028 February 2025|Climate change, Climate policy, News, USA|Comments Off on EPA’s endangerment finding needs to go

The new EPA head recommends the Whitehouse rewrite the important past conclusion that 'CO2 endangers the public'. Vijay Jayaray of the CO2 Coalition explains the backgroud of this important 'endangerment finding' of 2009. Having declared carbon dioxide (CO₂) and other greenhouse gases (GHGs) to be harmful pollutants, the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) 2009 endangerment [...]

28 02, 2025

EPA recommends dropping ‘endangerment finding’

By |2025-02-28T14:11:07+01:0028 February 2025|Australia, Climate change, Climate policy, News, USA|Comments Off on EPA recommends dropping ‘endangerment finding’

The new EPA head just finished his 30 day consideration and recommends the White House rewrite the important past conclusion that 'CO2 endangers the public'. Jo Nova calls this 'dropping napalm on the whole Climate Blob'. Marc Morano of ClimateDepot calls this the “holy grail” of the climate agenda. Most of the climate [...]

14 02, 2025

The Paris Agreement Ten Years On Is A House of Cards Ready for the Toppling

By |2025-02-14T17:14:36+01:0014 February 2025|News, USA|Comments Off on The Paris Agreement Ten Years On Is A House of Cards Ready for the Toppling

The 'Trump effect' is already derailing the prospects of future UN negotiations over the Paris climate agreement, says economist dr. Tilak Doshi. The Paris agreement is now a house of cards. It has been a whirlwind since Mr. Trump took office on January 20th. It is not too much of a stretch [...]

11 02, 2025

Trump’s energy agenda: beware of government overreach

By |2025-02-11T12:23:41+01:0011 February 2025|Climate policy, News, USA|Comments Off on Trump’s energy agenda: beware of government overreach

Rather than 'invest' American tax-payer dollars in 'green R&D', it may well be more appropriate for government departments to offer tax credits to the private sector to pursue their own lines of R&D, says economist dr. Tilak K. Doshi. A version of this article was published in The Daily Sceptic. President [...]

15 01, 2022

William Happer: “In climate policy they use the reversed Robin Hood strategy”

By |2022-01-15T17:21:02+01:0015 January 2022|CLINTEL, Interviews, News, The Netherlands, USA, Videos|Comments Off on William Happer: “In climate policy they use the reversed Robin Hood strategy”

The eminent American physicist William Happer was invited by CLINTEL to visit The Netherlands after he spoke at the excellent EIKE conference in Germany in November. He gave a very interesting one hour talk in Amsterdam. The following day he was interviewed by Marcel Crok of CLINTEL for an online platform called [...]