There is no climate emergency
A global network of
scientists and professionals has prepared this urgent message. Climate science should be less political, while climate policies should be more scientific. Scientists should openly address uncertainties and exaggerations in their predictions of global warming, while politicians should dispassionately count the real costs as well as the imagined benefits of their policy measures.
Natural as well as anthropogenic factors cause warming
The geological archive reveals that Earth’s climate has varied as long as the planet has existed, with natural cold and warm phases. The Little Ice Age ended as recently as 1850. Therefore, it is no surprise that we now are experiencing a period of warming.
Warming is far slower than predicted
The world has warmed significantly less than predicted by IPCC on the basis of modeled anthropogenic forcing. The gap between the real world and the modeled world tells us that we are far from understanding climate change.
Climate policy relies on inadequate models
Climate models have many shortcomings and are not remotely plausible as global policy tools. They blow up the effect of greenhouse gases such as CO2. In addition, they ignore the fact that enriching the atmosphere with CO2 is beneficial.
CO2 is plant food, the basis of all life on Earth
CO2 is not a pollutant. It is essential to all life on Earth. Photosynthesis is a blessing. More CO2 is beneficial for nature, greening the Earth: additional CO2 in the air has promoted growth in global plant biomass. It is also good for agriculture, increasing the yields of crops worldwide.
Global warming has not increased natural disasters
There is no statistical evidence that global warming is intensifying hurricanes, floods, droughts and suchlike natural disasters, or making them more frequent. However, there is ample evidence that CO2-mitigation measures are as damaging as they are costly.
Climate policy must respect scientific and economic realities
There is no climate emergency. Therefore, there is no cause for panic and alarm. We strongly oppose the harmful and unrealistic net-zero CO2 policy proposed for 2050. If better approaches emerge, and they certainly will, we have ample time to reflect and re-adapt. The aim of global policy should be ‘prosperity for all’ by providing reliable and affordable energy at all times. In a prosperous society men and women are well educated, birthrates are low and people care about their environment.
167 Signatories from United Kingdom
1 WCD Ambassador
- Christopher The Viscount Monckton of Brenchley, Peer of the Realm and Author of several reviewed papers on Climate
166 Signatories
- Tom Agbabi, PhD, Professional engineer in the energy industry
- Colin Andress, BSc Physics, MSc Astrophysics, MA (Oxon) Classics & Philosophy, Barrister, Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society
- Neils C. Arveschoug, Geophysicist, Private start-up Oil E&P Company
- Nigel Banks, PhD Geology, Petroleum Geologist
- Andrew P. Barker, Biological Chemist
- John Anthony Barney, Retired Scientist and Technologist
- Nik Bartley, Mechanical Engineer
- Nigel Beckwith, professional graduate Podiatrist, Post Grad. in Sports Science, Post Grad. in Science Education
- Alan Belk, BSc, Mechanical Engineering, MBA, 40 years with a global Industrial Gases, Chemicals and Energy company
- Simon Bevan, BSc Oceanography and Geology, WMO Qualified Meteorological Forecaster
- Roshan Bhunnoo, Mathematics and Statistics, former Climate Data Analyst at the Meteorological Office
- Paul Binns, Former Research Geoscientist and Climate Researcher
- David Blake, BSc Applied Chemistry, Chair of East College Group & CME Futures Trader
- David Bodecott, Geologist/Geophysicist, Fellow of the Geological Society of London
- Dr. Richard Booth, retired Special Merit mathematician in the UK Civil Service
- D.Q. Bowen†, Emeritus Professor of Earth and Ocean Sciences, Fellow International Union for Quaternary Research, Cardiff University
- Dr Phillip A. W. Bratby, Physicist, Member of the Institute of Nuclear Engineers, retired energy consultant
- Michael Brown, Expert in Large Scale Thermal Fluid Dynamic Models
- Paul Burgess, BSc, MSc, C. Eng (retired) Hydro Climate Specialist
- Derrick Byford, BSc (Hons) holder of 10 patents, previously Deputy Director Research & Statistics Inner London Education Authority
- Gerry Byron, BSc in Physics, MBA which included modules on statistical anylysis
- Peter Cale, Solicitor, co founder and fund raiser for wave energy research project as Director of Staithe Energy Products (1988 1995)
- George Carey, BSc Hons. Physics and Geology, Lifetime Physics teacher and amateur astronomer
- Brian R. Catt, Electrical Engineer, Retired, publishing papers on Energy and Climate Change
- Richard Ceen, BSc Physical Oceanography with Physics, entrepreneur / engineer in Marine LNG Safety and Weather forecast dependent
Optimising Voyage Control Systems
- Arthur Champion, retired European Environmental Coordinator and CofE Diocesan Environmental Adviser
- John Church, Earth Science Professional, Retired from Energy Sector
- David Coe, MA(Oxon) in Physics, lifetime working on gaseous absorption spectroscopy, Lead author of “The Impact of CO2, H2O and Other
Greenhouse Gases on Equilibrium Earth Temperatures”
- Professor John C.W. Cope, Hon Research Associate, University of Bristol
- Dr. Douglas Cormack, BSc in Chemistry, Maths, Physics and Microbiologyy, PhD in Physical Chemistry, Chief at Scientific Civil Service,
Founder of the website “The campaign against belief consensus”
- Richard Courtney, Retired Material Scientist, Expert Peer Reviewer of the IPCC
- Chas Cowie, GDE Mining Engineering, Wits University, Retired IT Professional worked primarily in Mining and Logistics Industries
- David Crabtree, retired assistant professor biology
- Dr. David Critchley, Senior Clinical Pharmacologist, mathematical modelling of complex systems
- Michael Cross, Chemical Engineer
- Peter Cunningham, Expert in Mathematical Modelling of Complex Physical Phenoma
- Dr Philip George Davies, Principal Lecturer in the Department of Computing and Informatics at Bournemouth University
- Robert Davies, BSc Airline pilot
- Isabel Davies, Geophysicist and Entrepreneur
- Jeremy Dawson, retired Chartered Engineer with a career in the oil and gas industries
- Dr. Keith P. Dawson, Environmental and Agricultural Researcher
- John Dewey, Emeritus Professor of Geology at the University College Oxford, Distinguished Emeritus Professor University of California,
- Howard Dewhirst, FGS, Geologist, Initiator Open Letter to the Geological Society of London
- James Dillon, BSc Physics, DPhil Nuclear Physics, Former research physicist
- Gregor Dixon, FGS, Geologist, Former Member Geological Society of London
- Peter Dorey, BSc Physics, Senior Project Manager, (and unpaid educator & Climate Scientist)
- Tilak Doshi, Economist, CO2 Coalition member, ex-Forbes contributor, frequent op-ed contributor (Daily Sceptic, RealClearEnergy, South
China Morning Post, etc.)
- Timothy (Tim) C. Duckworth, Retired Mechanical Engineer in the Oil & Gas industry, Senior Auditor in Management/Facility/HSE
- Dr. Michael Earle, international earth scientist, energy professional, author
- Dr. John S. Easterby, Retired Senior Lecturer in Biochemistry University of Liverpool, Research area: Protein chemistry, Enzymology,
Metabolic Modelling
- Roderick Paul Eaton, MBA FIET MCMI, Retired Consultant Energy Industry Analyst/Management Consultant
- Debra Eddy, Entrepreneur and Guest Lecturer in Business Management
- Dr. Andrew Edmonds, data scientist with a strong background in AI, past CTO of a publicly traded US tech company, currently CEO of a
private US company, ThinkBase LLC
- Peter Etherington-Smith, Geologist/Oceanographer, Coral Reef Researcher, MSc Petroleum Engineering (Imperial), life-time international
experience in developing countries, retired from BG
- Kevin Foo, MSc, DIC, Dip. Met, AusIMM, IOM3, SME, Ch.Eng., President Tianshan Jade (UK) Ltd
- Ashley Francis, BSc, FRAS, Geophysicist with expertise in forward and inverse modelling, stochastic modelling and resolution/scale change
- Sean Galbally, Project Manager Water and Wastewater Systems
- Gil Gilchrist, Geophysicist
- Peter Gill, Physicist, Ex Chair Institute of Physics Energy Group, Ex London Branch Chair & Fellow of EI
- Alan Gill, Retired Engineer in South Wales
- Paul R. Goddard, retired Professor of Radiology, University of the West of England
- John D. Goss-Custard, PhD Ecology, University of Aberdeen, Visiting Professor in the Department of Life and Environmental Sciences,
- Alastair Gray, retired geologist, 50 years in oil exploration, production and asset evaluation
- Delphine Gray-Fisk, Former airline pilot, and parliamentary candidate for both the UK Independence Party and Brexit Party
- Mick Greenway, Research and Development of Flight Control Systems for Modern Civil and Military Aircraft, Retired Head of Research and
Development within a Multi-Million-Dollar Company
- David P. Gregg, retired Unilever Research group leader and scientist, Author of studies of historical climate time series based on modern
spectral analysis techniques
- Brian Gregory, MA. in Natural Sciences, MSc. in Business Studies, Lifetime Career in the UK Chemical Industry, currently Policy Director of
the Alliance of British Drivers
- Jimmy Haigh, Independent Geological Consultant
- Stephen Hardcastle, Retired Electronics Engineer, 10 years experience in the design of NDIR gas detectors, for gases including CFC’s CO2,
- David Hardy, Business Owner, Director and Experienced Chemical Engineer. 20+ years in Energy technology development including removal
of pollution from conventional fossil fuel power sources
- Tim Harper, PhD (Engineering, rock mechanics), CEng., Geomechanics Consultant and Researcher, Recipient of the Royal Academy of
- John Harrison, Former Chartered Physicist and Chartered Engineer
- Ken Harrison, Retired Chartered Physicist
- Peter Harvey, Project Manager – Renewable offshore wind industry
- Raymond Hayes, BA (Lond) M.Litt (Oxon) FRGS Solicitor Hong Kong and England and Wales
- Alex Henney, Formerly London Electricity Board, Consultant on Electricity Matters
- Roger Higgs, DPhil (Oxon), Independent Geological Consultant, Geoclastica Ltd.
- Tatiane Melchior Stefanello Hodson, BSc Oceanographer, MSc International Public Policy, author of “How to Recognize Totalitarians”.
- Dr. Sinclair Holland, MBChB(Edin) Medical Doctor
- Paul Homewood, Climate & Energy Policy Analyst
- Keith H. James, PhD, Consultant Geologist
- James Barry Jamieson, Retired Aeronautical Engineer, Co-author IPCC report 1999
- Anthony Janio, PhD in Physics, Independent Elected Councillor in Brighton and Hove
- David A.L. Jenkins, Geologist, Director Hurricane Energy plc
- Dr. Chris Jesshope, Emeritus Professor University of Amsterdam, Director Techne Consulting Ltd.
- David Jessop, C.Eng., M.I.C.E., lifetime career in the water industry
- Robert Jones, BSc and PhD Mining Engineering, Director at Warwick Energy
- Stephen Latimer Jones, BA Chemistry, IT professional
- Zana Juppenlatz, BSc Hons, LLDip, MPhil, MA; Specialist in Environmental Policy & Law, Environmental Impact Assessment & Sustainable
Development (Retired)
- Gautam Kalghatgi, PhD Aeronautical Engineering, Consultant Professor, 50 Years’ experience in R&D in combustion, fuels and energy
- Gavin Kenny, Emeritus Professor of Anaesthesia, Intensive Care and Pain Medicine University of Glasgow
- John L.D. Kerr, B.A. (Hons) in Environmental Science & Technology; B.Sc. (Hons) in Chemistry, active as Environmental Consultant
- Stephen King, Experienced technically trained chenical engineer with experience in environmental consideration of major petrochemical
projects, including technical and economic aspects
- David A. Kirkwood, MSc MIET,Professional engineer working in IT, Deputy Chairman of Reform UK Scotland
- Geoffrey W. Lane, retired Marine Engineer and Technical Author
- Eur.Ing Colin Leci, CO2 and Environmental Specialist
- Roger Longstaff, Experimental Space Physicist and Company Director
- Anthony Lowe, BSc Hons Polymer Chemistry and Physics, Consultant Polymer Solutions
- Peter Justin Lunt, MSc Geology London, adjunct lecturer in geology (stratigraphy) at Universiti Teknologi Petronas and Shandong University of
Science and Technology (SDUST) Qiangdao
- Tom Mackay, BSc, Geologist, Fellow of the Geological Society (FGS) of London
- Chris MacKenzie, MSc, Director and Geological & Environmental Consultant at Peak Minerals Ltd
- Ian Magness, Geologist turned treasurer, Since retirement actively involved in the analysis of all aspects of climate change from a sceptical
- Stephen Martin, retired exploration geophysicist
- Chris Matchette-Downes, Geologist and Geochemist, particularly involved in studies about past climates including glaciation
- William James McAuley, M.Sc. from Imperial College and an M.B.A. from Lehigh University, retired Chemical Engineer with a 40+ year
international career in energy, industrial gas and chemical industries
- Dr. Niall McCrae, PhD in Mental Health
- Angela McKay, retd Mechanical Engineer in Turbine Generator Industry. Retd Head of Physics St Mary’s 6th Form College, Lancashire
- Dr. Euan Mearns, retired, freelance consultant, researcher, blogger and author
- Krov Menuhin, Expert on ocean life, underwater filmmaker, professional diver, pilot and writer, explored the Earth’s extremities, experiencing
the oceans and the atmosphere first-hand
- Geoffrey Middleton, Chartered Architect, Socal Science
- Terence Mordaunt, Accomplished businessman, Self taught climate scientist mentored by Professor David Bellamy
- Dr. William Morgan, Retired Clinician
- Dr. Ian Mortimore, BSc, Phd, MB, BS, FRCP, retired Consultant Respiratory Physician in the NHS with research affiliations to Edinburgh and
Newcastle Universities
- Philip Mulholland, Geoscientist, Life time experience in the Geo-Energy Industry, co-author of the DAET climate model
- Stuart Munro, Exploration Geologist and Geophysicist
- Edward Nealon, Geologist, Member of the Australian Institute of Mining & Metallurgy
- Alex Nichols, BSc Geography, MSc Environmental Assessment, 30 years in sustainability consultancy, programmes and projects
- Blair Nimmo, Electronic Engineer, working in Computer Networking and Optical Surface Metrology and Fibre Optics
- Michael John Oates, Geologist, Lifetime Experience in the Geo-Energy Industry, Fellow of the Geological Society of London
- Gerard O’Donovan, Entrepreneur, Business Owner, career in building international and multinational organisations
- Andrew O’Rourke, journalist climate change
- Peter Owen, FGS, Fellow of the Geological Society of London
- Jonathan R. Partington, Emeritus Professor of Mathematics, University of Leeds
- Dennis Paterson, Retired Geologist
- Dr. James Petch, Physical Geographer, formerly Reader in Environmental Science at MMU and Head of Distributed Learning at the University
of Manchester
- Peter Phillips, BSc Hons Mechanical Engineering, lifetime experience in the geo-energy industry
- Graeme Phipps, geologist and geophysicist, Jersey Channel Islands
- Dr. James Pindell, Geologist, specialised in plate tectonics and palaeographic evolution, Director of Tectonic Analysis Ltd (UK), Adjunct
- Gerry A. Quinn, Research Scientist, Ulster University, lifetime career in microbiology, biochemistry and environmentalism
- Clive Randle, Geologist, Fellow of the Geological Society of London
- Jonathan Charles Read, Honours degree in Physics from the University of Durham, member of the Institute of Physics (MInstP), Fellow of the
Chartered Association of Certified Accountants (FCCA)
- Dr. Colin Richard Reeves, Emeritus Professor of Operational Research, Coventry University,
Expert in Mathematical Modelling
- Ceri Reid, PhD Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Sonar Specialist
- Chris Rice, BEng(Hons) Engineering & Environmental Science
- Steven Andrew Richards, MSc, Retired Chartered Engineer, Retired Lecturer from Portsmouth University and Southampton Solent
- Michael F. Ridd, Geologist, Fellow of the Geological Society of London
- Philip Risby, BSc Engineering, Retired environmental consultant, patent holder
- Anthony Robb, PhD, Retired Chemist
- Salmaan Saleem, Family Medicine Doctor
- Dr. José Sánchez-Morales, Doctor in Geology, analysing paleoclimate cycles and software expert
- Richard Saumarez, Biomedical Engineer from Imperial College
- Charles Savage, BA, BSc, MA (Oxon.) in Chemistry, CEO of CP Pharmaceuticals (Retired)
- Robert M. Schneider, MSCE, retired Civil Engineer
- Michael Seymour, Geologist, Fellow of the Geological Society of London
- Stephen Silverstein, BSc Graduate of Queen Mary University, London, in chemistry with geology
- Mike Sluman, Retired teacher with an honours Degree in Environmental Biology
- Dr. Ian Smith, MSc Maritime Archaeology, PhD Chemistry
- Mike Stigwood, Environmental Researcher
- Leslie Thomson, Retired Vice President Operations, BP Exploration, Aberdeen
- Edwin Thwaites, Retired Principal Lecturer in Organisational Analysis and Crisis Management, University of Central Lancashire, Predton
- Derek Tipp, BSc honours degree in chemistry, former research chemist and retired science teacher, currently councillor on New Forest
- David Todd, retired Associate Member of the Institute of Bankers, Post Graduate Certificate in Business and Management
- Paolo Emilio Trevisanutto, PhD in Physics, Senior Computational Scientist
- Mark Tucker, BSc of Science Geophysics, Serial Entrepreneur and Scientific Advisor to APPG for Industrial Hemp
- Neil Upton, Retired GP UK
- prof. Anton van der Merwe, MD, PhD, Professor in Molecular Immunology
- Matthew David Waggener, Financial professional, strategic consultant on business investments
- Dr. Glenn K. Wakley, Emeritus Associate Professor Biological Science, Fellow of the Royal Society of Biology and member of The
Anatomical Society
- Professor David Wastell, Emeritus Professor of Information Systems at the University of Nottingham
- Paul White, B.Sc. Physics, Durham University, Retired, Former Higher Scientific Officer Marine Climatology
- Philip Linden Wilkes, Life time Experience in Marine Biology
- Jay Willis, Marine Scientist, Associate of the OxNav Group of Oxford University.
- Matt Wood, BSc in Metallurgy & Materials Science, Retired Airline Pilot, Patent holder
- Alison Wright, BSc MSc. Systems Engineer, Energy Policy, Sustainable Development policy.
- Valentina Zharkova, Professor of Mathematics and Astrophysics, Northumbria University, Newcastle upon Tyne
- Ivor Zoeftig, International communications coach specialised in chaodynamics and NLP LP
Optimising Voyage Control Systems
Greenhouse Gases on Equilibrium Earth Temperatures”
Founder of the website “The campaign against belief consensus”
China Morning Post, etc.)
Metabolic Modelling
private US company, ThinkBase LLC
experience in developing countries, retired from BG
Development within a Multi-Million-Dollar Company
spectral analysis techniques
the Alliance of British Drivers
of pollution from conventional fossil fuel power sources
Development (Retired)
projects, including technical and economic aspects
Science and Technology (SDUST) Qiangdao
international career in energy, industrial gas and chemical industries
the oceans and the atmosphere first-hand
Newcastle Universities
of Manchester
Chartered Association of Certified Accountants (FCCA)
Expert in Mathematical Modelling
Anatomical Society