The year without a summer? In 2022 Sydney didn’t even reach 32 degrees
By Jo Nova reposted from her Blog Sydney Observatory in the centre of the city in 1864. (Courtesy of the State Library of NSW.) For the first time in 163 years of [...]
Bureau of Meteorology unclear on record rainfall in NSW
The NSW Premier handed down the 2022 Flood Inquiry report last week and at the same time many of the 1,498 written submissions were made public. The submissions make for harrowing reading, especially the [...]
Record-high coral cover of the Great Barrier Reef, despite doomsday scenarios of mass deaths
Great Barrier Reef Guest post by Hans Wolkers The Dutch public broadcasting company NOS recently reported on the Australian government's plans to provide additional protection for the Great Barrier Reef by improving water [...]
“Green Murder” – a new book by Professor Ian Plimer
by Ian Plimer An Interview with Professor Ian Plimer on his latest book “Green Murder”: It has never been shown that human emissions of the gas of life drive global warming. [...]
Peter Ridd Case: Academic Freedom Just Died in Australia
Guest essay by Eric Worrall on Watts Up With That? James Cook University professor Peter Ridd. Picture: Cameron Laird Australia’s High Court has ruled that University administrators have the right to fire academics for [...]
There is no climate emergency
A global network of
scientists and professionals has prepared this urgent message. Climate science should be less political, while climate policies should be more scientific. Scientists should openly address uncertainties and exaggerations in their predictions of global warming, while politicians should dispassionately count the real costs as well as the imagined benefits of their policy measures.