About Andy May

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So far Andy May has created 80 blog entries.
17 08, 2022

Koonin wins debate with Dessler

By |2022-09-01T13:38:52+02:0017 August 2022|News, USA|Comments Off on Koonin wins debate with Dessler

Click picture to see video By Andy May Update: You may be able to watch the debate at this link. The debate I announced here between Steve Koonin and Andy Dessler took place Monday August 15th, it was very educational and illuminating. I will try and write more about it in a few days. [...]

30 07, 2022

Koonin-Dessler Debate

By |2022-07-30T17:34:33+02:0030 July 2022|News, USA|Comments Off on Koonin-Dessler Debate

By Andy May Andrew Dessler and Steven Koonin will debate the resolution “Climate science compels us to make large and rapid reductions in greenhouse gas emissions.” Dessler will take the affirmative, and Koonin will take the negative. Dessler is a Professor of Atmospheric Science at Texas A&M University and Koonin is a Professor [...]

25 07, 2022

The EU’s Green Experiment

By |2022-07-25T12:57:07+02:0025 July 2022|News, USA|Comments Off on The EU’s Green Experiment

By Andy May The GWPF has just released a new report, written by John Constable describing the economic impact of their green policies, and it isn’t pretty. Some highlights: EU electricity prices to households are 80% above the rest of the G20, and EU industrial prices are 30% above the G20, natural gas prices [...]

20 07, 2022

The two-degree limit has no scientific basis

By |2022-07-20T10:55:25+02:0020 July 2022|News, USA|Comments Off on The two-degree limit has no scientific basis

By Andy May For decades We have been told that we must not let global warming exceed two degrees Celsius above the “pre-industrial” global average temperature. Recently the IPCC lowered this limit to 1.5°C. In the latest IPCC report, called AR6, pre-industrial is defined as before 1750, but they use global temperatures from 1850-1900 as representative [...]

27 06, 2022

Critical comments by Happer and Lindzen on SEC Rule

By |2022-06-27T18:03:24+02:0027 June 2022|Climate policy, IPCC, News, USA|Comments Off on Critical comments by Happer and Lindzen on SEC Rule

By Andy May The U.S. Constitution was finally approved in 1787, after much debate. It reserved a specific list of powers for the federal government and the first ten amendments, or the “Bill of Rights,” reserved many powers for the citizens and states. The Bill of Rights imposed clear limitations on the federal [...]

24 06, 2022

CO2 Sample Spacing in Ice Cores

By |2022-06-25T09:53:45+02:0024 June 2022|News, USA|Comments Off on CO2 Sample Spacing in Ice Cores

Guest Post by Renee Hannon Introduction This post examines sample spacing for CO2 measurements in Antarctic ice cores during the past 800,000 years to better understand if gaps in sampling are too large to capture centennial fluctuations. The IPCC states: “Although ice core records present low-pass filtered time series due to gas diffusion and [...]

17 06, 2022

Replacing the World’s Fossil Fuels

By |2022-06-20T10:05:58+02:0017 June 2022|News, USA|Comments Off on Replacing the World’s Fossil Fuels

U.S. progressives are convinced that fossil fuels must be replaced with renewables by 2050. The IEA even has a plan to do it. How will this work? Unlike progressives we value observational data over ideology, so let’s examine the data. According to ExxonMobil’s 2021 Outlook for Energy the world consumed 89.4 BBOE (billions of barrels of oil equivalent) of primary [...]

12 05, 2022

What’s below the Greenland Ice

By |2022-05-12T13:55:25+02:0012 May 2022|News, USA|Comments Off on What’s below the Greenland Ice

By Andy May An interesting PNAS article discusses the deepest portion of the Camp Century Greenland Ice core. It is not paywalled. The researchers, led by Andrew Christ (Dept. of Geology, University of Vermont) found evidence of an ice-free vegetated environment at the base of the Camp Century ice core roughly one million years ago. This [...]

14 03, 2022

Comparing AR5 to AR6

By |2022-03-14T17:17:58+01:0014 March 2022|News, USA|Comments Off on Comparing AR5 to AR6

The IPCC AR5 report was published in 2013 and the CMIP5 climate models they used, have been shown to predict faster warming than observed in the tropical troposphere at a statistically significant level by Ross McKitrick and John Christy.[1] This problem is acknowledged and discussed in the latest AR6 report, published in 2021, but brushed aside as unimportant. In [...]

11 03, 2022

Climate Model Democracy

By |2022-03-14T18:30:32+01:0011 March 2022|News, USA|Comments Off on Climate Model Democracy

In my last post, I explained how the IPCC attempts to use climate models to show humans have caused the recent global warming. Models are useful for testing scientific ideas, but they are not proof an idea is correct unless they successfully and accurately predict future events. See the story of Arthur Eddington’s test [...]