About Clintel Foundation

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So far Clintel Foundation has created 363 blog entries.
23 01, 2024

Interview Christoph Schmidt

By |2024-01-23T15:48:48+01:0023 January 2024|Germany, Interviews|Comments Off on Interview Christoph Schmidt

Christoph Schmidt Name: Christoph Schmidt Country: Germany What is your background? My background is mathematics and theoretical physics. My work on automorphism of free groups was sufficient for a diploma. Most of my life I spent in the IT-industry (IBM, T-Systems and others). I have also been working in the real estate [...]

12 01, 2024

Dr. Willie Soon’s interview by Tucker Carlson

By |2024-01-12T15:42:29+01:0012 January 2024|News, Videos|Comments Off on Dr. Willie Soon’s interview by Tucker Carlson

Reposted from CERES-Science Source: CERES-Science In December 2023, CERES-Science co-founder, Dr. Willie Soon, was invited to talk to Tucker Carlson about energy policy, climate change and approaches to science. The full interview covered a lot of topics and lasted 48 minutes. The interview was posted online on January 9th, 2024 and is [...]

9 01, 2024

In Memoriam Professor Ray Bates

By |2024-01-09T12:31:20+01:009 January 2024|News|Comments Off on In Memoriam Professor Ray Bates

By Christopher Monckton of Brenchley Professor Ray Bates One of the most unpleasant utterances of the climate Communists is that all they have to do is wait and all the skeptics will die, one by one. One of the greatest of us, Professor Ray Bates, former deputy director of Met Éireann, former Branch [...]

31 12, 2023

Newsletter Sunday December 31, 2023

By |2023-12-31T12:34:53+01:0031 December 2023|Newsletter|Comments Off on Newsletter Sunday December 31, 2023

© Clintel Foundation/Sunday December 31, 2023  All we need is love, a new year’s message from your president  Dear friends and colleagues, At the end of a hectic year, I would like to share with you the following topics. World Climate Declaration The number of signatories of the World [...]

24 12, 2023

COP28: a revival of nuclear energy and a bright future for fossil fuels

By |2023-12-24T16:10:38+01:0024 December 2023|News|Comments Off on COP28: a revival of nuclear energy and a bright future for fossil fuels

By Samuel Furfari reposted from Factuel Source: Shutterstock For some, COP28 seems to have been a breakthrough, with the word "energy" included in the conclusions for the first time. The mention of the "transition away" from fossil fuels caused a stir, but on analysis of the text, there are so many loopholes that [...]

24 12, 2023

COP28 : renouveau de l’énergie nucléaire et avenir radieux des combustibles fossiles

By |2023-12-24T16:05:32+01:0024 December 2023|Belgium French|Comments Off on COP28 : renouveau de l’énergie nucléaire et avenir radieux des combustibles fossiles

Par Samuel Furfari republié les Blogs Factuel Source: Shutterstock La COP28 semble pour certains avoir été une avancée, le mot « énergie » ayant été inclus pour la première fois dans les conclusions. La mention de la « transition vers le retrait » des énergies fossiles a fait sensation, mais à l’analyse du texte, les échappatoires sont si [...]

22 12, 2023

Ross McKitrick: The only thing wrong with the globalist climate agenda — the people won’t have it

By |2023-12-24T14:56:14+01:0022 December 2023|Climate policy, News|Comments Off on Ross McKitrick: The only thing wrong with the globalist climate agenda — the people won’t have it

Phasing out fossil fuels is going to cost way more than ordinary people will accept. Delegates to COP28 clearly didn't understand that Author of the article: Ross McKitrick, Special to Financial Post It’s tempting to dismiss the outcome of COP28, the recent United Nations climate change conference in the United Arab Emirates, as [...]

7 12, 2023

The earth is warming, but is CO2 the cause?

By |2023-12-28T09:36:58+01:007 December 2023|News, Norway|Comments Off on The earth is warming, but is CO2 the cause?

By Ingemar Nordin There was quite a stir when the Norwegian Statistics centre published a paper by John K. Dagsvik and Sigmund H. Moen. The paper has the title “To what extent are temperature levels changing due to greenhouse gas emissions?” It was also noticed abroad: Source: Wall Street Journal  The [...]

2 12, 2023

Newsletter Friday November 24, 2023

By |2023-12-02T17:04:34+01:002 December 2023|Newsletter|Comments Off on Newsletter Friday November 24, 2023

© Clintel Foundation/Friday November 24, 2023 Historical Dutch election results are a victory for climate realism  The historical victory of the PVV (Party for Freedom) in the Dutch General Elections of November 22nd was primarily linked to the theme of immigration. But let’s not forget that the PVV [...]

2 12, 2023

Interview Douglas Cormack

By |2023-12-02T16:23:08+01:002 December 2023|Interviews, United Kingdom|Comments Off on Interview Douglas Cormack

Douglas Cormack Name: Douglas Cormack Country: UK What is your background? Having obtained a 1st class Honours BSc and a PhD in Physical Chemistry from Glasgow University, I spent 2.5 years at Woodshole in Massachusetts. Thereafter, I joined the UK Scientific Civil Service at my recruitment grade of Senior Scientific Officer. Thereafter, I [...]