9 02, 2024

Dr. Fritz Vahrenholt: politicians fully responsible for German energy crisis

By |2024-02-09T10:53:26+01:009 February 2024|Climate policy, Germany, News|Comments Off on Dr. Fritz Vahrenholt: politicians fully responsible for German energy crisis

Fritz Fahrenholt There is a lot of political unrest in Germany at the moment. One of the important elements of this unrest, is the energy crisis. High energy prices are a burden for many households and German industrial production is declining fast. The well-known climate sceptic dr. Fritz Vahrenholt recently held a presentation [...]

23 01, 2024

Interview Christoph Schmidt

By |2024-01-23T15:48:48+01:0023 January 2024|Germany, Interviews|Comments Off on Interview Christoph Schmidt

Christoph Schmidt Name: Christoph Schmidt Country: Germany What is your background? My background is mathematics and theoretical physics. My work on automorphism of free groups was sufficient for a diploma. Most of my life I spent in the IT-industry (IBM, T-Systems and others). I have also been working in the real estate [...]

4 09, 2023

Interview Jobst Landgrebe

By |2023-09-04T16:20:02+02:004 September 2023|Germany, Interviews|Comments Off on Interview Jobst Landgrebe

Jobst Landgrebe Name: Jobst Landgrebe Country: Germany What is your background? I am a scientist and entrepreneur, specialised in Artificial Intelligence and Theory of Science. My education is in medicine, biochemistry and mathematics. My professional experience in the private sector is in pharmaceutical R&D and applied mathematics (Artificial Intelligence); in academia: theory of science [...]

4 06, 2023

Interview Dietmar Hildebrand

By |2023-06-04T11:19:06+02:004 June 2023|Germany, Interviews|Comments Off on Interview Dietmar Hildebrand

Dietmar Hildebrand Name: Dietmar Hildebrand Country: Germany What is your background? My background is physics with a focus on biophysics and nuclear physics. Prof. Horst Bücker got me involved in the NASA Biostack Program, which studied the biological effects of cosmic radiation. We flew experiments in Apollo 16, 17 and ASTP. My [...]

9 01, 2023

German Renewable Energies Expert: Global Warming Is Going To Pause As North Atlantic Cools

By |2023-01-09T12:05:22+01:009 January 2023|Germany, News|Comments Off on German Renewable Energies Expert: Global Warming Is Going To Pause As North Atlantic Cools

By Prof. Fritz Vahrenholt, Klimanachrichten (Translated, edited by P. Gosselin) Reposted from NoTricksZone Fritz Vahrenholt The unusually mild weather at the turn of the year in Central Europe has strengthened the belief of many in Germany that CO2-induced global warming is in full swing. Globally – and this is the only thing that matters [...]

31 08, 2022

Global cloud cover decreases; no link with CO2

By |2022-08-31T12:06:13+02:0031 August 2022|Germany, News|Comments Off on Global cloud cover decreases; no link with CO2

By Dr. Lars Schernikau, energy economist, entrepreneur, commodity trader - Reposted from Watts Up With That Introduction Water is the third most important molecule in our atmosphere making up about 1% of its composition (Figure 1). Nitrogen (77%) and Oxygen (21%) are the most important components. Water vapor is also the [...]

3 11, 2021

CLINTEL listet die Fehler des IPCC für COP26 auf

By |2021-11-03T18:13:46+01:003 November 2021|Germany|Comments Off on CLINTEL listet die Fehler des IPCC für COP26 auf

David Wojick In Zusammenarbeit mit dem Irish Climate Science Forum (ICSF) hat CLINTEL einen 17-seitigen Katalog von „Falschdarstellungen“ in der 40-seitigen IPCC AR6 Zusammenfassung für politische Entscheidungsträger, besser bekannt als SPM, erstellt. Jetzt haben sie diese Fehlerliste an den IPCC-Vorsitzenden und andere führende Politiker der Welt geschickt. Sie können sie hier lesen. Die Analyse beginnt [...]

10 10, 2021

Die Erwärmung der letzten 20 Jahre hat ihre wesentliche Ursache in der Veränderung der Wolken

By |2021-10-11T09:15:07+02:0010 October 2021|Germany, News|Comments Off on Die Erwärmung der letzten 20 Jahre hat ihre wesentliche Ursache in der Veränderung der Wolken

von Fritz Vahrenholt und Hans-Rolf Dübal von Kalte Sonne Hans-Rolf Dübal und Fritz Vahrenholt haben in einer peer – reviewed Publikation in “ Atmosphere” die Strahlungsbilanz der Erde in den letzten 20 Jahren untersucht. Der Nettostrahlungsfluss, also die Differenz zwischen solarer Einstrahlung und lang- und kurzwelliger Abstrahlung, bestimmt die Veränderung des Energieinhaltes des [...]

27 09, 2021

New Documentary Reveals How Corrupt And Destructive Green Energies Are: “This Is A Broken System”

By |2021-09-30T12:26:12+02:0027 September 2021|Germany, News, Sweden|Comments Off on New Documentary Reveals How Corrupt And Destructive Green Energies Are: “This Is A Broken System”

By Pierre Gosselin posted on The NoTricksZone The green energy future is not green at all, a stunning new documentary shows how corrupt and destructive it is to our environment. A former KPMG employee in London realizes that the green energy movement is corrupt throughout. “The whole time things started feeling funny. It was like [...]

2 09, 2021

Wer hat die mittelalterliche Wärmeperiode ausradiert?

By |2021-09-02T14:27:26+02:002 September 2021|Germany, News|Comments Off on Wer hat die mittelalterliche Wärmeperiode ausradiert?

Vor einigen Tagen verlinkten wir an dieser Stelle einen Beitrag von Sebastian Lüning in der Weltwoche zur Mittelalterlichen Wärmeperiode. Der Beitrag befand sich hinter einer Aboschranke, so dass viele von Ihnen möglicherweise den Beitrag noch nicht kennen. EIKE hat nun dankenswerterweise die Erlaubnis der Weltwoche zum Vollabdruck erhalten, so dass wir den Artikel auch hier bringen können: Dieser [...]