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1 12, 2020

The true “control knob” of long-term temperature change is the oceans

By |2020-12-09T15:26:11+01:001 December 2020|News, USA|Comments Off on The true “control knob” of long-term temperature change is the oceans

A considerable amount of new information on ocean temperature has been gathered since I last wrote about the subject in 2016 here. In my last post on GHCN and the National Temperature Index, it appeared that ocean temperature trends and the thermal energy distribution in oceans dominate climate change. Land-based weather stations are invaluable for weather prediction, [...]

30 11, 2020

The U.S. National Temperature Index

By |2020-12-09T15:47:08+01:0030 November 2020|News, USA|Comments Off on The U.S. National Temperature Index

The United States has a very dense population of weather stations, data from them is collected and processed by NOAA/NCEI to compute the National Temperature Index. The index is an average temperature for the nation and used to show if the U.S. is warming. The data is stored by NOAA/NCEI in their GHCN or “Global Historical Climatology [...]

16 11, 2020

The Government Corruption of Science

By |2020-12-09T15:48:36+01:0016 November 2020|News, USA|Comments Off on The Government Corruption of Science

Opinion by Andy May I wrote my latest book, Politics and Climate Change: A History, because I recognized that government funding of scientific research was corrupting science. We were warned this might happen by President Eisenhower in his farewell address to the public, where he said: “The prospect of domination of the nation’s scholars [...]

15 11, 2020

The Paper that Blew it Up

By |2020-12-09T15:49:22+01:0015 November 2020|News, USA|Comments Off on The Paper that Blew it Up

By Andy May “If you can’t dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with Bull…” W. C. Fields and, flying a bomber over Berlin. In late February 2015, Willie Soon was accused in a front-page New York Times article by Kert Davies (Gillis & Schwartz, 2015) of failing to disclose conflicts of interest in his academic [...]

11 11, 2020

Facts and Theories, Updated

By |2020-12-09T15:50:07+01:0011 November 2020|News, Uncategorized, USA|Comments Off on Facts and Theories, Updated

By Andy May In 2016, I published a post entitled “Facts and Theories.” It has been one of my most popular posts and often reblogged. I updated the post extensively for my new book, Politics and Climate Change: A History. This post is a condensed version of what is in the book. Sometimes people [...]

10 11, 2020

Politics and Climate Change: a History

By |2021-01-19T20:11:14+01:0010 November 2020|News, USA|Comments Off on Politics and Climate Change: a History

By Andy May SAR is an abbreviation for the second IPCC assessment report, Climate Change 1995 (IPCC, 1996). As explained in my new book, Politics and Climate Change: A History, this IPCC report was a turning point in the debate over catastrophic human-caused climate change. The first IPCC report, “FAR,” was written under the [...]

6 11, 2020

CLINTEL challenges McKinsey’s climate alarmism

By |2020-11-11T06:13:39+01:006 November 2020|News, USA|Comments Off on CLINTEL challenges McKinsey’s climate alarmism

McKinsey and Company is the world’s biggest management consulting firm, with annual revenue topping ten billion dollars. Lately they have launched a climate scare campaign, no doubt hoping to make a fortune from it, but CLINTEL has called them out. CLINTEL has sent a succinct letter of challenge to the McKinsey Global Institute (MGI) which generates much of [...]

27 10, 2020

Interview David Thompson

By |2020-10-27T09:12:36+01:0027 October 2020|Interviews, USA|Comments Off on Interview David Thompson

Name: David E. Thompson Residence: Sandia Park, NM Country: USA What is your background? My degrees are all mechanical engineering, which serves as a spectacular springboard into almost any interest. My doctorate at Purdue was on modeling blood flow in the kidney and comparing my math model of this to experimental data [...]

26 10, 2020

Interview Ronald Stein

By |2020-10-27T14:33:16+01:0026 October 2020|Interviews, USA|Comments Off on Interview Ronald Stein

Name: Ronald Stein Residence: Country: USA What is your background? As an Engineer, I have had the opportunity to work as a Project Manager for a few decades with an international Engineering, Procurement, and Construction (EPC) firm designing and building large energy projects around the world. I founded PTS Advance in 1995 [...]

24 09, 2020

CLINTEL puts hard climate questions to Bill Gates

By |2020-09-24T12:33:01+02:0024 September 2020|News, USA|Comments Off on CLINTEL puts hard climate questions to Bill Gates

Bill Gates is throwing several billion dollars at climate change. Mind you he is not throwing it away, because it is mostly venture capital for new energy technologies, which could pay off handsomely without climate change. Gates can do what he likes with his riches, but he is a leading figure and lately [...]