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22 03, 2023

Atmospheric water vapor (TPW) and climate change

By |2023-03-22T14:13:39+01:0022 March 2023|News, USA|Comments Off on Atmospheric water vapor (TPW) and climate change

By Andy May In the latest IPCC major report, AR6, they report: “a best estimate of equilibrium climate sensitivity of 3°C, with a very likely range of 2°C to 5°C”.[1] They also report that CO2 concentration might control climate change.[2] This estimate includes the laboratory estimate that CO2 alone, if doubled in the atmosphere, would increase the average [...]

26 02, 2023

The Holocene Temperature Conundrum

By |2023-02-26T17:01:21+01:0026 February 2023|News, USA|Comments Off on The Holocene Temperature Conundrum

By Andy May As my regular readers know, I’ve been writing about the Holocene, especially Holocene climate, for over ten years. My colleagues, Javier Vinós and Renee Hannon, have also written extensively on this topic. This fills a void left by the IPCC, which ignores the Holocene, a fact made very clear in my [...]

24 02, 2023

Holocene CO2 and the earlier IPCC Reports

By |2023-02-24T15:27:47+01:0024 February 2023|News, USA|Comments Off on Holocene CO2 and the earlier IPCC Reports

By Andy May As I noted in my earlier post, “The IPCC AR6 Report Erases the Holocene,” the IPCC does not like to discuss the correlation between CO2 and temperature during the Holocene. It destroys their hypothesis that greenhouse gases and volcanos control Earth’s climate. Below is Javier’s plot of reconstructed Holocene temperatures, CO2 concentrations, methane [...]

16 02, 2023

Interview Tony Heller

By |2023-02-16T12:48:26+01:0016 February 2023|CLINTEL, Interviews, News, USA, World Climate Declaration|Comments Off on Interview Tony Heller

Tony and Kirye Name: Tony Heller Country: USA “Hello, this is Tony Heller from, setting the record straight on climate.” This is the standard opening sentence in the many Youtube-videos that Tony Heller has put online. Heller has become a well-known figure in the public climate debate, with his website, his [...]

6 02, 2023

The IPCC AR6 Report Erases the Holocene

By |2023-02-06T11:18:15+01:006 February 2023|News, USA|Comments Off on The IPCC AR6 Report Erases the Holocene

By Andy May Reposted from his website You won’t find much in the IPCC AR6 report on the atmospheric CO2 concentration evolution during the Holocene. They talk a lot about how CO2 concentration compares to global temperature during the years since 1850 and over the past 800,000 years, but very little about the changes since 12,000 years ago. On [...]

1 02, 2023

Tom Nelson Interviews Javier Vinós

By |2023-02-01T17:43:17+01:001 February 2023|News, USA, Videos|Comments Off on Tom Nelson Interviews Javier Vinós

By Andy May Tom Nelson interviewed Dr. Javier Vinós on January 31, 2023, the interview can be seen here. Or click on the image below. Part of the interview was a prepared presentation. The text and some of the illustrations from Javier’s presentation are given below. The recorded interview has more illustrations [...]

30 01, 2023

The Climate Alarmist’s Greatest Fear

By |2023-02-01T17:36:31+01:0030 January 2023|News, USA|Comments Off on The Climate Alarmist’s Greatest Fear

By Andy May Is it just me, or are the climate alarmists more unhinged than usual lately? Al Gore screaming about boiling oceans and rain bombs is just part of it. As Eric Worral has reported, the BBC blamed global warming for the lack of snow, just after they blamed global warming for colder winters. And, who [...]

27 01, 2023

Mainstream gets extreme weather wrong again

By |2023-02-03T21:21:40+01:0027 January 2023|News, USA|Comments Off on Mainstream gets extreme weather wrong again

"If it [a scientific hypothesis] disagrees with experiment, it’s WRONG." – Nobel Prize winner Richard Feynman The popular but mistaken belief that weather extremes are worsening be­cause of climate change has been bolstered in recent years by ever increasing hype in nearly all mainstream media coverage of extreme events, despite a [...]

19 01, 2023

Dr. Jay Lehr

By |2023-01-19T13:34:43+01:0019 January 2023|News, USA|Comments Off on Dr. Jay Lehr

On Tuesday, CFACT lost another friend, Dr. Jay Lehr. What a man he was! Dr. Jay Lehr CFACT’s friends and readers have been treated to a brilliant weekly science update from Jay.  He has served as a Senior Policy Advisor to CFACT since 2020. The day before we lost him, we published a [...]

15 01, 2023

Humlum in Clintel Lecture: look at ocean surface temperatures

By |2023-02-03T21:21:03+01:0015 January 2023|News, USA|Comments Off on Humlum in Clintel Lecture: look at ocean surface temperatures

"If it [a scientific hypothesis] disagrees with experiment, it’s WRONG." – Nobel Prize winner Richard Feynman According to the climate change narrative, modern global warming is largely the result of human emissions of CO2 into the atmosphere. But a recent lecture questioned that assertion with an important observation suggesting that ocean surface temperatures, not [...]