Since we reached the milestone of 1000 signees of the World Climate Declaration in April, a lot of new people applied to sign as well. We normally welcome these new signees in our newsletter (subscribe here!) but now we have so many we do it here in a separate post. We will also start doing new interviews again with signees. If you want to participate in such an interview (by email) please contact us at office@clintel.org.
Here follows the list of new signees:
- Alexandre G. Clauwaert, Belgium, Brussels polytechnic, civil engineer AiBr and Insead Cedep general management program, Former VP marketing & communication nv AGM sa Antwerp, VP customer relations Electrabel distribution, VP group strategy & development Suez Tractebel sa Brussels & Paris, VP strategy Suez / Engie, Corporate auditor Engie
- Aynsley Kellow, Australia, Professor emeritus of Government, College of Arts, Law and Education, University of Tasmania
- Bernhard Kleinhenz, Germany, Collage teacher of Biologie, Chemistry and Physics
- Bill Pekny, USA, MS Physics, Retired atmospheric physicist and soldier scientist, specializing in battlefield atmospherics. Former U.S. Navy Meteorologist and Hurricane Hunter during “Project Stormfury-1969.” Author of the book: A Tale of Two Climates—One Real, One Imaginary
- Brent J. Bielema, USA, studied Economics at Northern Illinois University, professional nutritional counseler
- Brian Gregory, UK, in Natural Sciences, MSc. in Business Studies, Lifetime Career in the, UK, Chemical Industry, currently Policy Director of the Alliance of British Drivers
- Christopher Paul Horger, USA, lifetime experience in optical network design
- Dan Youra, USA, publisher Youra media, creator and editor of Carbon Tax News
- David Wastell, UK, Emeritus Professor of Information Systems at the University of Nottingham
- David Steward, New Zealand, Electronic Engineer, Supporter of truth seeking in climate change
- David H. Lester, USA, PhD in Chemical Engineering, Advisor to allaboutenergy.net
- Dean Lusby, USA, IT professional, business owner, Pennsylvania
- Delphine Gray-Fisk, UK, Former airline pilot, and parliamentary candidate for both the, UK, Independence Party and Brexit Party
- Denis Leahy, Canada, PhD in Astrophysics, Full Professor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Calgary
- Denis Dupuy, France, Urologist, climate realist
- Dennis Shaun Garisch, South Africa, BSc (Civil) Eng, Professional Engineer registered with Engineering Council of, South Africa, (ECSA), over 30 years of practice, inclusive of many storm water management designs
- Dick Leppky, Canada, Retired businessman and Independent Truth Seeker
- Dieter Freundlieb, Germany, retired senior lecturer Griffith University, School of Humanities, Brisbane, Australia
- Donna Barr, USA, lifetime career as investigative journalist worldwide
- Douglas Hutchison, Australia, BSc and MSc degrees in geology, consulting geologist in the mining industry, member of the Australian Institute of Geoscientists
- Eberhard Happe, Germany, Eisenbahningenieur
- Edward A. Reid, USA, lifetime experience in the US energy industry in technical research and development, market development, marketing and consulting
- Egil Bergsager, Norway, MsC of UCLA, and also University of Oslo, Petroleum Geologist, Director Norwegian Petroleum Directorate, President Rogaland Science Park. Board member of many advanced technology companies
- Eike Roth, Austria, retired physicist, author of several climate books, latest one in press: “Das große Klimarätsel: Woher kommt das viele CO2?”
- Elliot Smith, USA, airline pilot, climate realist, 30+ years of studying AGW data
- Emmanuel Camhi, France, Msc in Physics, life time experience in Complex Systems Modeling and Data Analysis in the Aerospace industry
- Eric Jelinski, Canada, M. Eng. P. Eng., Alumni and Contract Lecturer, University of Toronto, Department of Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry, CHE568 Lecturer, Nuclear Plant Engineering
- Frank Trask, USA, BS Degree in Mechanical Engineering, University of Maine
- Fred Corbin, Barbados, Director of CSW Engineering 2000, a company that is leading the Caribbean Region in Sustainable Economic Project Design, and co-founder of The FREEWINDS organization that is aiming at the enhancement of the economic opportunities of the 18 Caricom Territories
- Fritz Sontheimer, Germany, Retired Physicist, PhD in Condensed Matter Physics
- Gábor Szász, Hungary, Professor Emeritus, College Professor Dennis Gabor College Department of Economics and Engineering
- Geoffrey W. Lane, UK, retired Marine Engineer and Technical Author
- Gerhard Kehrer, Germany, Retired Physician, Internist and Physiologist
- Gerhard Kirchner, Austria, Berg Ingenieur, Climate Realist
- Gordon Tomb, USA, Energy and climate writer, communications consultant, primary editor of Inconvenient Facts and Senior Advisor for the CO2 Coalition
- Graham George Baumber, Germany, former agronomist &irrigation crop specialist, business man & investor
- Hans Dirk Struve, Austria, Dipl. Ing., Mechanical Engineer with large experience in business
- Harold Grant Scoggins, USA, retired IT professional
- Heribert Martinides, Austria, European Space Agency, retired
- Holger Neulen, Germany, retired mechanical engineer
- Ian Johnson, Australia, Bachelor of Engineering, consultant
- D. Gold, USA, lifetime experience in Clinical Psychology; worked in the frontlines of the war against the madness of terrifying people
- Jaap Romijn, Netherlands, Msc in Civil Engineering TU Delft, lifetime experience in water management projects
- James Richard Poirier, USA, BS degree in Meteorology, Lifetime Career in Atmospheric Science
- Jan Goffa, Belgium, Civil Engineer Applied Mechanics, Retired lecturer in thermo- and aerodynamics
- Jan C. de Jong, Netherlands, Msc Process Engineering TU Delft, expert in energy-and thermal process engineering, lifetime career in the oil and gas industry
- Jean Marie Ravier, France, Engineer of ECOLE CENTRALE DE PARIS, and diplomed SCIENCES POLITIQUES PARIS, recently retired MD of small industrial company
- Jens Möller, Germany, graduate economist, climate realist
- Jens-Christoph Schneider, Germany, PhD in Isotope Chemistry, life time career in palaeoclimate and atmospheric geochemistry
- Joerg Dornemann, Germany, Msc in Geology, lifetime career in the Geo-Energy Industry
- John Curtin, USA, Msc in Economics, lifetime experience in strategic planning and forecasting
- John Carr, USA, Electronic Engineer, specialised in antenna and satellite installations
- John Angus Raw, Canada, aerospace engineer, specialised in aerodynamics, life time career in the international aerospace industry
- József Balla, Australia, retired teacher and manager of a small business
- Knut Åm, Norway, retired geoscientist, holding positions at the Geological Survey of, Norway,, the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate, Statoil (R&D Manager), several positions with Phillips Petroleum Company both in, Norway, and the United States and adjunct Professor of Geophysics at the University of Bergen,, Norway, Knut Åm is Honorary member of The Norwegian Academy of Technological Sciences
- Lothar Strenge, Germany, strategy and concept developer, full time writing on a large SF project
- Lynn Warren Funk, USA, accelerator physicist, climate realist
- Mark Shane Butler, USA, MA in mathematics, lifetime career in data science
- Markus Stockhausen, Germany, Musician, Author of the Worldwide Ethical Manifesto
- Matthew D. Waggener, UK, Financial professional, strategic consultant on business investments
- Matthias Thiermann, Germany, Parliamentary adviser in the Bavarian Parliament
- Max Kupillas, Germany, Dipl.-Ing. Masch.-Bau, retired Prod.Ltr.
- Michael Andersson, Sweden Bsc in biology, medical doctor, retired Chief Medical Officer at a battalion of the Swedish Airforce
- Michael Down, USA, Petroleum Engineer, lifetime experience in the geo-energy industry
- Michael Principato, Germany, MSc. in Electrical Engineering, specialised in control engineering and modeling
- Michael Schnell, Germany, Retired Chemist
- Michael Raw, Canada, PhD in Mechanical Engineering, specialization in computer modelling of fluid flow and heat transfer, current field of work in technology management
- Michael F. Clancy, Australia, Retired Civil Engineer, Brisbane
- Michael J Kelly, New Zealand, MA, PhD, SCD, MAE, Emeritus Prince Philip Professor of Technology at the University of Cambridge, Fellow of the Royal Society, Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, Fellow of the Institute of Physics, Fellow of the Institution of Engineering and Technology, Senior Member of the Institute of Electronic and Electrical Engineering
- Michael J Mitchell, USA, Mechanical Engineer
- Mike Schimmelpfennig, USA, Degreed Mining Engineer with more than 40 years of experience
- Pasquale Seizis, Australia, Mechanical Engineer, climate critic
- Paul Ras, Netherlands, Msc Geophysics TU Delft, Geophysical Consultant, climate realist
- Peter Harvey, UK, Project Manager – Renewable offshore wind industry
- Peter Phillips, UK, BSc Hons Mechanical Engineering, lifetime experience in the geo-energy industry
- Peter R. Meadows, Australia, Agricultural Scientist
- Raimund Müller, Germany, education in physics and thermodynamics, climate realist
- Rainer Olzem, Germany, Diplom-Geologe, Aachen
- Ralph English Fisler, USA, professional aerospace engineer
- Richard G. Eramian, USA, BA in mathematics and physics
- Robert James Reid, Canada, BSF degree, Registered Professional Forester, lifetime experience in the forestry industry
- Rolf Diederichs, Germany, Studie Eisenhüttenkunde in Clausthal-Zellerfeld, climate realist
- Ron Cakebread, USA, mechanical engineer with 35 years in the industrial automation business; experience in modeling, simulation, and analysis of very complex systems
- Ron Barmby, Canada, M.Eng in Engineering with major in Geoscience, Author of ‘Sunlight in Climate Change: A Heretic’s Guide to Global Climate Hysteria’
- Ronald Berti, USA, lifetime career in the semiconductor industry
- Ronald Voss, Canada, PhD Chemistry, lifetime career in the environment department of a research consortium
- Rubén Coronal Méndez, Mexico, Master degree in Applied Economics, Industrial Engineer
- Russ Babcock, Canada, retired biochemist, lifetime experience in the mining and smelting industry with emphasis on pollution abatement
- Ruud Binnekamp, Netherlands, Msc Integral Design and Management, teacher and researcher in design and decision systems at TU Delft
- Sean McGrew, USA, Analytical Chemist, lifetime career in Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry, applications to semi-volatile organic compounds in the environment
- Selwyn Hopley, Australia, MSSSI, Retired Land and Engineering Surveyor
- Sherri Lange, Canada, CEO North American Platform Against Wind Power, Great Lakes Wind Truth
- Stephan Bujnoch, Germany, Wirtschaftsingenieur (i.e. a combination of economics and engineering), retired manager with the automotive industry
- Stephen John Dearden, France, Retired Research Chemist, lifetime R&D experience in the general chemical, pharmaceutical and photographic industries
- Steven C. Wendelken, USA, EPA, OGWDW/TSC, climate realist
- Terigi Ciccone, USA, Engineer, author of “A Hitchhiker’s Journey Through Climate Change,” and a proud former Sierra Club member
- Terry Donze, USA, BS-Geological Engineering, Lifetime Career in Geophysical Consulting
- Thomas Kukovec, Italy, Tropical Agronomist and Subtropical Field Biologist in the private sector, specialised in semi-arid agriculture, ecophysiology and phytogeography of Sahelian and Saharan plants. Scientific adviser and consultant in research-projects and learned societies
- Thomas P. Gallagher, Canada, Earth Scientists, life-long career in the study of paleoclimate, geology and earth ocean systems, see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pj-Iu1i317E
- Thorpe W. Watson, Canada, material science, lifetime career in the mining industry with focus on intellectual property protection
- Ulrike Schwan, Germany, Professional psychotherapist, psychotherapist look at the IPCC organization
- Vladimir Klein, France, lifetime career in renewable energy projects, patent holder in aerobic composting of organic waste
- Volkmar Hierner, Belgium, degree in business administration and economy, retired coach of companies in increasing the effectiveness of their organization
- Walter Horsting, USA, leads national and international teams in high-profile projects, including Clean Energy, Entertainment Venues, Governmental Headquarters, Performance Centers, Resorts, Stadia, and Theme Parks. He is advocate of 4th generation Molten Salt Reactors
- Whitson G. Waldo, USA, Scientist and Engineer with MS Chemical Engineering from Clemson Univ, lifetime career in the semiconductor industry, owner of 13 awarded patents
- William DuBroff, USA, PhD Metallurgy, Former Director of Research Inland Steel, Former Asst. Professor Clemson University
- William Robert Detzner, USA, retired special education teacher, fighter agains the continuing reduction of personal freedom
- Wolf Doleys, Germany, Retired teacher (high school, college) and writer (essay, poetry, novel)
- Yorik Baunay, France, Geographer (Master 2) specialized in the natural risk and crisis management, CEO of Ubyrisk Consultants (firm specialized on natural hazard mitigation)
- Yves G. Maria-Sube, France, PhD in Geosciences Montpellier University, lifetime career in the geo-energy industry
- Zbigniew Gidzinski, Poland, Advisor to the Chairman of the Silesian Region of the Solidarity Union in charge of the climate policy as well as a former Secretary of the National Energy Security Team of the Chancellery of the President of Poland