
Interview Tony Heller

Tony and Kirye Name: Tony Heller Country: USA “Hello, this is Tony Heller from, setting the record straight on climate.” This is the standard opening sentence in the many Youtube-videos that Tony Heller has put online. Heller has become a well-known figure in the public climate debate, with his website, his [...]

By |16 February 2023|Categories: CLINTEL, Interviews, News, USA, World Climate Declaration|Comments Off on Interview Tony Heller

Interview Agnaldo Martins

Agnaldo Martins Name: Agnaldo Martins Country: Brazil What is your background? I am an oceanographer and have a PhD in biological oceanography. I have taught disciplines in the area of ​​oceanography, fisheries, science philosophy and education for undergraduate and graduate courses at the university where I work (UFES). My research has been mainly [...]

By |4 January 2023|Categories: Interviews|Comments Off on Interview Agnaldo Martins

Interview Tatiane Melchior Stefanello Hodson

Tatiane Melchior Stefanello Hodson Name: Tatiane Melchior Stefanello Hodson Country: UK What is your background? I have a Oceanography degree from Universidade Federal do Rio Grande, Brazil and I am taking a MSc in International Public Policy at Queen Mary University of London. As a Professional Diving Instructor, I had the opportunity [...]

By |2 December 2022|Categories: Interviews, News|Comments Off on Interview Tatiane Melchior Stefanello Hodson

Interview Hans Hofmann-Reinecke

Hans Hofmann-Reinecke Name: Hans Hofmann-Reinecke Country: South Africa What is your background? I was born in Germany towards the end of the Second World War. I grew up there and spent a major part of my life. I studied physics at the Technical University in Munich (TUM) in the 1960s/70s, when science, [...]

By |20 October 2022|Categories: Interviews|Comments Off on Interview Hans Hofmann-Reinecke

Interview Thom Gilliam

Thom Gilliam Name: Thom Gilliam Country: USA What is your background? I am a former Professor of Accountancy and former Silicon Valley executive. I studied at Florida State University (Ph.D), Notre Dame de Namur University (MBA), and San Diego State University (BSBA). I spent 20 years working in the semiconductor and computer [...]

By |23 September 2022|Categories: Interviews|Comments Off on Interview Thom Gilliam

Interview George Sowers

George Sowers Name: George Sowers Country: USA What is your background? I was born in Atlanta in 1958. My father was a professor of Civil Engineering at Georgia Tech and was eventually inducted into the National Academy of Engineering. My university training is in physics. I have a bachelor’s degree in physics [...]

By |20 September 2022|Categories: Interviews|Comments Off on Interview George Sowers


scientists and experts around the world have signed the CLINTEL World Climate Declaration. Who are these signees and what motivates them to sign the declaration? That’s what we explore in the interviews on this page.