© Clintel Foundation / December 23, 2020

Dear Friends and relations of CLINTEL,
In the year 2020 the coronavirus was the number one scare. It was also the number one story in the news media. The focus on corona gave politicians the opportunity to secretly carry on with their destructive climate and energy policies without any democratic consent. Many citizens have no idea that reliable and affordable energy will become a luxury of the past.
Instead of becoming more realistic, the EU increases the ambition of their climate ideology and is determined to strive for a net zero CO2 economy in 2050. With the incoming Biden administration, the US is supposed to rejoin the Paris accord.
However, it was also the year that we saw a breakthrough for climate realism with books like Apocalypse Never by Michael Shellenberger and False Alarm by Bjorn Lomborg. It was also the year of Michael Moore with his film Planet of the Humans, which showed the abundance of lies and deceit about solar and wind farms. In this year, the CLINTEL community’s World Climate Declaration reached more than 900 signees.
In 2021 a new IPCC report (AR6) will be published. Many CLINTEL signees have already seen drafts of the report and have many concerns. Instead of joining the growing number of experts with a cool and realistic climate view, the IPCC seems to have turned up the alarm volume. CLINTEL has already prepared a summary of what is misleading in the AR6 draft. This critical summary has been sent to the chair of the IPCC. Directly after AR6 is published, CLINTEL will distribute its criticism worldwide.
In The Netherlands, citizens are most worried about the destructive impact of the ongoing energy transition. To address this issue, CLINTEL recently published a Dutch energy vision that has been translated into English. It is focused on the Dutch situation and we are looking forward to expanding this to a global view.
Next week we will send you our complete plan for 2021.
We wish you and your family a great Christmas and, above all, a healthy 2021.
Guus Berkhout (President of CLINTEL)
Marcel Crok (cofounder of CLINTEL)