© Clintel Foundation/Friday 5 April 2024
Clintel becomes global hub for
Climate: The Movie

The important climate film Climate: The Movie (The Cold Truth) has now been released globally and you can watch it for free. The official website is: https://www.climatethemovie.net/. You can also watch the movie with different subtitles at the Clintel Youtube channel.
Last month, Clintel already made the Dutch premiere, in the Figi Theatre in Zeist, into a resounding success. It was a wonderful evening in a fully packed (570 people) theatre (see picture above). Following this successful premiere, Clintel has now been asked by filmmaker Martin Durkin and producer Tom Nelson to coordinate the further promotion of the movie. Hundreds of thousands of people have already seen it. But it appears that the film is now shadowbanned, by Youtube and Google for instance. This means that even when you search for the movie, you cannot find it. This of course means much less people will see the movie after all. Despite this, the movie has already generated a lot of debate (see the last item in this newsletter).
One of the important elements of the promotion, is the creation of versions with subtitles in other languages than English. Clintel has already put a number of subtitled versions of the movie online and is working on many more subtitles. Please subscribe to the Clintel Youtube channel and share the movie in your network. If you miss your language and could help us, please contact Evert Doornhof, evert.doornhof@clintel.org. Also, see the next item in this newsletter for instructions on how to access your particular language version.
Please support Clintel by sharing this movie as much as possible. Let’s make this important documentary widely known. You can support us by becoming Friend of Clintel or making a one time donation. For US citizens, Clintel is a 501(c)3 in the USA. We will use your support for adding even more subtitles and for hosting and handling the climatethemovie.net website. Thank you in advance for any support.
Climate: The Movie: how to access the movie in your language

Clintel has put multiple versions of the movie online: (Brazilian) Portuguese, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, French, Finnish, German, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish, Spanish (Latin America) and Swedish.
If you can help with making subtitles in other languages, please contact Evert Doornhof at evert.doornhof@clintel.org.
To find the version in your language, first go to this Youtube link. You can select your language under settings, see the picture below.

Scientific content of Climate: The Movie sparks a lot of discussion

Climate: The Movie has sparked a lot of discussion, also on the scientific content of the film. Andy May provided a lot of extra information on the topics that were discused in the movie.
As expected, most of the reviews were either very positive or very negative. You can find a positive review (Epoch Times): here. A notable example in the negative category, was Dutch science journalist Maarten Keulemans. You can find his review: here. Keulemans was immediately debunked by Chris Martz: here and Jim Steele: here.
Although we think that Climate: The Movie is a necessary, important and excellent film, Clintel doesn’t hold the view that everything in it, is the definitive climate truth. So, in principle, we welcome critical reviews. Remember: what we want above all as Clintel, is an open debate on climate change!
Clintel is an Amsterdam (The Netherlands) based thinktank founded in 2019 by Dutch emeritus professor Guus Berkhout and science writer Marcel Crok.
Clintel operates as a climate science and climate policy watchdog. In its first year it launched the World Climate Declaration, stating “there is no climate emergency”. That declaration is now signed by almost 1900 scientists and experts.
Clintel is independent from governments and industry. Our donors are private citizens and small companies around the world.
For more information, please contact Marcel Crok, +31 6 16 236275, marcel.crok@clintel.org
You can support us by becoming Friends of Clintel or you can make a one-time donation.
Many thanks in advance for your support!
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