© Clintel Foundation/Sunday 15 December 2024
Talk Benny Peiser at Clintel:
“The political consensus around climate is broken”

Benny Peiser, director of the Global Warming Policy Foundation for the last 15 years, gave a talk for the Clintel Foundation in The Netherlands in late November. Peiser gave examples from around Europe showing how the Net Zero agenda is crumbling down. He also talks about international climate policy after the Trump election. And who is going to pay for the promised 300 billion a year at the COP29 in Baku?
This is a must see talk. As Benny said to me: “This is the first time in all those years that people start listening to us.”
Is the Net Zero agenda really nearing its end?
The talk can be watched on the Clintel Youtube channel.
Spanish version of Climate: The Movie

A Spanish spoken version of Climate: The Movie has been made by our Spanish Clintel ambassador Blanca Parga Landa and a team of volunteers. The result is great. Please distribute if you know Spanish speaking persons in your network.
The Spanish version is available on our Youtube channel.
Is the detection and attribution of climate change really settled science?

The CERES team (Willie Soon, Ronan and Michael Connolly) was invited by the Heritage Foundation to contribute a Special Report on what is known about the causes of global warming since the 1850s. Although they were offered payment for this report, they did it pro bono for the reasons they outline on their website here.
The report is a fascinating read about temperature measurements, Urban Heat Island effect, solar reconstructions, all explained in easy to understand language. Here is their summary:
“Despite the confidence with which the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) claims to have “settled the science” around the detection and attribution of climate change, this challenging scientific debate has not yet been satisfactorily resolved. The IPCC did not provide a strong enough argument for its choice of the available global temperature trends, and the same applies to its choice of the available Total Solar Irradiance (TSI) datasets. The IPCC was overly confident and premature in its detection and attribution statements. The scientific debate is still ongoing, and the scientific community is not yet in a position to establish whether the observed temperature changes since the 1800s are mostly natural, mostly human-caused, or a mixture of both.”
Read the whole report at the Heritage Foundation website.
Oceans Warm Atmosphere with Meteorologist William Kininmonth – Audio and Summaries

One of my interests is in understanding how and why the climate is so stable, for sure it has been over the last several thousand years. Where I live, on the Tropic of Capricorn, daily atmospheric temperatures may fluctuate by 20C, yet the seasonal variation in sea temperatures is less than 10C and if there has been any warming over the last 100 years it is probably less than 2C. For sure the global temperature changes and that is especially the case at the higher latitudes towards the north and south poles. On these points of fact, I am very much in agreement with meteorologist William Kininmonth. We also agree that it is tropical convection, in particular the funnelling of energy from the boundary layer sometimes 13 kilometres straight up to the top of the troposphere that stops the tropical oceans from overheating.
Read the full post by Jennifer Marohasy.
Response by Andy May to the paper “The politics of climate denialism and the secondary denialism of economics”

This post is a comment on Cobb, 2024, the paper is entitled “The politics of climate denialism and the secondary denialism of economics.” The paper defines climate denialism, discusses the reasons it exists, and the effect of widespread “denialism” on society. The paper was written in response to a paper I wrote with my colleague Marcel Crok, entitled “Carbon dioxide and a warming climate are not problems,” the abstract for our paper is here and the full text can be downloaded here. I am responding to Cobb’s paper primarily to correct some misinformation in it regarding our paper and Exxon’s climate research efforts. Unfortunately, the paper is paywalled and quite different from the abstract. I asked Cobb several times for a copy, via email and through ResearchGate, but he never responded to my requests, so I bought a pdf from Wiley.
Read more here.
Please support Clintel again in 2025

Not climate change but climate policy is the main threat for the prosperity of western societies at this moment. The Clintel Foundation has stated, with a global network of 2000 scientists and experts, that there is no climate emergency. Western leaders, however, have all voted in favour of Net Zero targets for 2050, which will have a disastrous effect on our economy and therefore our prosperity. Meanwhile, the UN is increasing its effort to fight ‘disinformation’, which in practice means less open debate and more censoring of alternative views.
Climate policies are a threat for entrepreneurs and it enters deeper and deeper into the private life of citizens. Wind turbines of close to 300 meters in height industrialise our countrysides, harming the environment,, biodiversity and public health. House owners are forced to replace their gas heaters by costly heat pumps, leading to rising energy bills. More and more cities reduce speed limits to 30 kms per hour.
There is no support base among the population for all these costly measures but our political leaders so far ignore these objections. Sooner or later the tide will turn, because these policies are unfeasible and unaffordable. Clintel wants to speed up this process by making both citizens and political leaders aware of all the pitfalls. Clintel receives no funding from the government nor from the Postcode Lottery or the industry. We therefore ask citizens and small businesses to support us in our mission.
Your support will be used to:
* Explain in all details there is no climate emergency. No one should be afraid of climate change. We use our websites, Youtube and social media channels to spread this information and also give interviews in the media.
* Analyse and criticize IPCC reports. We check them for alarmism and one-sidedness. In 2023 we published the book The Frozen Climate Views of the IPCC. We confront the IPCC with our results and will force them to respond to our criticism.
* Raise awareness for the negative side-effects of the current climate policies, both in terms of cost and impact on humans and the environment.
* Intervene in high profile climate court cases such as the one between Friends of the Earth and Shell in The Netherlands. In 2025 we plan to intervene in the next court case of Friends of the Earth against ING Bank. Climate policy should be discussed in Parliaments, not in the courts.
If you share our views, please consider to support us through a (monthly) donation or by becoming Friend of Clintel. You can also donate to our PayPal account.
Clintel is also a 501(c)3 in the United States.
Thank you!
Guus Berkhout, president of Clintel
Marcel Crok, director of Clintel
Clintel is an Amsterdam (The Netherlands) based thinktank founded in 2019 by Dutch emeritus professor Guus Berkhout and science writer Marcel Crok.
Clintel operates as a climate science and climate policy watchdog. In its first year it launched the World Climate Declaration, stating “there is no climate emergency”. That declaration is now signed by more than 1950 scientists and experts.
Clintel is independent from governments and industry. Our donors are private citizens and small companies around the world.
For more information, please contact Marcel Crok, +31 6 16 236275, marcel.crok@clintel.org
You can support us by becoming Friends of Clintel or you can make a one-time donation.
Many thanks in advance for your support!
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