CLINTEL, the climate intelligence organisation of over 800 scientists, scholars and professionals, have sent an open letter to world leaders – LESSON IN HUMILITY – UNPREDICTABLE NATURAL FORCES CHANGE THE WORLD. The world is in the middle of a serious health crisis. Today, the people of the world face a true emergency – a health crisis in the form of the COVID-19 pandemic. People need an inspiring narrative that promises them a hopeful future.
Today, for instance, it is totally inappropriate that the billion-dollar Green New Deal focused on climate is still on the agenda of leaders such as Mr. Antonio Guterres of the UN and Mr. Frans Timmermans of the EU. Your Excellencies, compared to COVID-19 climate change is a non-problem! It is based on computer models and looks into the far future. In current health emergency, however, your attention to the peoples’ needs is today! Please, don’t continue pushing your zero carbon emission ambition in a time that the world is dealing with a deadly global crisis. Yes, there is an emergency, but it is NOT the climate.
The full text of the letter is here