5 07, 2021

Climate Sensitivity to CO2, what do we know? Part 1.

By |2021-07-08T11:23:20+02:005 July 2021|News, USA|Comments Off on Climate Sensitivity to CO2, what do we know? Part 1.

The IPCC claims, in their AR5 report, that ECS, the long-term temperature change due to doubling the atmospheric CO2 concentration or the “Equilibrium Climate Sensitivity,” likely lies between 1.5° and 4.5°C, and they provide no best estimate (IPCC, 2013, p. 85). But their average model computed ECS is 3.2°C/2xCO2. Here, “°C/2xCO2” is the temperature change [...]

2 07, 2021

Greenland Ice Core CO2 during the past 1,000 years

By |2021-07-02T11:22:08+02:002 July 2021|Book review, News, USA|Comments Off on Greenland Ice Core CO2 during the past 1,000 years

Guest Post by Renee Hannon Introduction This post compares CO2 ice core measurements from Greenland to those from Antarctica over the last millennium. Paleoclimate studies typically use only Antarctic ice cores to evaluate past CO2 fluctuations. This is because the entire Greenland CO2 datasets were deemed unreliable due to chemical reactions with impurities in the ice and [...]

23 06, 2021

Global Warming is happening, what does it mean

By |2021-06-24T15:40:45+02:0023 June 2021|News, USA|Comments Off on Global Warming is happening, what does it mean

The concepts and data used to make temperature and climate reconstructions, or estimates, are constantly evolving. Currently, there are over 100,000 global weather stations on land and over 4,500 Argo floats and weather buoys at sea. This is in addition to regular measurements by satellites and ships at sea. The measurement locations are known [...]