Press Release: KNMI scrapped too many tropical days in De Bilt
Dear readers of the CLINTEL newsletter, friends, donators, Since 2018 we (Marcel Crok and three colleagues) are investigating the homogenization of daily temperatures by KNMI. This homogenization - introduced in 2016 - had the [...]
ICSF sends climate letter to Irish government: the need for pragmatism
On November 29th, our colleagues at the Irish Climate Science Forum (ICSF) sent a letter to the Irish government leaders in reponse to the Irish Climate Action Plan: “ICSF sees that the Government [...]
’Help, what is happening with our universities’
By PROF. DR. IR. GUUS BERKHOUT This is the translated letter that Guus Berkhout of CLINTEL, published in De Telegraaf earlier this week. In recent years we have seen the strangest things happening to [...]
A message to the climate scientists present at COP26
November 11, 2021 This is part 3 of a trilogy. The full document can be downloaded as a pdf here. A message to the climate scientists present at COP26 Dear colleagues, Scientific organizations serve [...]
Message to the Young People present at COP26
Anuna De Wever and Greta Thunberg speaking during a protest in Rome in 2019. Daniele COSSU / November 8, 2021 This is part 2 of a trilogy. The full document can be downloaded [...]
Er is geen klimaatcrisis
Een wereldwijd netwerk van:
wetenschappers en experts komt met deze urgente boodschap: de klimaatwetenschap zou veel minder politiek moeten zijn, terwijl klimaatbeleid juist wetenschappelijker zou moeten zijn. Wetenschappers zouden openlijk de onzekerheden en overdrijvingen in hun klimaatvoorspellingen moeten adresseren, terwijl politici rationeel de werkelijke kosten evenals de veronderstelde voordelen van hun beleidsmaatregelen zouden moeten becijferen.