United Kingdom2023-09-16T20:24:24+02:00
2508, 2022

Declaration Saying “There is No Climate Emergency” Trends on Twitter – Greenies Have Meltdown

By |25 August 2022|News, United Kingdom|

BY CHRIS MORRISON - Reposted from the Daily Sceptic Professor Dr. Knut Loschke studied crystallography, chemistry, physics, mathematics and computer science. In the course of a long career he founded an IT [...]

2707, 2022

Krov Menuhin: “You give nature one centimeter and she will return ten kilometers”

By |27 July 2022|Interviews, News, United Kingdom|

Menuhin just out of the sea Krov Menuhin (Australia, born 1940) has travelled the world filming oceans. In 1980 he made the first underwater film about whales for the BBC. He visited [...]

2910, 2021

BBC’s Fake Climate Audit Screengrab

By |29 October 2021|Canada English, IPCC, News, United Kingdom|

By Stephen McIntyre reposted from Climate Audit On October 18, 2021, BBC (producer Owen Sheers) aired a “conspiracy thriller” entitled The Trick – though a more complete title would have been The Trick… to Hide the [...]

There is no climate emergency

 A global network of


scientists and professionals has prepared this urgent message. Climate science should be less political, while climate policies should be more scientific. Scientists should openly address uncertainties and exaggerations in their predictions of global warming, while politicians should dispassionately count the real costs as well as the imagined benefits of their policy measures.

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