3006, 2021

Agriculture policy is a climate change witch hunt

By |30 June 2021|Ireland, News, Presentation, USA, Videos|

Political debates over climate policy under the present zeitgeist of climate-change hysteria is like competing to see how many witches you can burn. This is how Professor William Happer described the situation [...]

1305, 2021

Presentation Ross McKitrick: is a worst case scenario really bad?

By |13 May 2021|Canada English, Ireland, News, Presentation, Videos|

Ross McKitrick, the Canadian economics professor who publishes regularly in climate journals, gave an online talk for the Irish Climate Science Forum and the international CLINTEL Foundation (of which I am the cofounder). [...]

504, 2021

The Imaginary Climate Crisis: How can we Change the Message? A talk by Richard Lindzen

By |5 April 2021|News, USA, Videos|

The Irish Climate Science Forum (ICSF) in cooperation with CLINTEL hosted a lecture by the world-renowned climate scientist Richard Lindzen. The online lecture was attended by around 200 people from around the world [...]

1901, 2021

“Klimaschau” (Climate News) with Sebastian Lüning

By |19 January 2021|Germany, Videos|

Sebastian Lüning, the always active geologist and marathon runner, author of the wellknown book Die Kalte Sonne (The Neglected Sun) and more recent Unerwünschte Wahrheiten: Was Sie über den Klimawandel wissen sollten, [...]

Database of videos

Many in our great group of signatories have given public talks throughout the years. On this page we frequently upload old or new talks. If you are a signatory and you want your talk to be uploaded here, contact us at