Agriculture policy is a climate change witch hunt
Political debates over climate policy under the present zeitgeist of climate-change hysteria is like competing to see how many witches you can burn. This is how Professor William Happer described the situation [...]
Presentation Ross McKitrick: is a worst case scenario really bad?
Ross McKitrick, the Canadian economics professor who publishes regularly in climate journals, gave an online talk for the Irish Climate Science Forum and the international CLINTEL Foundation (of which I am the cofounder). [...]
The Imaginary Climate Crisis: How can we Change the Message? A talk by Richard Lindzen
The Irish Climate Science Forum (ICSF) in cooperation with CLINTEL hosted a lecture by the world-renowned climate scientist Richard Lindzen. The online lecture was attended by around 200 people from around the world [...]
“Klimaschau” (Climate News) with Sebastian Lüning
Sebastian Lüning, the always active geologist and marathon runner, author of the wellknown book Die Kalte Sonne (The Neglected Sun) and more recent Unerwünschte Wahrheiten: Was Sie über den Klimawandel wissen sollten, [...]
The Integrity of Science is at Stake
Professor Guus Berkhout, President of CLINTEL, the climate intelligence group out of the Netherlands, is challenging National Academies of Sciences, beginning with that of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences/KNAW where [...]