26 11, 2021

’Help, what is happening with our universities’

By |2021-11-26T13:49:18+01:0026 November 2021|CLINTEL, News, The Netherlands|Comments Off on ’Help, what is happening with our universities’

By PROF. DR. IR. GUUS BERKHOUT This is the translated letter that Guus Berkhout of CLINTEL, published in De Telegraaf earlier this week. In recent years we have seen the strangest things happening to our universities. Professors must be extremely careful about what they teach. If they present scientific results that do not fit [...]

15 11, 2021

CLINTEL na ruskoj TV

By |2021-11-15T16:16:23+01:0015 November 2021|CLINTEL, Croatia|Comments Off on CLINTEL na ruskoj TV

15. studenoga 2021. U informativnoj tjednoj emisiji na prvom programu državne ruske televizije u nedjelju, 10.10. ove godine prikazan je prilog o klimatskim promjenama.  Gospođa Luba Zoebkova, koja živi u Nizozemskoj,  je za CLINTEL prevela komentatora na engleski, a ovdje donosim svoj prijevod s engleskog: Zagrijavanje Zemlje kao nova religija o [...]

12 11, 2021

A message to the climate scientists present at COP26

By |2021-11-24T16:28:19+01:0012 November 2021|CLINTEL, Letter, News, The Netherlands|Comments Off on A message to the climate scientists present at COP26

November 11, 2021 This is part 3 of a trilogy. The full document can be downloaded as a pdf here. A message to the climate scientists present at COP26 Dear colleagues, Scientific organizations serve society by fostering, creating and passing on new scientific knowledge through research and teaching. Today, quality universities have become a [...]

10 11, 2021

Message to the Young People present at COP26

By |2021-11-24T16:29:08+01:0010 November 2021|CLINTEL, Letter, News, The Netherlands|Comments Off on Message to the Young People present at COP26

Anuna De Wever and Greta Thunberg speaking during a protest in Rome in 2019. Daniele COSSU / Shutterstock.com November 8, 2021 This is part 2 of a trilogy. The full document can be downloaded as a pdf here. Dear Youngsters, Climate alarmists are telling you that the older generation has caused catastrophic global warming [...]