5 03, 2025

ICSF/Clintel lecture by Prof Kees de Lange 

By |2025-03-05T16:35:25+01:005 March 2025|Climate change, CLINTEL, Ireland, News, Presentation, The Netherlands|Comments Off on ICSF/Clintel lecture by Prof Kees de Lange 

In this lecture Prof Kees de Lange goes back to the basics, learning from observations rather than models, thereby demonstrating that there is no credible climate crisis, and that there is much more to climate than CO2 alone. He then focuses on cloud composition and the lack of experimental data, now hampering progress [...]

15 12, 2024

Is the detection and attribution of climate change really settled science?

By |2024-12-15T12:16:20+01:0015 December 2024|IPCC, Ireland, News, USA|Comments Off on Is the detection and attribution of climate change really settled science?

The CERES team (Willie Soon, Ronan and Michael Connolly) was invited by the Heritage Foundation to contribute a Special Report on what is known about the causes of global warming since the 1850s. Although they were offered payment for this report, they did it pro bono for the reasons they outline [...]

15 10, 2024

Prophets of Doom: The Green Elite’s War on Human Progress

By |2024-10-15T17:25:49+02:0015 October 2024|Australia, Canada English, Climate policy, CLINTEL, IPCC, Ireland, New Zealand, News, South Africa, United Kingdom, USA|Comments Off on Prophets of Doom: The Green Elite’s War on Human Progress

Why the 2024 climate report is more about fear than facts. The recent article published in BioScience, "The 2024 state of the climate report: Perilous times on planet Earth," is a parade of exaggerated claims and half-truths, a propaganda piece designed to scare the public into adopting misguided policies while turning a [...]

2 06, 2023

The Great Snow Cover Debate: Are we seeing more snow or less?

By |2023-06-02T09:51:52+02:002 June 2023|IPCC, Ireland, News, USA, Videos|Comments Off on The Great Snow Cover Debate: Are we seeing more snow or less?

Willie Soon, Ronan and his father Michael Connolly released a new interesting video about the snow cover debate. Clintel covers this debate in chapter 4 of our report The Frozen Climate Views of the IPCC. The three scientists published a paper in 2019 comparing snow cover in climate models with observations. In [...]

3 06, 2022

Looking at the sun

By |2022-06-03T17:05:35+02:003 June 2022|Canada English, Ireland, News, Videos|Comments Off on Looking at the sun

John Robson, a historian, makes excellent short videos about climate change. You can subscribe to his channel. Yesterday he posted a somewhat longer video focussing on the role of the sun. It is very well done and I encourage everyone to look at the full 20 minutes. It discusses in quite some detail [...]

24 02, 2022

Major problems identified in the data adjustments applied to a widely used global temperature dataset

By |2022-02-24T11:56:15+01:0024 February 2022|Ireland, News|Comments Off on Major problems identified in the data adjustments applied to a widely used global temperature dataset

A new climate science study, involving a panel of 17 experts from 13 countries, has just been published in the scientific journal, Atmosphere. The study looked at the various data adjustments that are routinely applied to the European temperature records in the widely used Global Historical Climatology Network (GHCN) dataset over the last 10 [...]

2 12, 2021

Benny Peiser: “we are entering a new phase in the climate debate”

By |2021-12-02T17:57:04+01:002 December 2021|Ireland, News, Videos|Comments Off on Benny Peiser: “we are entering a new phase in the climate debate”

Benny Peiser, director of the Global Warming Policy Foundation, gave a talk for the Irish Climate Science Forum and CLINTEL. His online presentation was titled: After COP26, with a looming energy crisis, is there a realistic alternative to Net Zero? The GWPF recently rebranded the name of their campaigning arm to Net [...]

12 10, 2021

Prominent Irish climate scientist speaks out: “The science is not settled”

By |2021-10-13T10:20:32+02:0012 October 2021|Ireland, Videos|Comments Off on Prominent Irish climate scientist speaks out: “The science is not settled”

''The Science is not settled." The prominent Irish climate scientist Professor Ray Bates speaks out, in an interview with the website Gript, against the mainstream narrative on climate alarmism. He argues that climate science has become politicized. The full interview can be watched here.

9 08, 2021

Statement CLINTEL: New IPCC report provides little objective basis for policymaking

By |2021-08-11T13:44:39+02:009 August 2021|IPCC, Ireland, News|Comments Off on Statement CLINTEL: New IPCC report provides little objective basis for policymaking

Statement by CLINTEL on the publication today of the Summary for Policymakers (SPM) of Working Group I (WGI) of the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report (AR6) August 9, 2021 CLINTEL has carried out a preliminary review of the IPCC Summary for Policymakers (SPM) of the AR6 WGI report (on the Physical Science) issued today. [...]

30 06, 2021

Agriculture policy is a climate change witch hunt

By |2021-07-01T10:11:17+02:0030 June 2021|Ireland, News, Presentation, USA, Videos|Comments Off on Agriculture policy is a climate change witch hunt

Political debates over climate policy under the present zeitgeist of climate-change hysteria is like competing to see how many witches you can burn. This is how Professor William Happer described the situation after his recent lecture on the three greenhouse gases targeted by today's draconian national agricultural policies. Professor Happer gave this [...]