12 01, 2024

If fossil fuels come from fossils, why have scientists found them on one of Saturn’s moons?

By |2024-01-12T15:40:58+01:0012 January 2024|News|Comments Off on If fossil fuels come from fossils, why have scientists found them on one of Saturn’s moons?

They didn’t tell us, the term “fossil fuels” might be wrong too Dr Willie Soon unleashes on the failures of climate change and modern science for 40 minutes with Tucker Carlson (see below). As an opening he explained how one of Saturn’s moons has more liquid fuel than than all the oil and gas [...]

9 01, 2024

In Memoriam Professor Ray Bates

By |2024-01-09T12:31:20+01:009 January 2024|News|Comments Off on In Memoriam Professor Ray Bates

By Christopher Monckton of Brenchley Professor Ray Bates One of the most unpleasant utterances of the climate Communists is that all they have to do is wait and all the skeptics will die, one by one. One of the greatest of us, Professor Ray Bates, former deputy director of Met Éireann, former Branch [...]

24 12, 2023

COP28: a revival of nuclear energy and a bright future for fossil fuels

By |2023-12-24T16:10:38+01:0024 December 2023|News|Comments Off on COP28: a revival of nuclear energy and a bright future for fossil fuels

By Samuel Furfari reposted from Factuel Source: Shutterstock For some, COP28 seems to have been a breakthrough, with the word "energy" included in the conclusions for the first time. The mention of the "transition away" from fossil fuels caused a stir, but on analysis of the text, there are so many loopholes that [...]

22 12, 2023

Ross McKitrick: The only thing wrong with the globalist climate agenda — the people won’t have it

By |2023-12-24T14:56:14+01:0022 December 2023|Climate policy, News|Comments Off on Ross McKitrick: The only thing wrong with the globalist climate agenda — the people won’t have it

Phasing out fossil fuels is going to cost way more than ordinary people will accept. Delegates to COP28 clearly didn't understand that Author of the article: Ross McKitrick, Special to Financial Post It’s tempting to dismiss the outcome of COP28, the recent United Nations climate change conference in the United Arab Emirates, as [...]

20 12, 2023

More coal burned on Earth in 2023 than ever before in human history

By |2023-12-22T13:02:23+01:0020 December 2023|News|Comments Off on More coal burned on Earth in 2023 than ever before in human history

By Jo Nova The best kept secret in the world is that humans are using more coal than ever So much for the “stranded dead asset”. In 2022 the world set a new all-time record for coal use — reaching 8.4 billion tons. In 2023, despite all the Net Zero billions [...]

7 12, 2023

New study of consensus entrails shows 67% of papers don’t accept Man-made-climate-catastrophe

By |2023-12-07T18:45:13+01:007 December 2023|Australia, News|Comments Off on New study of consensus entrails shows 67% of papers don’t accept Man-made-climate-catastrophe

By Jo Nova A new paper tries to clean up the chicken entrail decrees of Mark Lynas  (and earlier of John Cook) and concludes that their methodology is so bad, a 99.85% consensus could just as easily have been 32%. All the papers in between 32 and 99% were neutral on the cause [...]

7 12, 2023

The earth is warming, but is CO2 the cause?

By |2023-12-28T09:36:58+01:007 December 2023|News, Norway|Comments Off on The earth is warming, but is CO2 the cause?

By Ingemar Nordin There was quite a stir when the Norwegian Statistics centre published a paper by John K. Dagsvik and Sigmund H. Moen. The paper has the title “To what extent are temperature levels changing due to greenhouse gas emissions?” It was also noticed abroad: Source: Wall Street Journal  The [...]

24 11, 2023

A historical victory, also for climate realism

By |2023-11-24T23:06:36+01:0024 November 2023|Climate policy, CLINTEL, News|Comments Off on A historical victory, also for climate realism

The historical victory of Geert Wilders of the PVV (Party for Freedom) in the Dutch General Elections of November 22nd was primarily linked to the theme of immigration. But let’s not forget that the PVV has also been a climate sceptic party for many years now. The party doesn’t want money-consuming climate plans [...]

23 11, 2023

Nic Lewis debunks James Hansen’s overheated claims

By |2023-11-23T16:46:43+01:0023 November 2023|News, USA|Comments Off on Nic Lewis debunks James Hansen’s overheated claims

By Nic Lewis reposted from Climate Etc. James Hansen’s latest paper “Global warming in the pipeline” (Hansen et al. (2023)) has already been heavily criticized in a lengthy comment by Michael Mann, author of the original IPCC ‘hockey stick’. However Mann does not deal with Hansen’s surprisingly high (4.8°C) new estimate of equilibrium climate sensitivity (ECS)ECS [...]

22 11, 2023

Are El Niño’s becoming stronger?

By |2023-11-22T14:11:09+01:0022 November 2023|News, USA|Comments Off on Are El Niño’s becoming stronger?

By Ralph B. Alexander reposted from Science Under Attack "If it [a scientific hypothesis] disagrees with experiment, it’s WRONG." – Nobel Prize winner Richard Feynman No Evidence That Today’s El Niños Are Any Stronger than in the Past The current exceptionally strong El Niño has revived discussion of a question [...]