30 10, 2021

CLINTEL catalogs IPCC errors in time for UN COP 26

By |2021-10-31T20:21:22+01:0030 October 2021|News, USA|Comments Off on CLINTEL catalogs IPCC errors in time for UN COP 26

Teaming with the Irish Climate Science Forum, CLINTEL has produced a 17 page catalog of “misrepresentations” in the 40 page IPCC AR6 Summary for Policy Makers, better known as the SPM. Now they have sent this error list to the IPCC Chair and other world leaders. You can read it here. The analysis [...]

29 10, 2021

BBC’s Fake Climate Audit Screengrab

By |2021-10-29T11:57:22+02:0029 October 2021|Canada English, IPCC, News, United Kingdom|Comments Off on BBC’s Fake Climate Audit Screengrab

By Stephen McIntyre reposted from Climate Audit On October 18, 2021, BBC (producer Owen Sheers) aired a “conspiracy thriller” entitled The Trick – though a more complete title would have been The Trick… to Hide the Trick to Hide the Decline. In a forthcoming post, I’ll do a longer analysis of the trick in which, to [...]

28 10, 2021

The Extreme Scenario that IPCC Saw as Most Likely in 2013 is Now Judged Low Likelihood

By |2021-10-28T16:31:41+02:0028 October 2021|IPCC, News, USA|Comments Off on The Extreme Scenario that IPCC Saw as Most Likely in 2013 is Now Judged Low Likelihood

Jim O'Brien, Clintel's Irish ambassador and active in the Irish Climate Science Forum regularly organizes very interesting lectures given by prominent climate scientists. Last night the well-known US climate/policy scientist Roger Pielke Jr had the virtual floor. The full talk can be viewed above or on youtube. In his lecture, Roger will [...]

28 10, 2021

China benefits from Western climate hysteria

By |2021-10-28T15:40:31+02:0028 October 2021|China, News, USA|Comments Off on China benefits from Western climate hysteria

The CCP (China Communist Party) is by far the biggest emitter of greenhouse gases on the planet. Is that a problem? By Richard S. Lindzen reposted from Tablet Magazine Overlooking Beijing Shougang Industrial Zone / Shutterstock.com Many of the world’s leaders appear to believe that emissions of carbon dioxide (CO₂) constitute an existential [...]

26 10, 2021

Clintel letter to world leaders: serious misrepresentations in latest IPCC report

By |2021-10-26T16:00:12+02:0026 October 2021|IPCC, News|Comments Off on Clintel letter to world leaders: serious misrepresentations in latest IPCC report

October 26, 2021 Attention: Dr Hoesung Lee, Chair of the IPCC, c/o WMO, 7bis Ave de la Paix, CP2800, CH-1211 Geneva 2, Switzerland. CLINTEL expresses serious concerns on scientific misrepresentations in the Summary for Policymakers Dear Dr Lee, As you already know, CLINTEL is a group of over 900 highly-experienced climate scientists and [...]

18 10, 2021

China Backtracking?

By |2021-10-19T12:18:56+02:0018 October 2021|News, United Kingdom|Comments Off on China Backtracking?

Reposted from NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE KNOW THAT By Paul Homewood Signs that China is already backtracking on its climate pledges: China plans to build more coal-fired power plants and has hinted that it will rethink its timetable to slash emissions, in a significant blow to the UK’s ambitions for securing [...]

18 10, 2021

No signs of a climate emergency for W. Hudson Bay polar bears this year ahead of UN climate meeting

By |2021-10-19T12:17:15+02:0018 October 2021|Canada English, News|Comments Off on No signs of a climate emergency for W. Hudson Bay polar bears this year ahead of UN climate meeting

Reposted from Dr. Susan Crockford’s Polar Bear Science By Susan Crockford I’ve been told that another complete aerial survey of the Western Hudson Bay polar bear subpopulation (from the Nunavut to Ontario boundaries) was conducted in August this year and that the bears have been hanging out further south than usual. It will be [...]

14 10, 2021

Europe’s green plans are ruinous and destructive

By |2021-10-14T12:11:34+02:0014 October 2021|Belgium Dutch, Belgium French, News|Comments Off on Europe’s green plans are ruinous and destructive

Reposted from BrusselsReport.eu Flanked by cooling towers, a nuclear reactor is contained inside a spherical containment building (Wikipedia - Copyright: Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0)) By Samuel Furfari, Professor at Université libre de Bruxelles, President of the European Society for Engineers and Industrialists, and former European Commission official, and Ernest Mund, Professor Em. [...]

13 10, 2021

Peter Ridd Case: Academic Freedom Just Died in Australia

By |2021-10-13T10:16:48+02:0013 October 2021|Australia, News|Comments Off on Peter Ridd Case: Academic Freedom Just Died in Australia

Guest essay by Eric Worrall on Watts Up With That? James Cook University professor Peter Ridd. Picture: Cameron Laird Australia’s High Court has ruled that University administrators have the right to fire academics for breach of employment code of conduct, which has precedence over academic freedom. It is with a heavy heart that I [...]

11 10, 2021

Unique programme at 14th EIKE Climate Conference

By |2021-10-29T17:50:52+02:0011 October 2021|News|Comments Off on Unique programme at 14th EIKE Climate Conference

At the same time as the UN Climate Conference in Glasgow, there is also a big sceptic climate conference: IKEK 14, on November 12 and 13 in Gera (Germany). The conference is organized by EIKE, the German climate realist organization. EIKE has succeeded in compiling a programme with several top names from climate-sceptic science. [...]