5 03, 2025

ICSF/Clintel lecture by Prof Kees de Lange 

By |2025-03-05T16:35:25+01:005 March 2025|Climate change, CLINTEL, Ireland, News, Presentation, The Netherlands|Comments Off on ICSF/Clintel lecture by Prof Kees de Lange 

In this lecture Prof Kees de Lange goes back to the basics, learning from observations rather than models, thereby demonstrating that there is no credible climate crisis, and that there is much more to climate than CO2 alone. He then focuses on cloud composition and the lack of experimental data, now hampering progress [...]

30 06, 2021

Agriculture policy is a climate change witch hunt

By |2021-07-01T10:11:17+02:0030 June 2021|Ireland, News, Presentation, USA, Videos|Comments Off on Agriculture policy is a climate change witch hunt

Political debates over climate policy under the present zeitgeist of climate-change hysteria is like competing to see how many witches you can burn. This is how Professor William Happer described the situation after his recent lecture on the three greenhouse gases targeted by today's draconian national agricultural policies. Professor Happer gave this [...]

13 05, 2021

Presentation Ross McKitrick: is a worst case scenario really bad?

By |2021-07-01T10:13:49+02:0013 May 2021|Canada English, Ireland, News, Presentation, Videos|Comments Off on Presentation Ross McKitrick: is a worst case scenario really bad?

Ross McKitrick, the Canadian economics professor who publishes regularly in climate journals, gave an online talk for the Irish Climate Science Forum and the international CLINTEL Foundation (of which I am the cofounder). I have some sort of special bond with both McKitrick and McIntyre, because back in 2004, when I was an [...]

24 01, 2020

Presentation Guus Berkhout about the World Climate Declaration

By |2020-03-27T16:56:24+01:0024 January 2020|News, Presentation, Videos|Comments Off on Presentation Guus Berkhout about the World Climate Declaration

Guus Berkhout, president of the Climate Intelligence Foundation (CLINTEL) has given a presentation at SpeakersAcademyTV. He is explaining the World Climate Declaration of CLINTEL. Please share as widely as possible. This comes with an essay also titled There is no climate emergency.