27 07, 2021

Fact check : What the floods really have to do with “climate”

By |2021-07-27T16:18:35+02:0027 July 2021|Australia, Canada English, News, United Kingdom, USA|Comments Off on Fact check : What the floods really have to do with “climate”

By Sebastian Lüning In medieval times, the priest would have declared that it would have been a punishment from God for the wicked behavior of sinners. Today's explanation is unfortunately not far from that. In mid-July 2021, prolonged heavy rain caused severe flooding in western Germany. There were many dead and missing, [...]

19 06, 2021

Do extreme temperatures really increase mortality?

By |2021-06-19T11:45:13+02:0019 June 2021|News|Comments Off on Do extreme temperatures really increase mortality?

Climate change, relative to the pre-industrial baseline, is alleged to cause already over one third of all heat-related deaths globally. If this is true, the number of cold-related deaths due to climate change must have decreased much more. But that is never addressed by climate researchers. Extreme heat can kill, even in the Netherlands. [...]