CLINTEL on Russian TV
A Russian woman living in The Netherlands, informed us that the World Climate Declaration by CLINTEL (minute 4:10), Guus Berkhout (minute 3:27) and other CLINTEL ambassadors, were featured prominently on Russian tv, in a [...]
Cooling dominates warming
Guest Post by Wim Röst Abstract It is said that the Earth’s surface temperature variations are controlled by [human-induced] greenhouse gases1. This is not the case. When cooling systems dominate, surface temperatures are [...]
Message of CLINTEL to National Politicians and World Leaders at COP26
November 2, 2021 This is part 1 of a trilogy. The full document can be downloaded as a pdf here. Message of CLINTEL to National Politicians [...]
Clintel proposes a new way to analyze climate data
By David Wojick In his lengthy video presentation, CLINTEL President Guus Berkhout proposes creation of a new analytical facility -- the Laboratory of Climate Imaging, Int. -- to look at climate data in a [...]
Politicians Can’t Stop Climate Change
Free Online Events with Dr. Guus Berkhout and Marc Morano An open letter to Canadians explains that the best science insights of the recent IPCC AR6 report show the climate emergency is over, and [...]
Er is geen klimaatcrisis
Een wereldwijd netwerk van:
wetenschappers en experts komt met deze urgente boodschap: de klimaatwetenschap zou veel minder politiek moeten zijn, terwijl klimaatbeleid juist wetenschappelijker zou moeten zijn. Wetenschappers zouden openlijk de onzekerheden en overdrijvingen in hun klimaatvoorspellingen moeten adresseren, terwijl politici rationeel de werkelijke kosten evenals de veronderstelde voordelen van hun beleidsmaatregelen zouden moeten becijferen.