The Netherlands2023-09-21T20:14:30+02:00
3009, 2021

New Yorker Magazine Has a Moral Obligation to Open the Climate Debate Before COP26, says Friends of Science Society

By |30 September 2021|Canada English, News, The Netherlands, USA|

In response to a recent podcast by David Remnick with Swedish climate activist Andreas Malm, who advocates sabotage for critical infrastructure that underpins modern society, The New Yorker has a moral obligation to [...]

3009, 2021

The Legal Doctrine of “Carbon Crimes”—Torturing Law and Reason to Rid the Planet of Climate-Change Deniers

By |30 September 2021|Belgium Dutch, News, The Netherlands|

By Prof. em. dr. Lucas Bergkamp, LL.M. - Original post in Dutch here Abstract The climate movement has discovered criminal law as a tool for conducting climate politics. To complement civil lawsuits [...]

1609, 2021

Sanctioning the religion of science: is the Pope shifting sides?

By |16 September 2021|News, The Netherlands|

Sanna (24) wants to be sterilised for the climate - Scary to have children. This is the translated title of a Norwegian article posted on the website of the NRK, the Norwegian broadcasting [...]

2107, 2021

Why that extra metre of sea level rise in 2100 is not going to happen after all

By |21 July 2021|News, The Netherlands|

By Arnout Jaspers Thwaites Glacier. Credit: NASA/James Yungel In 2016, a headline grabbing study said that the Antarctic ice sheet is much more unstable than was estimated untill then.  As a consequence, [...]

Er is geen klimaatcrisis

Een wereldwijd netwerk van:


wetenschappers en experts komt met deze urgente boodschap: de klimaatwetenschap zou veel minder politiek moeten zijn, terwijl klimaatbeleid juist wetenschappelijker zou moeten zijn. Wetenschappers zouden openlijk de onzekerheden en overdrijvingen in hun klimaatvoorspellingen moeten adresseren, terwijl politici rationeel de werkelijke kosten evenals de veronderstelde voordelen van hun beleidsmaatregelen zouden moeten becijferen.

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