About Marcel Crok

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So far Marcel Crok has created 28 blog entries.
24 01, 2020

Presentation Guus Berkhout about the World Climate Declaration

By |2020-03-27T16:56:24+01:0024 January 2020|News, Presentation, Videos|Comments Off on Presentation Guus Berkhout about the World Climate Declaration

Guus Berkhout, president of the Climate Intelligence Foundation (CLINTEL) has given a presentation at SpeakersAcademyTV. He is explaining the World Climate Declaration of CLINTEL. Please share as widely as possible. This comes with an essay also titled There is no climate emergency.

24 01, 2020

CLINTEL Letter to World Economic Forum

By |2020-01-28T17:32:34+01:0024 January 2020|Letter, News|Comments Off on CLINTEL Letter to World Economic Forum

To: Borge Brende President World Economic Forum Professor Guus Berkhout President of CLINTEL guus.berkhout@clintelgroup.org January 20, 2020 Your Excellency, Despite global warming, the past 150± years has resulted in an unprecedented increase in the quality and duration of human life all over our planet. For example, poverty was never as low as today. [...]

28 11, 2019

Letter to MEP’s: there is no climate emergency

By |2020-01-25T10:35:48+01:0028 November 2019|Letter, News|Comments Off on Letter to MEP’s: there is no climate emergency

Dear Members of the European Parliament Please, find enclosed a letter in which more than 700 prominent scientists (‘CLINTEL Group’) call on the members of the European Parliament to reject a motion to announce the state of climate emergency in the European Union. On the behalf of the CLINTEL Group, Dr. Guus Berkhout, Emeritus [...]

27 11, 2019

European Groups Call On MEPs To Reject ‘Climate Emergency’ Vote

By |2020-01-25T10:36:01+01:0027 November 2019|News|Comments Off on European Groups Call On MEPs To Reject ‘Climate Emergency’ Vote

A group of European organisations is calling on MEPs to reject a motion to announce a ‘climate emergency’ when the European Parliament votes on it tomorrow. The European Climate Realist Network (ECRN) is concerned that unjustified panic and alarm could pressure MEPs into supporting costly policies that will hurt European families, businesses and Europe’s economic stability [...]

23 11, 2019

European Parliament Told: There is No Climate Emergency

By |2020-03-27T16:57:02+01:0023 November 2019|News, Videos|Comments Off on European Parliament Told: There is No Climate Emergency

At a press conference on Wednesday (20th November), the European Parliament was told: ‘there is no climate emergency’. One MEP became emotional and accused the organisers of ‘collective manslaughter’ on future generations. Date: 23/11/19 By Harry Wilkinson, Global Warming Policy Forum The press conference was hosted by the European Conservatives [...]

13 11, 2019

Letter to Jean-Claude Juncker: there is no climate emergency

By |2020-01-25T10:36:32+01:0013 November 2019|News|Comments Off on Letter to Jean-Claude Juncker: there is no climate emergency

Professor Guus Berkhout guus.berkhout@clintelgroup.org 13 November 2019 Mr. Jean-Claude Juncker, President European Commission Dr. Ursula von der Leyen, President-elect European Commission Dr. Frans Timmermans, Executive Vice President European Commission Wetstraat 200 1049 Brussels Your Excellencies, There is no Climate Emergency A global network of more than 700 knowledgeable and experienced scientists and professionals have [...]

18 10, 2019

There is no climate emergency, say 700 experts

By |2019-11-29T09:54:21+01:0018 October 2019|News|Comments Off on There is no climate emergency, say 700 experts

A new, high-level global network of more than 700 prominent climate scientists and professionals has submitted a declaration that there is no “climate emergency”. The group has recently sent the Declaration with a registered letter to António Guterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations. This action has received overwhelming response from all over the world. [...]

23 09, 2019

Prominent scientists warn UN Secretary-General Guterres

By |2020-01-24T16:17:22+01:0023 September 2019|News|Comments Off on Prominent scientists warn UN Secretary-General Guterres

A group of 500 prominent scientists and professionals, led by the CLINTEL co-founder Guus Berkhout, has sent a registered letter to the Secretary-General of the UN, António Guterres. They warn the Secretary-General that “[c]urrent climate policies pointlessly and grievously undermine the economic system, putting lives at risk in countries denied access to affordable, reliable [...]