Fact check : What the floods really have to do with “climate”
By Sebastian Lüning In medieval times, the priest would have declared that it would have been a punishment from God for the wicked behavior of sinners. Today's explanation is unfortunately not far from that. [...]
Presentation Ross McKitrick: is a worst case scenario really bad?
Ross McKitrick, the Canadian economics professor who publishes regularly in climate journals, gave an online talk for the Irish Climate Science Forum and the international CLINTEL Foundation (of which I am the cofounder). [...]
Is there a climate emergency?
Glacier Bay Alaska The word “emergency” means a crisis that threatens immediate harm unless urgent action is taken. “Climate change” refers to long slow variations in key features of our weather, such as 30-year [...]
The Real World of GHG Emissions and Growth Contributed by Robert Lyman © 2021 Many people in Europe and North America today take it for granted that what the countries of “the west” decide to [...]
Fake Invisible Catastrophes and Threats of Doom
If you read one book on climate change, let it be this one By Christopher Monckton of Brenchley There are many books on climate change, from both sides of the debate. On our side, [...]
There is no climate emergency
A global network of
scientists and professionals has prepared this urgent message. Climate science should be less political, while climate policies should be more scientific. Scientists should openly address uncertainties and exaggerations in their predictions of global warming, while politicians should dispassionately count the real costs as well as the imagined benefits of their policy measures.